Stronger Than A B-Rank But Still K-Rank


[Author's note:This is the morning of the last chapter]

I swear if I have to do this everyday-" the orb was saying before he get interrupted by me.

"Can you shut up already, I'm up" I say tiredly.

"Alright then do your daily quest" the orb said.





"Wait hold up, there's more, last time it was 30 sit ups and push ups and a 5km run" I said confused.

"Of course it's different, you've gotten stronger" The orb explains.

"Also there's no time limit" I said.

"True but you still have to do it though" the orb said.

I get ready for my daily quest.

"Good morning brother" Aiden greets but I was too focused on talking with the orb I didn't even hear him

"How many stat points will get this time"? I asked the orb. As I start walking out of the house.

"Only 40 stat points" the orb answered.

"Why only 40"? I asked.

"Because as I've said before you've gotten stronger so the stronger you get the last stat points you get as you complete quests" The orb answers.

Half a hour later I finished my daily quest.

"Huh that took shorter than last time even though there's more stuff to do" I said.

"I'm not going to repeat myself" the orb said.

"Anyways go to where your dad is" the orb commanded.

"Why"? I ask.

"There's something there I want to show you" the orb answered.

A few minutes later I reach the Diamond Grove hospital where my dad is.

You see my dad was the first person to become awakened. He was the first SSSS rank awakened and the first person to get the wind magic skill.

Around 4 or 5 years ago my dad was going into a S rank portal. The inside the portal was a jungle and in that jungle was a flower that poisoned my dad. At first he didn't realize it and continued and killed the boss and left the portal.

Right when he left the portal he fell unconscious and starts to spaz out. Doctors tried everything they did to calm him down and it worked but he's still unconscious. Everyone in my family tried all we could to find a cure but we haven't found one yet.

But suddenly my mom left randomly. She left her three year old youngest, seven year old middle child and a twelve year old eldest. I have two of my own quests. To cure my dad and to know where my mom is and why she left. Well I guess that's three quests then.

Anyway, a portal appeared right in front of the hospital.

"What's this"? I asked the orb.

"It's your own personal training ground" the orb answered.

"What do you mean my own training ground"? I asked.

"This is where you get to train your butt off and get stronger and gain more stats points and skills" the orb explains.

"At first the monsters are weak but later on they get stronger and stronger" The orb adds.

"Hm, interesting" I said intrigued.

I walk into the portal and it was just an empty space. Then D-rank monsters appear out of nowhere.

"Well, it's to get stronger" I tell myself.

2 hours later and j have at least killed a couple hundred thousand monsters. Reaching from D-ranked ice slimes to B-ranked Dire-wolves. Then the monsters stop spawning and then I just relaxed for a while.

"Huff, huff, oh God that was tough" I said tiredly.

"How many...huff... stat points do I have now" I asked the orb.

"You have roughly 6 thousand stat points" the orb answered.

" 6 THOUSAND"?!! I yelled.

"Why are you confused, you technically are still K-rank meaning the lower the rank the more stat points you get" the orb explained.

"Didn't you say that I would get less"? I asked confused.

"You get less stat points for quests but when you kill monsters you get more than" the orb explained.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense" I said.

"Stats window" I said.









"Put 1,000 in all of them" I started.









"Did I gain any new skills"? I asked.

"Yup two" the orb answered.








"Give me some info on dogs of darkness" I said.






"Now, give me info for blinding light" I said.



"Huh, that's it" I said a little bit disappointed.

"Alright you can leave now" the orb said.

I did what the orb told me to do and left the portal. But I went into the hospital to visit my father.

"Hi, good morning I'm here to visit my father Mars Luck" I told the nurse.

"Mars Luck is in room 5555" the nurse said.

I then walk into his room and sit next to him. And tell him what has been happening in my life so far. From becoming a K-rank to meeting the annoying orb and being able to getting strong.

"I know it sounds crazy but I swear to you it's true" I said.

*Anyway, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I will heal you, don't die on me just yet" I say trying to hold in tears.


I hear a loud boom in the far distance.

"I don't know what that was but I'm going to check it out talk to you later dad" I said.

That loud boom was a portal break. A portal break is when a know one is able to defeat the boss in a portal and the monsters find the portal and leave.

The portal was a S rank. I guess the group that went in the portal didn't check before they went in. Once a portal break happens the people inside are still trapped in the portal but the boss is outside so the awakened outside have to kill the boss so that that can leave the portal.


Then I use light wings I find out where the boss of the portal break was. 5 awakened try to kill it but are failing so I decide to go down to help.

"Time to test this out" I said.

"DARK MAGIC: DOGS OF DARKNESS" I say as four giant black dogs appear behind me.

Two dogs stand in front of me to protect me and the other two attack the boss.

"LIGHT MAGIC: BLINDING LIGHT" I said then a bright light appear and the boss becomes standing and groans because of the light.

This gives the dogs enough time to use a full on attack on the boss.

"What would happen if I made the boss fly into the sun" I said in my head.

"GRAVITY MAGIC: ZERO GRAVITY" I said as the boss starts to go up higher and higher until I couldn't see it anymore.

"Come back" I tell the dogs.

Then the dogs disappear and I gain 600 stat points.









"Give one hundred to all" I said.

"Okay, but quick question why did you come"? the orb said.

"Why not" I answered.

"LIGHT MAGIC: LIGHT WINGS". I say as I fly home.

I open my house door, out of breath and tired.

"Where have you been" Aiden asks.

"I was just doing my daily quest and damn it's a lot harder this time and I also went to visit dad" I answer.

"Okay cool" Aiden says.

"Axel do you want to be in a guild"? Victoria asks.

"No, not yet, I might when I'm stronger but not right now" I answers.

"Why do you ask"? I asks.

"No reason" Victoria answers.

"Hey real, quick Victoria have you found out how to cure dad yet"? I asks.

"No, not yet, I think it might be incurable" Victoria answers.

"There must be a way, I will find out no matter how long it takes me" I says determined.

"Sure, you do whatever you want" Victoria says.

Then I go to my room and ask the orb how strong I have become.

"Well, you're stronger than a B rank but your still a K-rank" The orb answered.

"What do you mean by that"? I asked

"Even though you might get stronger you can't become a higher rank" the orb answered.

"So you're telling me that I'm going to stay a k rank forever" I asked?

"Yup" the orb answered.

"Because technically because of how Omega created this new world you will always stay what ever rank you become unless if you become reawakened" the orb explained.

"Dang the sucks" I said disappointed.

"Anyway, what are we going to do later today"? I asked the orb.

"Nothing" the orb answered.

"But tomorrow you will be doing something not even a L-rank has done before" the orb added.