Activating a 'Passive' Skill

Julieth looked at the cold smile that Sora was giving her, and it reminded her of the stare her King usually uses when dictating a sentence.

Sora quickly went to his memories about the use of the skill.


Monster's Respect Lv. 1; You are human, so monsters and other creatures will be apprehensive, overconfident, arrogant, and more in front of you. You want them to obey you, you must gain their respect and in some cases their trust. Increase your skill level by gaining their trust and approbation, show them that you are at the highest position in their hierarchy! Don't let the demon king scare you!


When he read the description of the skill, he felt something wasn't right since the beginning. It didn't really explain it works, it only says how you can level up it. He looked into videogame books to understand more about their vocabulary and their meanings. He found that Passive Skills are always active, not like the Active ones that needed mana to work.

However, it seemed that the ~Monster's Respect~ Skill needed to be activated before you can notice its effects.

Sora thought that with that uniqueness it was actually an Active Skill and that the System made a mistake. However, after he checked it he noticed that the skill actually had more of its description than it first appeared.

The reason was simply: he needed to level up it and so the description of each level was "hide".

He got more information about the skill after meeting Arkon and Sylgard. It seemed that the information would be unlocked at the same time he meets with new monsters capable of communicating with him.

So the new description of the skill was the next one:


Monster's Respect Lv. 1; You are human, so monsters and other creatures will be apprehensive, overconfident, arrogant, and more in front of you. You want them to obey you, you must gain their respect and in some cases their trust. Increase your skill level by gaining their trust and approbation, show them that you are at the highest position in their hierarchy! Don't let the demon king scare you!

Info Unlocked:

+ Lv. 1: You can turn it on and off.

- Disadvantages: While the skill is turn on, hunters and corrupted creatures will detect your strange aura.

+ Lv. 2: You can turn it on and off.

- Advantages: Monsters with levels 1 to 10 will always show you respect. From level 11 to 20 will recognize you as The Master. From level 21 to 30 will feel your aura but they'll be not as respectful as the first ones.

- Disadvantages: While the skill is turn on, hunters and corrupted creatures will detect your strange aura.


¬ Corrupted creatures.

¬ Creatures with a master.

Info Locked:

+ Lv. 3

+ Lv. 4

+ Lv. 5

+ Lv. 6

+ Lv. 7

+ Lv. 8

+ Lv. 9

+ Lv. 10


It was now more complete and with those disadvantages, Sora understood why he needed to turn it off. Also, he hoped that someday he would not need to do that anymore and finally have it as a true passive skill.

Well, returning with the main topic, Julieth looked at him and his cold smile when she suddenly felt a shiver in her back and her eyes showed the shock she felt, but she quickly hid it. However, because of her insistent locking eyes with Sora's, Sora noticed the change she had the moment he activated the skill.

Sora quickly tuned it off before someone, more exactly a hunter noticed it.

Sadly, at the same time, a thirty-year man was passing by the library and felt a strange, cold and dangerous aura coming from the library. He quickly went to check but once he began to go upstairs where the aura was stronger, he stopped feeling it.

He continued his way and saw a kid and a woman talking. He felt that something was amiss, mainly because of the strange aura, and activated one of his skills.

It was a stealth skill he got during a raid in the actual dungeon and event.

He got closer and sit in one of the sofas.

He began to eavesdrop.

"I see... that was a good aura you have, The Master," a feminine sweet voice said.

"Yes, but hunters can also feel it, so it's troublesome and I can't use it always until I find a way to hide it or me getting stronger," a child-like voice said with some regret.

"Yes, you're a weakling! Hahahaha!" Julieth laughed loudly and was answered with an "SHH!".

"Don't be loud, we are in a library," Sora told her.

"Haha! Ok, I'll calm," Julieth cleaned a little tear that left her eye. Sora was amused to see that vampires have lacrimals. Julieth continued, "If I remember correctly, you, humans, need to be at least fifteen to be let to enter a dungeon, am I correct?"


"You are right now like ten or eleven, once you have fifteen, the portal to the dungeon will be closed by then. How will you help us or get to meet my King?"

"Arkon has just informed me that the time frame became the same as the one on Earth, is that right?" Sora didn't want to suspect the veracity of Arkon's words, but he needed to be sure.

"Yes, well, not exactly, but I think it'll be the same in one Earth's year. That's likely one year and 3 months inside the dungeon," Julieth made some calculations.

Sora was a bit stunned with the sudden information and amused with Julieth's capacity to be so accurate.

"It's practice and also a lot of time is needed to learn," Julieth read his face and guessed what he was thinking.

"Ok, if I understand correctly tell him that in two Earth's years I'll be able to meet with him. Also, Arkon and Sylgard will help him to keep defending themselves from the corrupted ones and hunters," Sora told her with a straight face.

Julieth nodded in agreement.

"Before I forget, I have something to discuss with..." Sora was saying when he was interrupted by a message from the System.



You've been detected by a hunter!


Dungeon Master be careful!


Sora read the message and tensed up.

He looked at Julieth who also seemed to notice something was wrong.


You've got a clue about the disappearance of the shadow's leaders!

50 points gained! (Shadow Hunter Event)

Rank: 5

You have heard the conversation between two suspects and got plenty of information, you must run before they catch you!


At the same time the hunter that was watching and hearing them, saw them getting quiet so suddenly, then, he received those messages remembering him that his stealth mode had ended at that moment.

He quickly turned his head to face the people that was talking and saw the cold and dead look in Julieth's eyes.

'She is an elite vampire! But her level is not that high. However, in this position I can't see the kid's level. Better I follow the System's advise' he thought and before Julieth could catch him, he jumped from the window.

"We have been seen, I'll return now and inform my King about you. It seems that the hunter couldn't see you perfectly in the position he was eavesdropping. Be careful in your way home," Julieth said some words while returning to her seat.

"I'll have Arkon scort you to the portal and to your King. I'll take Sylgard with me and return to my house. Later I'll sent her back to the portal and help," Sora stood up and saw how Julieth also stood up.

"See you later, The Master." Julieth said her goodbye and left quickly.

Sora could swear that she was more like flying than walking.

"That's a scary one," Sore muttered and while leaving the library, he made a note to not go out from the orphanage to regularly during the two years.


The hunter went into hiding. He felt that the vampire was following him. He was scared with what could she do to him.

He wasn't one of the top hunters. After his rank in the event went up to the fifth place, he was actually at rank 70.

It wasn't easy to climb ranks mainly of the deads they accumulate. The differences are of 1 point to 5 points. And in the 100 top rankers, there were some hunters and adventurers that actually had the same puntuation.

He was frightened not only of the vampire, but the 'kid' that was with her. The vampire seemed to listen to him with attention, meaning that the kid had some important background.

However, what our dear hunter forgot, was that Sora and Julieth were also discussing how a weakling he was and his impossibility of going to the dungeon, nevertheless, have a fight with a level 60 experienced hunter. The look Julieth gave him was a useful one for the sake of her and Sora.

While having those thoughts, he suddenly got strucked by two. They were the most important, confusing and dangerous questions: how did the vampire cross the portal and came to their world without alerting any hunter? and who was that kid?