Chapter 23

Back in the Stadium:

"Uh. Let's take a 5 minute break everyone." said present Mic. Everyone was still shocked at the scene they saw. One, they couldn't believe that I easily broke the ice with my bare hands. Two, they couldnt believe how fast I moved. Three, they were ashamed of themselves for not reacting quicker.

There was a lot of silence in the stadium but after those 5 minutes were up, you could hear talking.

Back to the Mc:

As I was walking, I could hear midnight calling kaminari and ibara to the stage. I was heading towards the restroom when a fiery individual came out. "I'm sorry for what my son did. He seemed to have lost his temper" said endeavor. "Dont worry about it. I'll just let nature take care of it" I said back to him. By nature, I mean izuku. "Nature? What are you planning to do" said endeavor. His fire was getting hotter. (I think? It was to small of a change to notice)

"Just let me use the restroom man" I said in an annoyed voice. I then walked passed him. He grabbed me by the shoulder. I then released an aura that could make even the gods kneel. "Dont touch me old man" was all I said before walking away. As in was walking away, you could smell something sour.

I arrived in the bathroom and immediately slapped myself. I did this to clear my mind. Well the gamer mind thing did help out with it so I guess I just hit myself for nothing. I then headed into the stall and took a shit. 'Chili will be the death of me' I thought to myself before letting out a fart. That fart could destroy the world if I did not controll it.

Back to the fight:

"3..2..1..Start" said midnight. Kaminari saw how beautiful ibara was but did not say anything. Ibara protected herself with a shield made out of vines. "whelp if nerf or nothing- I mean, its all or nothing" said kaminari in his head. He immediately sent out 2 million volts of electricity. This seemed to work as even the vine shield couldnt withstand this.

(AN: Denki has an op quirk. It just that the author nerfed him during this fight and every other fight hes been in. He could literally beat almost anyone in class 1-A besides Izuku.)

"The match is over. Denki kaminari is the winner" said midnight. You could hear all types of cheers throughout the crowd. Denki although was in his stupid mode, not understanding anything. He and ibara, both had to go to the nurse.

Back to the Mc:

I feel bad for who ever cleaning up that toilet. I washed my hands then left the bathroom. "Denki kaminari Is the winner" was all i heard when I walked out the bathroom. I was watching his fight in the toilet. He really used all of his power? It worked out tho I guess. "Tenya ida and Kenji skies. Please come up to the arena." said midnight. I took my time and walked there.


As soon as I came out on the field, It went silent. I guess people really wanted to see my fight huh. I walk onto the stage to fight ida. He was allready on the stage. Midnight then went over the rules and we both nodded. "3..2..1.. Start" was all midnight said. Ida immediately rushed at me and swung his leg at my head. As It was about to make contact with my head, I blocked it by grabbing his leg. When I caught his leg, I slammed him down. I did it repeatedly before I got a warning from midnight.

I threw ida across the stage and he landed just before the edge of the arena. "Give up. You'll never be able to beat me" I said to ida. "N-No. If I give up now, I wont be able to- " I didnt let him finish his sentence. I ran right in front of him and kicked him in the face. He flew towards the wall of the stadium at quick speeds. You would have to put it in replay to see.

"Ken-Kenji skies is the winner" said midnight. The whole crowd was processing what happened. They then started clapping when they saw the replay. Some people in the stands were scared of my power. They also heard our little conversation but that's fine.

I walked towards the arena exit and went to the student section. As I entered, the girls tackled me. "Are you okay now kenji" said momo

I just nodded. "You didnt have to do your own classmate like that" said jiro. I shrugged and got up. Izuku look at me and nodded. I nodded back and sat down. "Mina. Give the crowd a show to calm them down" I said to mina. She looked confused then understood. "Okay" was all she said before she left. "Aoyama. Dont embarrass yourself." He flinched at that statement and nodded.

Whelp since I'm an lazy author- I mean, since I'm a bad commentator, I'm just gonna spare the details. It went just like in the anime except for the fact that Aoyoma tried more and mina played more. The crowd calmed down and started cheering at the show. Mina still won tho.

Mina came back in the student section and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at that and congratulated her. She seemed happy when I did that and asked for an reward. I shrugged and started patting her head. The ground below her started to melt. Only I noticed it tho. Bakugo snickered at this and said "Oi. This isn't the time for that, love dogs" What is a love dog? "Dont get mad at me because your gonna be lonely for the rest of your life" He seemed to get mad at that and was about to say something before I cut him off. "Momo. Remember what I told you, ok?" she nodded her head and left. "Tokoyami. Good luck mane" He seemed sad because of the lack of advice I gave him. He left the room looking sad.


In the arena, you could see a black haired girl struggling. "I've tired him out now, but I'm tired myself. I need to finish this quickly." said the girl under her voice. The girl, Momo, then made a huge flash light. This surprised the crowd and the bird head boy, tokoyami, as he thought that no one knew his weakness. "How did you figure this out?" Said Tokoyami. "I have my ways" was all momo said before putting a knife to his head. "I surrender. You beat me" said Tokoyami. "The winner is Momo yoyorozu." said Midnight. Everyone started to cheer at that. They never expected her to win but she actually did.


Momo came back in and immediately came towards me. "So how did i do?" said momo with a smile on her face. "Perfect" was all I said before patting her head. She actually did good tho. She ran around for some time, throwing bombs at him. This also weakened him alot. He then stopped for a second and that's where momo brought out the flashlight.

Tokoyami then came in with a sad face. "Tokoyami mane. She got you. She actually got you" I then started laughing and pointing at him. He made a 'tsk' noise and sat down in the corner. "Kirishima. If you dont end this in this one match then you are not a man." was all I said to kirishima. This fired him up and he said "Not a man!? I'll end this fight in 5 minutes" I then said. "Ok. Sure" then he left.


5 minutes my butt cheeks. It literally like the anime. And here I thought that giving everyone some encouraging words before the fight would make it more entertaining. I was wrong. Well, not completely. Kirishima was fighting back more than when he was in the anime. I told him during practice sessions to take up martial arts. I guess he listen to me. Oh, something's going on. "I AM A TRUE MAN" was all I heard before I saw a man in steel flying at me. I got up and caught him and swung him right back at Kirishima. The hell man. That could have injured someone.


As soon as Kirishima walked in, I punched him in the face. "What was that for?" said Kirishima while rubbing his face. "You almost hit jiro man. She would have been heavily injured if I did not step up." He looked towards jiro and apologized. She told him it was fine then started looking at me. I came up to her and said that it was fine now. She nodded her head and blushed.

"Uraraka. If you win, izuku might take you out on a date" was what I said before she left. "Da-Date?" she said in a flustered tone. I'm guessing she never been on one but shes not a virgin.

Nah I'm just playing. She's the purest in the whole school. "Ke-Kenji. What are you saying??" said the flustered izuku. "I gotchu fam" was all I said before I told uraraka to go. "Bakugo. If you lose then you have to be my butler for the rest of your life." "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" was all he said before they called him out to the arena. 'Sorry uraraka' was all I could think.


Well. Atleast she tried harder and lasted longer than when she was in the anime. She managed to hit him quite a few times and this resulted in him getting a power up. Just kidding. But no seriously, he unleashed hell on her. I had to stop izuku before he went down there himself.

"And with that, the first round is done. Stay for more if you want to see Kenji- I mean, If you want to see who's gonna win" said midnight. Your not slick midnight. Everyone heard that.

'Well, Izuku will put up a good fight atleast.' I thought to myself before I started jerking off (AN: I HATE MYSELF FOR WRITING THAT BUT IM NOT DELETING IT. WAIT A MINUTE. HE NOT JERKING OFF TO IZUKU BTW. HE JERKING OFF TO HAKU.)

I went back to the bathroom and who I found in there will surprise you.