Chapter XXIX: Partners in Love and War

Leaving the soul lake, I looked around but I couldn't find Wu Zexi anywhere. I inhaled sharply before I could start to worry. After gaining the Reflection of Nature physique, my existence felt in tune with nature.

At that moment, I felt the land warp and the earth crack. A familiar essence gushed out into the world in gallons. I then felt the anger and desperation of a daemon beast.

"Nimue..." My double-bladed polearm appeared in my hand as I exhaled and my body decompressed. My legs bent and my power swelled before erupting as I pushed off the bank of the soul lake.

Through the trees and brush, I moved with a keen intent. I hadn't seen my sister for half of a year. And the first clue I get is one of her in battle. I knew there was a chance it could be someone else or another daemon beast. Essence imprints weren't always accurate especially since cultivators grow and change constantly. But I was sure with every bone in my body, that Nimue had mastered the Vines of Tiamor based on the flow of essence I felt from the battle site.

As my bare feet sunk into the cool moist earth, pushed off of rough bark, and tapped the leaves of brush, the energy I felt suddenly changed, and my heart thrummed in surprise. The energy fluctuation says a lot about a cultivator and the technique being used.

By reading the energy, it was like seeing the battle without having eyes on the battle. The new energy that I sensed was equivalent to steel wire. Flexible, strong, and sharp.

I sped up as fast as I was capable of. The energy I felt changed once again and it felt tyrannical, yet just. The sky ripped and the energy in the distance was like mother nature. Destructive, unforgiving, and completely in balance. The owner of the technique was surely at peace with the way they utilized their power.

'Who?' I thought.

Besides myself and a handful of others in the world, everyone was figuring out their place in the universe and fighting against heaven. To achieve a balance of power. A cultivator must understand their past, accept it. They must embrace their present and allow themselves to flow into the future. A complete acceptance of destiny whether it's to crack the sky, bury the Gods, or plant corn.

Such acceptance among cultivators is rare, mainly because they all wanted to be immortal or someone great. While the natural unimpeded cycle of life is to be born, grow, then die. And its natural order for great people to be a rarity, that's why most geniuses die early.

The astonishing energy I felt erupted and slowly dissipated. I arrived a few moments later, landing on a branch of a tall tree. My heart tugged as I saw my people standing around in silence. They all had their eyes on Wu Zexi standing under the deluge of blood. She appeared light and free. Her sword was sheathed in the earth a few feet away from her yet it also seemed like the blade was firmly in her hand.

Her body moved with the breeze and I appeared behind her with a smile brimming with pride. She rocked slightly and her leg moved back to catch herself from falling but I never let that foot hit the ground. I held up her still with a single palm on her back.

Every memory of Wu Zexi came to mind from the day I saw the little girl on a slaver's stage with her parents' corpse strung up. Her time hunched offer books, chasing behind Madam Yamir, her training in the courtyard, and silly days of laughing and playing with Nimue.

Like a river on a calm spring day, the memories flowed naturally and serene. I had never cried of happiness before, but on that day a new kind of tears was rung from my soul for Wu Zexi. Even when the memories I stole from Ace Zenith came to me, the images of her death in the future were cut apart by the sword of the present her.

A knot was unraveled in my chest, my breath was a little easier from that moment on.

"Little Wu... Master's proud of you. I'm so proud of you." I spoke.

From palm to the cradle of my arm, Wu Zexi fell once her body trembled. Even then the little crybaby was present as she wept. Using, my essence, I cleaned her face of blood, dirt, and tears. Nimue then appeared and placed the long handle of the miaodao in Wu Zexi's hand.

"Little Wu, you were so awesome until you started crying." Nimue shook her head in mocking disapproval and Wu Zexi laughed.

I helped the girl to her feet. Though she was tired, she used her miaodao to keep herself upright, that's when I let her go for the first time. I immediately felt a welcomed embrace from behind. I held her arms, took in her warmth, and smelled the distinct calming fragrance of my QingQing.

"You okay?" she whispered.

"Yeah... It's just...haiz!" I couldn't put my thought into words.

QingQing held me tighter as she said, "My father had that same look the day he let me ride away with you on the battlefield. Relax, you're still with her and she'll only grow stronger. Say, did you ever have kids in your past life?"

"No. Little Wu is my first. We can't let anything happen to her. She has to make out." I spoke softly.

QingQing rests her head on my shoulder. "Where you fail I succeed. Where I fail you succeed. We complete each other and nothing will happen to our people while we're together. I promise."

Shane audibly cleared his throat. I looked to my left.

"I must be chopped liver." he sighed. "You two aren't even married yet and I've been demoted from sworn brother to loved one. Haiz! Am I no longer your equal?"

QingQing and I laughed before flashing to his side. We both hugged his sides as he blushed.

"Ahh, you were just a bit jealous. That's all." I teased.

"Hmm, I have my own wife." He protested.

"Definitely jealous," Alessia added.

"Well, don't be. Even with all the planning and preparation, the things you hold desperately can still slip from your grasp. I'll always need you to help me catch what I drop." I spoke to Shane sincerely and his eyes watered while he sniffled.

"Ahh, shit!" I grabbed QingQing and walked away as she tittered.

"Hey. hey. Stop crying. Babe, it's okay. If you keep crying he won't tell you nice things anymore." Alessia comforted my brother.

Sometime later, we all returned to the lakeside. It was the place I wanted to be because I knew the Bronze Crowned Gorilla was near. I planned to make that bastard my ticket into the temple.

When the forest went dark and the group slept, Shane and I stood at the edge of the lake.

"Little Wu says you went down there to find the treasure that led us all here," he said.

"Mmm, I found it too. Tomorrow I'll give it to her. Everyone has grown stronger. But it's time for us to leave. Find your targets and end them. I'll meet you all in the temple. "

"So it's like that?" he asked.

"Hmm. The beast I want... He and I have unfinished business. Do me a favor, wait for Little Wu to construct her physique, then lead the group on a hunt."

Shane looked up to the moon. "I'm sure you have your reasons... Do what you have to. Don't worry about us."

"Speak yourself." QingqQing appeared.

"I'm going leave you two to it. Be careful, Orym. Women are dangerous." Shane sang and QingQing dropped sweat-inducing pressure on him.

"QingQing, leave him be." I said, " Let me take you somewhere."

Sometime later, QingQing and I arrived in my Senior Sister's little garden.

"Holy shit!" QingQing sang with excitement. Her eyes were big with wonder, body relax and soothed by the long breaths of pure undiluted nature qi.

QingQing looked at me seriously. "This is where you've been for the past five months?"

"Not purposely, but yes. " I replied.

QingQing squinted as she looked around the garden."You constructed your physique."

She couldn't see it, but it could be felt. And the appearance of a person was always healthier after gaining a physique. Even though we were in the same realm, she knew me well enough to spot my achievements even without my mentioning.

"I did. Right here in this little garden." I took in the refreshing air, "I wanted to share this place with you before we left. This beautifully breathtaking world. During these years we've witnessed and done our fair share of killing and destroying."

"I know, I was there. Good, bad, and ugly, I'll always be with you. " QingQing spoke as took my arm and guided me along the stone path in the garden. She continued to enjoy the tranquil beauty for a moment. Then she said, "Orym, you worry too much. Am I not your partner in love and war?"

"Of course you are," I replied quickly.

"And you've always been a man of action and little words. Partners are supposed to trust each other. Have faith in the other abilities. Anything less is degrading, because partners are ultimately equal. Orym, no matter how far or long we're apart, I will continue to thrive and love you from a distance."

Qingqing suddenly stopped and sniffed a flower that couldn't be found anywhere on the South Continent but in the little garden. She exhaled with her eyes closed then turned to face me.

"Your worry comes from love and loss. I understand. But being overly worried is insulting. It also hurts you. I am not Little Wu. I know you have to leave, and I don't need anyone to look after me. You have to keep progressing and as your partner in war I understand this, so stop going off with Shane and include me."

I sigh with a half-smile. "Love and war..." I repeated. "I figure we won't ever have the typical relationship."

"Not ever." Qingqing smiled happily.

"Situ Qing, my love. I know we just reunited, but I have to go off on my own." I told her.

"Mmm," she nodded, "Where too? Should we wait?"

"No, you lot should ascend the temple. I'm going to hunt for the Bronze Crowned Gorilla. It can stimulate my Battle Body. I need this to establish the Dragon and Pheonix Physique."

"Then you have to go. And I'll be waiting for you at the top of the temple. And when this is all over, we'll have years to spend together. I'll protect you for eternity."

"You'll protect me?" I chuckled.

"Hmm" QingQing turned her chin to the sky with a pursed-lip smile.

I took her small chin into my hand, turning her to face me. Not fast nor slow, I planted a loving kiss on her pillow-soft lips. Her eyes slightly widen before they relaxed and a rosy blush seeped into her cheeks like ink on parchment. Her eyes sparkled showing an affection gaze as she wore a hint of a smile. "QingQing, I'll be leaving my life in your hands then."

Her jade hand took mine and moved it to her smooth rosy cheeks. Half her lips touch my hand as she kissed it. She hummed happily as she tightens her hold on my hand to pull me along the stone path once again.

I didn't need to console her for my departure. And I also realize that such intentions cheapened my gifts and belittled our bond. Though I was the mature one, I learned a lot from QingQing that night in the little garden. Our relationship also became more refined.

That night in the little garden easily became one of our best memories together. In a world of our own, Situ Qing embodied the meaning of the little garden as my senior sister intended it to. Freedom of expression.

Like the nights in our tent during the war, she kicked off her shoes, laughed, smiled, joked, danced. With her, in this state, it was easy to forget what kind of world we lived in. Our time together melted away every part of our lives that didn't include us in blissful moments like these.

When we finally slept in a bed of flowers, we held each other with a gentleness that could only steam from fearless mutual love.