Chapter 15

As I was following them through the portal, I hid myself. We arrived at there base which was a bar. I then went to go sit in a chair, that was in the corner of the room and watch what was gonna happen. "Kurogiri! Why did you save me?" said hand fetish. Is he dumb? He would have died if he stayed. Oh well. its not like he making it out of here alive today anyways. "Master, we would have both died if we stayed there. Think master, think." Hand fetish then let out a 'tsk' noise before turning on a TV. When he turned it on, a man with a ugly face appeared on the screen.

"Tomura. What happened?" said the man. "Some kid defeated every villian by saying one word. He even killed nomu somehow." said hand fetish. "What a powerful quirk" said the man, with a 'smile?' on his face. "Yes master, that is a powerful quirk, but how would we be able to get it?" said purple popsicle. "D i e" was all i said before popsicle and hand fetish fell to the floor. Because this Is getting boring, I decided to kill them now. I then walked up to the TV and put my hand through it. I shot out a finger blazer through my finger that could kill even the gods. Ugly face slumped down in his chair after I did that which indicated he died. I then teleported to his nomu lab and killed all the nomu.

I then teleported back to the USJ. When I arrived, no one noticed me so I just kept blending in. Didnt last long as white hair does stand out. "Kenji!!" was all I heard before I was tackled to the ground. All the girls were on top of me with sad faces. Hey, HEY. Why is someone touching my penis. Mina, your not slick. I'll get you back later anyways.

"Hey guys" was all I said. They looked at me in unison which made me kinda embarrassed. "Why did you follow them Kenji? Yo- You could have died" said momo. Hmmm. I'm to lazy for dialogue so imma just erase everyones memory and replace it with ones of them training. I did the same with everyone else aswell. It was basically like the league of villians never existed in their minds. The girls quickly got off me and they saw my little brother. I made it bigger in size to show who the true alpha is and it worked. In the background you could see the girls of class 1-B also looking.

The cops thought they were here for security and ida running to get all might and the other teachers was just so they could see everyone train and fight against one another. That's what the people thought atleast. That's when I saw the famous R-rated hero. She was tall with blue eyes and had purple hair. She was walking towards me. I wonder if she saw my little brother. "My~What do we have here" She said while sizing me up. "Hello Ms. What can I do for you" I said with a smile "Nothing. I was just checking out the next generations hero's who look goo- I mean strong" We all know what you were going to say. After that, we talked for a bit before she left.


In a small room, you could see a figure of a little girl. She had long hair white hair with big red eyes. You could hear her crying and screaming as a man was taking parts of her skin off.


I was showing my family the apartment I bought. They seemed to really like it as some wanted to stay the night. I was playing with the kids, when I suddenly heard a loud scream in my ear. 'I'm such an ass to have to let this continue' I thought before getting up. Before I left, Lily and the others were asking me were I was going and all I said was that I'm going grocery shopping. They asked to come with but I said no, and gave them the reason by saying that I wanted to surprise them.

I left the apartment then teleported to a dark room. When I arrived, I saw the big eyed girl. She flinched when she noticed me but then started to cry even louder. She probably thought I was someone who was going to torture her. I calmed her down with magic and undid her chains. "I'm here to set you free" was all I said. She started starring at me when I said that. Slowly but surely she walked toward me. Her horn was growing and glowing so I guess she was very nervous. Cant blame her, since a man just showed up out of nowhere. She jumped into my arms crying again. I patted her head while saying "There, there" While I was carrying her, i broke the door down and let's just say that it wasnt pretty after that. She tried to warn me of the bad poeple and how dangerous they were but I ignored her. When I left the underground base, she had a surprised look on her face. I needed to break the silence so I asked her what her name was. "eri" was what she said in a cute voice. I told her mine and after that. I casted sleep and illusion magic. She slept like an angel after that.

I went to the grocery store and bought food. People were looking at me funny. It was probably because I was carrying a child with rags on. I'm sorry little one. I'll get you better clothes soon. I returned home and as soon as I opened the door, yuri jumped on me. I had to put my back towards her as I was carrying Eri in the front. She then said "Big brother, who is that?" Before I could answer, dave came in and said "Is it your secret child" Now, I cant blame him for saying that. I mean, me and eri both have white hair so I guess it's an ok question to ask. "Yes" was all I said. They had a very shocked look on their face. Everyone had a shocked look on their face I mean. I paid no mind to it and started walking to the kitchen. I prepared dinner for them and then they left without questions. Although some did cry, I just said not to worry as I will visit in the future. Lily seemed the saddest and seeing that made me shed a tear but It wasnt noticable.

I'm thankful for the rewrite skill. I can literally rewrite anything if I wanted. I could even say that I was god and people would believe me. Well, because of the skill, I was able to change history and now eri became my child. I ain't explaining further.

(AN: How many plot holes have you guys found yet?)

Eri soon woke up in my arms. I couldn't let her go as she kept holding onto me. When she woke up she was a little scared then remembered what happened. She made a huge smile on her face after that. I already made her clothes so I told her to go put them on. She looked very cute in them. She told me that she wanted to sleep with me. Now cmon, I couldn't say no to that face, so I accepted. Before she went to sleep again, she started shaking. I calmed her down with a head pat. She then went to sleep after saying "Dad" My heart skipped a beat. Pause. I mean in a parenting way. I was never qualified to be a Dad in my past life. I hated kids but now I will happily accept the title.