Chapter III: The World Has Enough Heroes

"Lady, please put these talismans on your children." A man with snowy white hair spoke to Mina. "Usually, we prohibit children under five, but we understand your plight."

'Wait, what?' I thought. I was kissing death yet again.

"Thank you, sir," Mina replied as she placed the talismans on Nimue and me.

A few moments passed before the unregulated transmission platform began to shine with a deafening hum that caused Nimue and I to cry. Gellis and Mina held us close as the space warped onto itself.

'What?!' I internally shouted, " What is this?! Ahh!"

Unlike anyone else, I saw the transmission and felt it in every cell of my body. I felt and saw, thanks to my mature consciousness and background in science, I comprehended a sliver of the concept of space, and it nearly tore my soul apart. Yet, what felt like forever was only an instant for my parents.

"Gellis!" Mina cried, and the snowy white-haired man rushed over as he saw my mother crying for my father.

I was completely unconscious and immobilized. Not even a finger twitched.

The old man stretched his soul sense and inspected my body before he sighed. "He'll be fine. Archaeon will take you, folks, the rest of the way into the Deep South. There's a small village in the Dark Water Kingdom. I suggest you stay there until whatever danger you're facing is less urgent."

The group bowed to the old man and thanked him. The old man then looked at Fei Rong.

"I assume this is the last we'll see each other?" he asked.

"Ehh, what're a hundred years to beings like us. I'll see you when I see you, old man." Fei Rong replied, "Oh, does Tan Ming know where you brought us?"

The old man smiled. "Of course not. That man would sell you to the highest bidder."

Fei Rong smiled as she gave the man a nod before he turned away to leave, only to have Fei Rong's hand blow through his back and out his chest clutching his heart.

The next moment the man's head exploded as his soul tried to flee. Gellis reacted quickly as a ball of purple flames crashed into the soul and burned it to nothing. They couldn't allow us to be tracked. Bending down, Fei Rong took the Interspatial ring from the old man's finger before meeting and killing a man named Archaeon.


Two days quickly passed, and I finally awoke in a modest house. Due to my weak body, all he could do was look around as far as my eyes would allow me. Within my mind, I sighed in relief as he had only started his new life a few days ago and touched death more times than anyone would like.

A few moments passed when Fei Rong suddenly entered the room. Her entire body froze when she discovered I was awake and casually looking around. Her stupor then melted into excitement as she called for Mina and Gellis.

The moment my parents arrived, they cried tears of joy and gently picked me up to embrace me. But oddly, Mina's face became solemn as she looked at Gellis.

"They can't wait..." He said.

My's eyes shifted to his father then back to my mother. I immediately knew that the man was planning something stupid, like returning to the clan. I had no feelings towards the man at the time, but he was still my father in this life, so I began to cry, and I cried until my father held me. Every time my father passed me off, I would cry again. I wanted him to make it clear that a son needed a father.

Men aren't like the majority of women who have an innate maternal desire to be with and protect their child. Instead, men are prideful, egotistical, and unconsciously idiotic, and lacking common sense. Men will put honor over family—Men cave to guilty, embarrassment, and offense. But, for most women, all of that is thrown to the wind once the child that they carried and nourished comes into the world.

Crying was the only way to make my father look at me as someone who needed him more than he needs to clear his conscience. Thankfully, he got the message.

A week passed, and my father had become accustomed to my antics, though I was suddenly startled when my father spent an entire day with me. I understood that my parents were building a foundation and slowly becoming the clan the village relied on. Though their true power was never revealed, the Vamoria Clan was slowly growing at an alarming rate that startled the two big clans of White Tiger Village -Ironwood and Dawn.

However, around noon, I understood what was happening when my father brought him to the new courtyard that the family had purchased. Many strangers were present, but it was still a significant day between parents and child.

"Welcome neighbors to the name day of the eldest son of the Vamoria Clan." Gellis spoke as he cradled me in his arms, "The Second young master of the Vamoria Clan will go through the naming trail as our name is a reflection of our true self. As such, a person's name should be chosen by oneself ."

My father sat me down on the floor in front of a mysterious-looking array formation. The crowd anxiously awaited for the array to react to me. Finally, after fifteen minutes, the longest wait that anyone had experienced during a naming day, the array shined and projected images of a great star surrounded by countless planets of varying traits. Some planets were entirely made of a single element, while other planets were worlds of spears, swords, books, herbs, instruments, and so on.

Gellis and Mina's eyes went wide as Fei Rong moved to quickly pull me away from the array. Gellis looked at Fei Rong and shook his head. Fei Rong reluctantly put her young master down then backed away.

"If we allow fear to keep us from living, then our children will not progress, and we will be forced to watch them die and live out the rest of our days in this...wasteland," Gellis spoke to his wife in a tone only he, Mina, and Fei Rong could hear.

The array lit up once again as everyone witnessed the sun's energy reach out to the planets until it had connected every planet creating a solar net.

"Orym. Elvish meaning 'Ten Thousand Skills,'" Gellis announced, and the crowd erupted with chatter.

Never had a name such as that appeared in their world. But to Gellis, Mina, and Fei Rong, they understood that only Dragons, Phoenixes, and the Winged White Tigers possessed such a name. But even amongst those races, Orym is still a rare name.

'Orym Vamoria. So that's my name—it kind of rolls off the tongue. Wait… These people look human...What the hell is going on in this world?' I thought to myself. 'Forget it. I'm just a child with years to learn. No need to search for the answers all at once.'

As the day went on, the Vamoria Clan treated the village without any reluctance. This was a sign that the mysterious Vamoria Clan has deep pockets. Once known, the two big clans of the village graciously accepted my father's invitation, though they were extremely late. My father took no offense.

Time passed steadily after the naming ceremony. My father made a living posing as a Primary ranked formation Master, and my mother earned money as a Primary Alchemist. With two highly sought-after Occupations, the Vamoria Clan expanded their estate to match the two big clans. They eventually acquired guards and three guest elders whom they had befriended.

I enjoyed my life as a baby. It was carefree and lazy. All I did was count the clouds. Occasionally, I worked my body to roll, crawl, then walk. I was amazed by my growth rate in this new world. According to my previous would, a year is equivalent to twelve months, fifty-two weeks. In this world, a year is equivalent to fourteen months, five weeks a month, seven days in a week.

Naturally, I started walking and speaking a bit earlier than most. My body was also naturally stronger than a year-old child of Earth.

On my first birthday, that carefree life ended. After a banquet in my honor, my father sat him next to Nimue and put a stack of books in front of me. It was sweet hell for me after that point as I studied basic knowledge ranging from history, math, politics, geography, beasts, anatomy, herbs, and so on. But my father never let me touch on Cultivation Theory.

Unlike the families of the mortal world, the Vamoria Clan, previously known as the Eldunari Clan, had a vast reserve of knowledge, and I was forced to learn it all. Another year passed, and Nimue offered many times to share the burden with me. However, she was rejected by our father. He would regularly tell her that I had my own destiny that required me to study and work ten thousand times harder than anyone else.

However, Nimue was never denied anything that she wanted to learn. That was the difference between us. My work was mandatory, and hers was voluntary without a set curriculum.

My plate then became fuller after my second birthday when my father introduced me to martial arts. It only made things worse when the training that was supposed to be basic become more strenuous when I used my previous life knowledge of combat to demonstrate basic movements and strikes. What I lacked at the time was strength and a sturdy foundation. However, my father made sure he acquired it.

Fight. Study. Test.

Test. Fight. Study.

Study. Fight. Test.

A growling never-ending cycle. Playdates? I knew of no such thing, and I currently knew a lot about the world I currently resided in. My only free time was sleeping, and when I was being breastfed as my Elven race were avid practitioners of Extended Nursing. When the free time was finished, I worked. And the best part about everything is that I wasn't cheating, so he had no need to hide my achievements. Everything I produced was natural and refined by hard work.


It was a month after my fifth birthday when I was finally tapped to handle my responsibilities as the only Young Master of the clan. While Nimue was older, the Mortals were a bit narrow-minded. But still, I only agreed unless Nimue could join us. It was her right to do so.

In the end, she chooses to stay with my mother, much to my annoyance. I'm not too fond of wasted effort. The maid dressed me up in robes which I took of immediately. There were too many layers, too much fabric. I had to save myself. So instead, I wore harem pants and a sleeveless long shirt that buttoned up in the front, and the tail fell to the back of my thighs.

"Not very formal, son." My father commented with an amused smirk.

"Ehh, who cares. Those who appreciate my simplicity are the ones I want to make friends with. Those are the ones who understand their place in the world." I replied in a calm tone.

My father laughed as he put me on his horse. He hated carriages, and flying would blow our cover, so he often opted for the horse.

"To these people, we are equivalent to them. The Mortal is a lot more complicated than you think." My father explained as we set off.

"I understand. These talentless snobs leech of the talented and believe themselves to be mighty because of it. That's why they cultivate safely here and pick on the mundane. Imagine if Nimue was talented and got accepted to a big sect. She becomes powerful. I will not wield her accomplishments as my own, especially not to bully. This world is simple, father. The cultivation world is complicated." I replied.

"I think I've made you read too many books." my father laughed. "Well, for now, be easy. These people have fragile egos and high connections. We're here to keep a low profile, son."

"Yes, Lord," I replied to my father.

"Good boy. Now hold on."


Situ Mountains, Situ Clan.

"Hahaha, Lord Vamoria! Welcome! I didn't think you would make it!" Situ Ren was a loud man. Joyously loud.

Throughout my years of knowing this man, I learned that he had two modes. Joyously loud and loudly serious. The Situs are an expressive bunch and pleasant joy to be around. My father had met this man on a trip to the capital. His daughter, Situ Qing, was plaques with a constitution that gave her innate Yin Fire. After half a year without any troubles or evil cultivator seeking Situ Qing, Situ Ren actively sought a friendship with my father in gratitude.

"This must be Orym!" Situ Ren looked at me with a big smile, but I could see many questions in his eyes. He then looked at my father then back at me.

"Orym is a bit special, like your Qing'er." My father answered Situ Ren's unasked question.

"Ahh, explains a lot. He's quite developed for a five-year-old. He hasn't condensed his meridians yet."

"We're not worried," my father replied nonchalantly.

"Good, he looks healthy and full of potential. Well, I have more people to greet. Go in and mingle. Lots of people have come to celebrate my Qing'er's ninth birthday."

Sometime later, I picked through food, stuffing my face. I didn't really do much mingling with the other youths. My skin is colored, my eyes gold and green, my ears are pointy and more developed than the rest. In this human kingdom, I stuck out like a sore thumb. There was Beastfolk, but they were common. The Vamoria, on the other hand, were Elves, strangers to the land. If it wasn't our traits and mystery that made us hard to approach, it was our beauty.

As pastry was stuffed into my mouth, my ears twitched as I heard a commotion. Following the noise, I found a courtyard where all of the youths were gathered. I watched a boy with a fan fight another with a sword. It was interesting and amused me.

I continued to stuff my face as I watched attentively. The boy with the fan had weak form, and his moves were stubborn. They weren't adaptive as they should be in combat.

"Can I have one?" a soft voice spoke to me.

I looked to my right and saw a young girl with a veil covering her face.

"Someone ate them all inside. The almond cookies." she pointed at my plate.

Holding out the plate, she grabbed a few then thanked me. I moved the plate closer to her, and she waited a moment before taking the rest of the cookies. I wasn't really a fan of them. That's why I was eating around them.

The girl ate quietly as I continued to watch the fight. Suddenly, a girl across the yard threw a pebble at Fan boy's ankle. His leg buckled and a barely noticeable maniacal smile formed on sword boy's face as he procced to follow through with his downward slash.

My plate flew from my hand as I followed it.


The sword boy choked as the plate collided with his throat. I quickly disarmed him then put him in a hip toss. Walking across the silent courtyard, I appeared in front of a girl then stepped on her ankle until it snapped. She cried out in pain as everyone looked at me in awe.

Paying no mind to her, I helped fanboy up and dusted him off. Surprisingly he pushed me away.

"Why did you assault Na Lan?" he shouted.

I smirked at him. "Why were you fighting this boy?"

"I asked you first?" the fanboy pointed his fan at me as if he was going to attack.

"What the fuck is happening out here?! Lan'er!" A man with salt and pepper hair rushed over to the girl as the adult filed out.

I didn't say a thing. Children are quick to tell, so I let it play out for a while. That's when sword boy stood up and ran to his father, who happened to be next to Situ Ren.

"Father, the pointy-eared bastard interrupted my spar with Brother Shane. He then attacked me before he stepped on Na Lan's ankle."

A wave of killing intent then attacked me before my father beat it back with ease. "Anyone moves against my son. They'll never leave this courtyard."

Situ Ren laughed nervously.

"He must be punished!" Na Lan's father shouted.

"My son isn't some savage." My father growled, "Orym, what happened."

I looked up at my father, and he gave me an assuring nod. I couldn't help but sigh. Then, looking at Shane, fanboy, I asked, "Why were you fighting him, and what's your relationship to that Na Lan girl?"

I noticed my question shocked the adults, and Lord Na looked a bit nervous.

"What does that have to do with anything!? Why the hell did you attack my son?" The sword boy's father spoke.

"Shane! Answer young master Vamoria." A familiar voice spoke out. All attention turned to a puggy man with a babyface.

"Lord Ironwood." My father greeted him.

"Lord Vamoria," he replied.

It was pure coincidence that I saved Lord Ironwood's son that day. But I'm glad that I did.

"Shane!" Lord Ironwood roared.

"Young master Neso and my fiancee were too friendly. So I separated them, and he started speaking nonsense, so I challenged him to a duel!" Shane shouted, obviously emotional.

"Boy, he's stage 3 of Body Refinement. Two stages above you, what were you thinking?" His father scolded him.

"He was being a man," I spoke out. "If it was you or my father. If it was Lord Na or Lord Neso, it doesn't matter. We all have only two options put on the green hat or fight."

My words struck a chord as the men and women all agreed.

"That still doesn't explain your actions, Orym." My father interjected.

"I was watching the fight as I was thoroughly amused. Shane has weak form, and he's very hard-headed. Young master Neso is fluid and concise, but his foundation is weak because Shane actually pressured him" I spoke my analysis to prove that I genuinely started as just a spectator.

"Then that Na Lan girl threw a pebbled and injured Shane's ankle. That's when I noticed the smile on Young master Neso's face and sensed his killing intent. That's why I threw my plate to stop him, then disarmed him to save young master Shane." I explained.

"Then you broke Na Lan's ankle as payment." Situ Ren spoke, and everyone's aura of disappointment focused on the Na and Neso family.

"Haaa! You fucking swine! Is that why you wanted to break off the engagement?! Hmm, fine, The Ironwood Clan and Na Clan are finished. And I want everyone to know it's because Na Lan is a despicable young lady!" Lord Ironwood declared.

An aura exploded. I had no idea what was happening. Before I had the slightest clue, My father and Situ Ren had Lord Na locked down tight.

"Lord Na, I think you should take this loss quietly. Go home and reeducate your daughter. Considering the crimes, your continued struggling will only serve to drag down the Neso Clan, and things will get messy." Situ Ren reason.

Fortunately, the Na Clan left quietly, and the Neso Clan followed him.

"Father, I want to leave."

My father gave me a nod. Then, we said our goodbyes and left before people got the chance to thank us, let alone speak to us.

On the way home, my father didn't say a word. I had no idea what his mood was or what he was thinking. It made me a bit nervous, actually. Once we arrived at home, in the dead of night, my father said, "Orym, who do you think you are?"

"Orym Vamoria, you're son," I replied frankly.

"Yes. Vamoria, son, family. We have a bond. Don't you ever go saving strangers again. Next time it might end a lot messier. You focus on yourself and this family. This world has enough heroes and just as many villains. If it doesn't benefit the clan..."

"Then it's unnecessary."

"Exactly, the weak can't do what they won't. So do as I say, please." My father's voice cracked, and I realized that behind that calm demeanor, he was most likely terrified when that killing intent targeted me.

"Yes, father. We should go in."

My father sniffled, "Yes, we should."