The Day Everything Change (Part Two)


The event is coming to an end in 13 hours 28 minutes 57 seconds!


The silence that followed was extreme. Even the birds appear to make no sound.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves. You will be assigned with two hunters to keep you in the safe tunnels where might appear low-level monsters so you can get some experience. Please, try to avoid problems and don't get separated from your team," The teachers gave instructions while the students were finishing the last preparations.

The two hunters that were assigned to Sora's team were Jin and Ivankov.

Viktor was surprised when he saw that his brother was also participating. He thought Ivankov was going to hoard more kills to keep his place in the rank safe.

Obviously, Ivankov and Sora knew the true reason while Jin suspected it.

Carlos looked at Sora's team and then at the hunters that were escorting them. He knew Jin, but the Russian was a stranger. He needed to change a bit his plan to separate Sora from everyone and then hit and kick him until Sora learns the lesson of messing with him.

Sadly, Carlos didn't know that he was getting himself in a precarious situation.

"Alright, everyone will cross the portal in teams every two minutes. The engineers are telling us that the location where you will appear is going to be a bit different because of the approaching closing time, but you are still going to be in the safe tunnels," the teachers said some final words before the first team crossed the portal.

Sora's team was the fourth while Carlo's was the second one.

Ivankov told Jin that he was going to be at the front while Jin would be at the back.

The moment they crossed the portal, Sora felt the same sensation of being swallowed, but this time it was calmer than his first time. Also, a message appeared in front of every hunter and adventurer.


The Master has entered the Dungeon! The night creatures and shadows are reacting to his presence!

Careful everyone and good luck in these final hours!


The last words of the message make everyone who read the message shiver. It was like a sentence to death.

Sora's team got the message after they materialized on the other side of the portal inside the dungeon, however, Sora got a completely different message.


Welcome again to Shadow's Underground Base!


The Vampire King is waiting for you! Try to reunite with him as soon as possible!


Careful with the hunter that is hunting you!


Sora read the messages and knew that he soon would have to say goodbye to his team and best friend.

Ivankov read the message too, and his gaze locked on Sora, he used his Observation Skill (similar to the one of Sora) and finally got the truth of the Master.


Name: Sora Reith

Level: 21 (900 / 30,000)

Age: 13 years

Species: Human

Title: The Master

Occupation: Dungeon Master

HP: 2220 / 2220

MP: 985 / 985

Servants: 2/13


Ivankov was surprised when he read that Sora was level 21 and then he noticed that Sora also have a piece of extra information besides his title and occupation.

His Title was something Ivankov already suspected and knew, but Sora's Occupation was something new and then understood why the System assigned him the mission to capture and stop the Master.

Being a Dungeon Master meant that Sora could build and manipulate Dungeons all he wanted.

The truth is that he can only manipulate the ones he builds.

The "Servants" tab made him consider his approach. That tab means that Sora has at least two minions under his command that will protect him.

Sora was quick to notice the change in Ivankov and quickly cast his gaze towards him. He found that Ivankov was preparing his weapons while looking at him in the eyes. Jin also noticed the change in Ivankov and realization hit his face. Sora was The Master and Ivankov was going to catch him.

Viktor looked at his brother's actions and understood that something happened, however, the moment Ivankov was going to make his move, something, that could be said to be good or bad luck, happened: a swarm of corrupted shadows and night creatures appeared. Sora and Ivankov knew that if they wanted to stay alive and safe the people with them, they couldn't fight between themselves. (Well, for Sora was actually running for his life, Ivankov was at least level 50)

Without any command, Arkon and Sylgard left Sora's body and began fighting.

The team got in position and began to defend themselves. Ivankov and Jin were surprised by the quick answer of the kids.

They survived the first wave of enemies, but they weren't ready for that kind of battle, so Jin decided that they must leave the dungeon as fast as they can and try to contact other teams.

"Let's go, it is not safe to continue this issue," Jin took the lead guiding the kids.

However, it seemed like they were getting farther and farther from the portal.

"Jin, my communication is being blocked. Something or someone is blocking it," Ivankov looked at Sora, but Sora was in the same situation being unable to communicate with other teams.

"This is not good..." Jin muttered in silence.

Suddenly, they saw some light coming to them.

"Who is there?" Jin asked while Ivankov got in a defensive stance.

"Jin! Good to see you, my assigned team and I got lost and then met with Heller's team," a joyful voice exclaimed. It was Fredric, one of his guild companions.

In Fredric's team was Dolores and in Heller's were Kaneki and Carlos.

"We were suddenly attacked by a wave of shadows. We also expected to teleport near the portal, but we found ourselves in the second interjection of the tunnels that connect to the space where is located the portal," Heller explained their situation.

"Yes! After my group went through it, we found ourselves in the tunnel next to Heller's group," Fredric also related his experience.

Ivankov looked at Jin, and Jin returned him the same look.

The situation inside the dungeon had become dangerous for the students, at least for the ones that were level 10 or lower, like Jin's and Fredric's groups.

"Communications are still out, so it's in our hands to leave the dungeon. During the trip, try to find and advise the other teams to leave as soon as possible," Ivankov quickly took the lead.

"Yes!" The five older people nodded in agreement and began to move.

They instructed the students to get in the middle and just help in case of necessity.

Before Sora went with his group, Ivankov stopped him grabbing him by his shoulder.

"I know you are The Master, and I also hope you are not involved in this. Once we are out I'll take you to the higher-ups," Ivankov whispered in his ear.

Before Sora could answer, Arkon suddenly left his body and grabbed Ivankov's wrist, urging him to let go.

No one noticed Arkon because of the dark environment, but Ivankov did and felt the cold touch of him. He was surprised to see a shadow with Sora, but then remembered the part of the information of the event about the Shadow's Leader's sudden disappearance.

"About the sudden situation we are finding ourselves at the moment, I'm completely lost as all of us," Sora replied calmly.

Once said that Sora returned with his team getting in position for any attack they confront.

Arkon didn't return to his body but kept guarding every Ivankov's action.

Carlo's looked at Sora's group and the new formation the hunters took. This time it was going to be more difficult to separate Sora from everyone, however, the new situation that the dungeon was presenting gave him a new opportunity. He got a plan. He didn't care what could happen to the other students, but he would be sure that Sora learned his lesson.

After a few turnings through the tunnels, The whole group arrived at an open wide space.

The hunters looked at the place in front of them and found it familiar. It was one of the few places where the monsters gathered. The question behind all their worried and bewildered expressions (except Ivankov, he was expressionless checking out Sora) was how the hell they ended there.

Well, to end it quickly, a swarm of shadows suddenly appeared while a big number of night creatures locked them down with their crazy eyes. It was obvious in their expressions that they had a lust for blood.

They attacked them.

At the same time, Ivankov took out his two guns and began firing his bullets.

Because of his high level, he was the first to react. Then Jin, Fredric, Heller, Sam, and Newt (the other two hunters) also took out their own weapons and protected the students.

The students who had long-range attacks also joined, even if the damage they gave wasn't high. The few healers among them also began to help, trying to keep everyone in good shape for the fighting.

Arkon also began to defend his master and Sylgard soon joined him.

In all the chaos that they were living in, Carlos took the chance to grab Sora from his arm and pulled him close to one of the night creatures: a werewolf.

It tried to bite him, but Viktor notice the attack and fire his gun with a special bullet that his brother gave him in case something like what was happening happened.

"What are you doing?" Viktor's scream attracted Jin and Heller, looking at the werewolf who was struggling with its injury on the right side of his collarbone. The cries were unbearable, but all the noise quickly drown them down.

"I was trying to help him, but the werewolf was too quick for me," Carlos defended himself.

"We'll talk later about this incident. We have an opening, let's retreat now," Jin commanded and led everyone through the gap they found (the work of Arkon, Sylgard, and a familiar vampire) and quickly left the place.

The gap led them through the correct tunnels to reach the portal but there were also the ones that led to the place the Vampire King was waiting for Sora.

After stopping and checking a third time that they weren't followed, Jin looked at Carlos.

"You put one of your companions in danger, what is your reaso-" Jin began. He knew the reason for Carlos' doing, but he wanted for him to admit it. However, his words didn't finish leaving his throat as he saw two big shadows behind Carlos.

Before he could alert anyone, a bullet pierced through one of them while the other one attacked Carlos.

The moment the bullet hit Arkon, Sora felt like he was the one shot.


Share senses are part of the contract between Master-Servant. Unless you deactivated, you'll feel everything your servants feel and the other way.


'That is a joke, right?' Sora couldn't help but think.


Yes, it's a joke. You were pierced by a long claw from a vampire in your right side.


You are bleeding!


-35 HP

-1 HP

-1 HP



Sora wanted to shout at the System, but he needed t stop Sylgard before she killed Carlos (it doesn't matter he actually deserved it. He was close to getting him killed) because Heller and Sam were reaching her to finish her.

"Sylgard stopped! Help Arkon!" Sora instructed her, who quickly obeyed his orders and began to treat Arkon's injury.

The moment those words left his mouth, Sora knew the looks everyone was giving him.