Chapter 13

When I woke up, Lily was already gone. I stared at the ceiling while thinking about something. After about 5 minutes, I got up and took a shower. I then came out my shower and noticed a cherry colored kool aid stain on my sheets. I smell it- I mean I cleaned it up with magic

I walked down the hallway, knocking on everyones doors. I started doing this ever since I started U.A. (which was about 5 or 4 days ago) The kids then woke up and also got ready. When I arrived in the kitchen, I saw Lily. She also noticed me and blushed. I smiled at the scene while sitting down. By the way, this orphanage no longer looks like your average one. Its looks like a royal palace. I was sitting at the head of the table while the kids sat in the middle and the nuns on the opposite end. We were all eating and that's when I broke the news. "Everyone. I'm moving out" The room went silent as everyone looked at me. The first one to speak was yuri. "Why big brother.." she said as she started to sniffle. "Are you bored being here?" Why yuri, why. You cant make that face at me. "I have to start being independent. And by no means am I getting bored here." I said with a serious face. Everyone seeing this was surprised as i never looked serious but layed back. Yuri and everyone then understood that they couldn't change my mind now. 'Is it because of last night'

Lily thought. Hearing this I couldnt help but think 'Well kinda. I want a place that could be worry free for all my harem members'

We all continued eating but in a sadder manner. Great kenji, great, you made everyone sad. I then had an idea. I casted illusion magic on everyone to cheer themselves up. I find it weird that their happiest dreams are of me. Even the guys were dreaming about me. WAIT. WHY THE HELL IS DAVE DREAMING ABOUT KISSING ME- Aw hell nah. I'm having a talk with him later. I then waved everyone off and went to U.A. I think that the alarm things is happening today and the USJ arc is tomorrow.

As I was walking to class, everyone was staring at me. Oh yea. I forgot about the Mt. lady thing. I soon arrived in class. Everyone was still staring at me. I sat down and the first to talk was mina(Fun fact: she has the biggest but. I mean c'mon have you seen the season 5 camera angles.) "Did you really get Mt. ladys number?" I was taken back. Now how in the hell did people know that? "That's not true" I said. She seemed to size me up before saying "Ok" Tsuyu was the next to speak "I heard that you squeezed her butt when you caught her, ribbit" I stared at her before saying "That's a lie. I could never assault a women like that" If one was looking closely. you could see a sweat drop appear on Kenji face. "Kenji, are you dating anyone" said momo and jiro... and mina and toru... and tsuyu. What the actual fuck. "No" I replied. "Then could you date us then." I was shocked. Surprised. Taken back. What in the actual hell


"So have we all decided to ask him? said momo. The rest of the girls responded in unison saying yes.


This is what i wanted but sheesh. Asking me at the same time with others in the classroom watching. Do they have no shame. Whelp, I'm not passing this up so I said the obvious answer. No. just kidding. I said "Sure."

Class was about to start and man was izuku happy to see me. I forgot that he had a crush on midnight so he asked me how she 'felt.' I replied with "Soft" He looked happy at that answer as something rose and it wasnt the sheild hero. Now you may be wondering how I know this. HE HAS HIS DECK RIGHT IN MY FACE BRUH. I almost punched him in his shit but he noticed and backed away. He had a slight blush. Bro. Is this mane gay- naw it cant be right? right? I mean he did always come back to bakugo even after being bullied by him in the anime but this is different right. I know this is a fan fic so readers, help me out here.

Anyway sad sensei said the class president thing and literally everyone voted me but like 2 people. I voted ida and someone else voted momo. "I refuse" I said, making some of my aura slip. It made aizawa flinch and he said "Alright then. Ida you be class rep while momo gets the role of vice class rep." Everyone agreed when he said that.

It was now lunch and like in the anime, the alarm went off. Me and izuku just sat still while everyone ran towards the locked doors. Ida did the thing with uraraka and calmed everyone down. Everyone then went back to eating while izuku went to another table with uraraka. When he left, all the girls sat down at my table. I could feel almost every guys (besides izuku) starring at me. I didn't bother me as I kept talking to them. I got their numbers and went back to class. Aizawa then told us about the USJ training but what was weird was that class 1-B was also going to be there. I remember saving some girls in that class so at least I can get even closer to them now.

I left school by myself. Izuku and uraraka walked to the train together. I felt kinda lonely but then remembered the 'apartment' thing. I went to the apartment people (AN:Dont judge me. I'm only 15 in real life) They showed me some apartments and I decided on the one closest to school. I went into the apartment and it was very big. You could probably mistake it for a house. There was 5 rooms with 4 baths. A big living room and a man cave. The person who sold me the apartment left and I decided to decorate. I used creation magic for literally everything. After I was done, I went back to the orphanage. I greeted everyone and went to the kitchen to eat.

As we all were eating I said "Dave. let's have a talk after this." He looked at me with confusion before nodding. After we ate, I took dave back to my room to talk. I started by saying "Dave. Do you like boys or girls?" He was shocked by the fact I asked him. He blushed a little... Naw fam. "I-i like both?" he said with a face that was punchable. I forget that hes 6 so maybe he doesn't know the difference. "Dave. Never like guys in a romantic way ok? You get a bad reputation if you do." I said bluntly. He seemed.. sad? "Big brother... I like you tho" he said, trying his best not to cry. "And I appreciate that but guys shouldn't have a relationship like that." He seemed to accept this. You have to remember that we grew up in a church like orphanage so sinning is bad. "Ok big brother" was all he said before getting up.

Just as he was about to leave, I patted his head and said "This doesn't mean that I hate you Dave. In fact, your my favorite child. Keep that a secret tho" This seemed to cheer him up alot. Way to much in fact as he turned around and hugged my leg. 'Was this conversation usless' I thought as he was running out the door. I made things worse. I could probably alter his memories of me but, that would just make him distant as all his memories of me are good ones.


In the night, you could hear loud moaning coming from a room. "Kenji, come in my ear!!".... (AN: I crack my self up sometimes) "Ok!!" I said as I release it. (AN: You know what, forget what you just read) Take 2

In the night, you could hear loud moaning coming from a room. "Kenji, fill me up!!!" said Lily "Ok" was all I said. I then proceed to dump my 8th gallonth of nut in her. As soon as I did, she feel asleep. I then got up and rubbed my meat on her cheek. She smiled when I did this. I then used a magic spell on myself to make me clean. It's pretty useful if I do say so myself. I then get back in the bed, and sniff her fee- I mean smell her hair then go to sleep

I was sitting at the table with everyone. I then started speaking. "Guys. I found an apartment near U.A. I'll show it to you guys when I get out of school." They all seemed stunned by the fact that I already found an apartment. Lily broke the silence by saying "Good for you." with a smile. Fake. I could tell that she was faking that smile. Everyone around me also had a fake smile on their face. I then proceeded to read all their thoughts and they all said the same thing. 'Dont go.' They all thought it but no one said it. I did the same things as yesterday and made everyone happy. I was relieved to see that dave only thought about hugging me while yuri on the other hand... She was dreaming about me patting her head. I then got up and patted her head. She let out a sound I'm not gonna describe. I then waved them off and went to school.

As I was walking there, a villian tried to rob me, but I simply cut his arms and legs off without even looking. I arrived at school and went to the bathroom to take a shit. I only left 30 seconds before the bell rang. I arrived in class as soon as the bell rang in sat down in my seat. People were trying to talk to me but i ignored them. Next thing I knew was that I was on the bus.

I was in deep thought the whole time. What I was thinking about was the time I spent with everyone at the orphanage. I was feeling bad about leaving, but not so much to the point where it made me depressed(I think) I then snapped out of thought when momo walked in front of me. I looked up and the next thing I knew was that I was in marshmallow heaven. I cast illusion magic while I was at it. She then let go of me and I thanked her for snapping me out of my thoughts. I talked to my class about random things until we arrived at the USJ.

Sad sensei explained everything with pocket puss- I mean 13. 'SHE', yes she, also explained things. I dont care what you say. She act like a girl, sounds like one, (To me) and has a name like one. Like c'mon, what kind of dude would have a name like 13? 17 is more suitable for a name, if your a guy.

Class 1-B was also there as well. We talked, but that big mouth quirk copier kept talking shit. Almost did something unholy until I saw another girl do the job. She had big hands and I and probably every guy in my class, had one thought when I saw that 'How would it feel?' Anyway, we actually did some training before everything went down.

A man with a hand fetish and a purple popsicle with about 1000 villians came out of multiple purple fogs. Also All mights twin appeared and damn was he ugly. "Kurogiri, send the brats to different locations." As soon as he finished saying that, the popsicle did what he was told. I could have stopped them but hey, when need that development from some characters.

He teleported most people besides me and ida. What a coincidence. (AN: Totally not plot) I told ida to go inform everyone at U.A. and he complied. I started walking down the stairs until 13 ,sad sensei, and vlad king said to stop. I turned around and gave a look that they would remember before continuing to walk down the stairs.

"Look Kurogiri, a brat thinks he can beat us by himself." said hand fetish. Popsicle only chuckled at this. The hand man then said to the other villians"Kill him in the worst way possible" before pointing at me. They all rushed at me. I simply sighed and said a word that they would regret to hear. "D i e" All 1000 villians dropped dead. 'Word magic is truly overpowered.' All I had to do was say it and bam, it would become reality. I could literally say, 'World peace' and it would happen. But that would be a boring life to live.

Everyone, meaning the teachers and villians were shocked. If they ask I'm just gonna say I killed them with my power enhancement quirk. If they ask me about the die thing then.. Well let's leave that to future me. Hand fetish said impossible while stuttering and backing away. He then found some courage to say "N-nomu kill h-him" The creature rushed at me but before he could do any damage, I stopped time. I took away his powers while doing that and gave them to a rock near by.

I then unfroze time and dodged. I then said the the deadly word again and the nomu just fell to the ground. "Im-impossible. He was suppose to be able to defeat all might but this kid killed it. How!!!!" said hand fetish. Kurogiri seeing this quickly grabbed hand fetish and retreated. Now these next lines, depending on the reader may trigger some people. I followed them through it. Seeing all of this go down everyone became silent until you could hear some people crying. Geez, I only knew you people for a week. Cmon now. The people that was crying was Izuku and the harem members. I need to have a talk with him when I get back.