Chapter 3

5 years have passed since being reincarnated. On my 4th birthday I went to a quirk doctor and was told that I had 2 quirks. It was called [PROBABILITY] and [PHYSICAL ENHANCEMENT] I was told that probabilty made things work out better for me while physical enhancement did as the name suggests. Oh yea by the way, It was a natural quirk. What I mean is that I did not make it. It was just my genetic quirk or whatever you call it. Also having 2 quirks was quite rare. I heard its 1 child out of a million so there's that.

During the previous years I made all types of skills such as:

[TIME CONTROL(ACTIVE)- like the name suggests, the user can control time. Things like stopping it or going to the future or past is no longer impossible(lvl 10/10)]

[PHYSICAL ATTACK RESISTANCE(PASSIVE)- A meteor the size of the sun could drop on the user and it would feel as if a marshmallow fell on him at most.(lvl 10/10)]

[GOD REGENERATION(PASSIVE)- Even if all of his cells are gone, if he is still remembered by one person, he would regenerate.(lvl 10/10)]

[GAMERS MIND(PASSIVE)- Lucifer himself could appear and would not get phased.(lvl 10/10)]

[SUPER SENSE(PASSIVE)- The users 5 senses are enhanced by a big margin. Capable of hearing a baby crying across the world if the user wants(lvl 10/10)]

[WORLD LANGUAGE(PASSIVE)- User is able to speak and write in any language.(lvl 10/10)]

[COMBINATION(PASSIVE)- Allows user to use different skills at the same time.(lvl 10/10)]

I plan to add more but this should be enought to get me through my early years.

As I was watching TV, Lily, the nun that gave me my last name came in. She started talking about how I should start going to school.

"Do I have to go" I said, still watching the TV.

"Yes young man. It is important to get an education, otherwise you will be sleeping with the stray cats on the streets." Lily said in a tone that sounded like that of a mother.

I groaned while saying fine. She seemed very happy at that answer. She knows that compared to other kids, I wasn't that keen on things. I mean, who would? I was 24 years old in my past life. Kid activities bore the hell out of me.


I was now 14 and let's just say that my looks say otherwise. I looked around 17 and had a defined but not overly built body. I'm also considered very handsome, as I looked like a young gojo from JJK.

I was sitting in class behind this green haired boy. He had green eyes as well and looked short. At least to me. This was obviously the main character of bnha, Izuku midoriya. He was writing in that journal. The ones with all that knowledge of the hero's and villains. As I was glancing over the shoulders of him, the door to the classroom opened. What happened next? Well if you watched the anime. you know the person and word that was about to come out this person mouth.
