Chapter XV: Orym's Big Push Pt. I

The sun was high in the sky, and only a moon remained. Shane and Orym arrived at their rented courtyard to find the Legionnaire's training. Orym didn't expect anything less. The moment the legionnaires noticed his arrival, he immediately ended their training and gave them the day off, sort of.

The only thing that mattered was the foundation of their faction.

Once the Wagon was brought into the courtyard, Orym divided up his unit and sent them on separate tasks. One group was sent to the Alchemist Firm with a list of materials to purchase and a ring full of spirit stones. They also received a letter to give to Proctor Drake. Orym knew that he asked for his badge to be sent, but he hoped his legionaries could pick it up for him. The next group was sent to the Inscription Palace with similar items. 

Shane, Aleesia, and Little Na were tasked to handle Vizio. Spirt Coins were needed for the everyday tasks and the handling of smaller businesses.