Learning About my Role that the System gave Me

Sora Reith was celebrating his 10th birthday with a little chocolate cake, that the madam bought.

The Madam, also known as Ma'am Diana, was a strict and hateful woman that only works at the orphanage because of the pay and the free services she got, like good food and the opportunity of meeting a kid whose fortune could help her live without worries. Of course, that was quite difficult information to get. For example, she never knew that Sora's fortune was something other kids' couldn't be compared to.

Sora seemed to be looking at the little cake left in front of him with a face full of surprise, Ma'am Diana thought that the boy must be speechless because of the cake.

"Little kids always got excited and surprised with anything" Ma'am Diana muttered quietly and left the room.

However, Sora wasn't looking at the cake, but at something that was in front of him and that he only could see...


Name: Sora Reith

Level: 1

Age: 10 years

Species: Human

Title: The Master

Occupation: Dungeon Master

HP: 50/100

MP: 10

Servants: 0/2


Strength: 5

Stamina: 5

Agility: 8

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Charisma: 5

(Stat points: 0)


Passive Skills:

- Patience Lv. Max

- Monsters' Respect Lv. 1

Active Skills:

- Builder Lv. 1

- Monster Summon Lv. 1

- Total Authority Lv. 1

- Portal Summon Lv. Max


Sora looked at his personal window and was surprised to see it, especially because he was only ten years old.

He wanted to check everything that appeared on the terminal, but he understood that it was not the time nor the place. So he quickly ate the little portion of came that was for him and gave the rest to the younger kids. Sora went straight to his room and closed the door.

"Ok, time to check everything" Sora murmured to him with a shaky voice.

He clicked first on the 'Title' tab.


Title: The Master

You are recognized by the system to be the hope and the nightmare of humanity. You have the authority to summon portals of any strength and build a dungeon inside them. "The Master" is one of the ——.


Sora looked at the information of the title "The Master" and was left speechless with the words "... hope and nightmare of humanity...", and also because of the incomplete information at the end.

The next thing he read was his occupation that it was clear like glass. Then he saw that his HP was only at the half which he deduced was like that because of the malnutrition he experiences in the orphanage. Then, he looked at the tab of "Minions", he selected it to see if there was some information regarding it.


Servants: 0/2. Number of your main forces inside and outside your dungeon. You are capable of making a contract of master/servant with creatures or monsters that are at your level or below. The number of contracts or minions you can have will increase by 1 every time your Charisma reaches a multiply of 5. The level of the monster/creature you can make a contract with will increase with your level. The contract monster/creature can increase its level individually. Warning! If the level of the contractor is inferior by ten levels, the monster/creature can cancel the contract and attack the contractor.


"Well, at least it's easy to understand," Sora reread it to confirm that he understood the warning, "Now let's check my [Stat] window..." Sora looked at the 6 attributes that appeared, he noticed that only her vitality and intelligence were on 10 and also were the highest ones, with agility with 8, and the rest in 5 points. He was weak, even for someone of his age.

"I need to begin to think which attributes I'll increase. I think that the main ones are my intelligence and my charisma, but also I need to consider my strength and stamina. I need to try to equilibrate them with my agility first, then I'll consider what to do next" Sora observed everything, and decided to go with that for the time being.

Next were his Skills, which were divided into 'Passive Skills' and 'Active Skills'. He really didn't understand what was the difference between them, maybe other kids of his age could tell, but he, who was an orphan and had zero contact with video games and other hunters (he is an introvert child), couldn't make a sense. He put on his list of priorities to study and learn more of the System and its lingo.

He checked his two Passive Skills and read their information.


Patience Lv. Max; The Master needs the patience to command his troops and maintain order inside the dungeons. Your patience's at its highest level, no matter what your subordinates do you'll have the patience and tolerance to listen and observed them. Once a punishment is needed you'll maintain your clearness while deciding.

Monster's Respect Lv. 1; You are human, so monsters and other creatures will be apprehensive, overconfident, arrogant, and more in front of you. You want them to obey you, you must gain their respect and in some cases their trust. Increase your skill level by gaining their trust and approbation, show them that you are at the highest position in their hierarchy! Don't let the demon king scared you!


Sora thought of the last phrase like a joke of the System, but he understood how his two passive skills worked. Then, he looked at the other section of Skills, the Active Skills.

Sora selected his first active skill: Total Authority.


Total Authority Lv. 1; You are capable of giving orders to anyone who is two levels lower than yours or more. No MP consumption.

-If you try to order someone of 10 higher levels, you'll have a 5% probabilities to succeed but also the MP cost will be 25 for each try (notice, the MP points required will increase with the higher level in 25 p, while the probabilities will decrease in 0.1).

-If you try to order to anyone whose between two levels lower to ten levels higher, you'll have a 50% chance of succeeding (notice, depending on the level close to your level will have an increase or decrease of 5% chance, the MP consume is of 5 p that would increase or decrease in 5 depending on the level. Also, the MP consumption and probabilities will decrease and increase, respectively, with the level of the skill).


"This is more difficult to understand, it means that anyone on two levels lower I can command them without wasting MP, ones on ten levels higher have a probability of 5% of success and the cost is 25 MP for each try, it will increase and decrease the consume of MP and the percentage of probabilities. Finally, the levels, that are left, will abide with the last paragraph," it was a lot of information for Sora to digest, but he was giving his all to understand his skills.


Portal Summon Lv. Max; You can summon any portal of any rank.

- Portal Ranks:

— F-Rank (Level required: 15, MP needed: 100)

— E-Rank (Level required: 25, MP needed: 250)

— D-Rank (Level required: 40, MP needed: 450)

— C-Rank (Level required: 60, MP needed: 700)

— B-Rank (Level required: 80, MP needed: 1050)

— A-Rank (Level required: 120, MP needed: 2000)

— S-Rank (Level required: 180, MP needed: 5000)

- The Master's Dungeon (Portal)(one use)(bonus for the "The Master" title) MP consumption: 15.


"Wow!" no more words left his mouth. With his deficient information about hunters and portals, Sora didn't understand anything of the information that was given to him by the System. It seemed like the System approve the ranking the people on Earth gave to the different phases of strength.

Finally, Sora checked the last two 'Active Skills'.


Builder Lv. 1; You have the ability to construct a dungeon right from the start. There exist different kinds of dungeons, some of the bigger ones have some 'rest floors', which helps the hunter or adventure to take a breath. The variety will be unlocked with the skill growth.

+Unlocked dungeons:

— Deris: Wide space with a room boss at the other end of the entrance of the dungeon.

Monster Summon Lv. 1; You are able to summon a monster or a group of monsters that will stay at the dungeon where they were summoned. These monsters don't have any intelligence, but depending on the environment (dungeon) they develop, they will acquire a certain degree of intelligence. They also are harmless if they are summoned outside a dungeon, but not if they leave the dungeon they were summoned into the main world (Earth). The boss for each dungeon will be provided by the System, the only exception is The Master's Dungeon.

-Maximum number of summons: 50 monsters.

-MP consumption: 1 for one monster.

(Notice: you can replenish the number of monsters 2 times, each dungeon has a limit of monsters living inside, if you exceed the number, they'll begin to fight between them. The number of summons and replenish times will increase with the increase in the level of the skill)

Note: The Master's Dungeon is an exception in all listed above except the MP consumption


"They're pretty useful, but with their levels, they really seemed like trash! I can't use anyone of my skills, no matter if they are passive or active, with my current level and power they are useless, even my Passive Skill 'Monsters' Respect'" Sora was a bit desperate with his skills, mainly because he didn't understand many things.

Sora was now tired with all the information he got, and also it was already late for a kid of his age to stay awake. So he turned off the light of his room (he appreciated that one good thing of the orphanage she was living at, was that they give the kids an individual room; they have more privacy like that.) Sora also thought of another problem while laying on his bed.

"How will I increase my level?" Sora wondered but in the end, hr left it to tomorrow.

It was time to sleep.