Chapter 27

Before we left, I called the school and told them that I was sick. Mt. lady was the one who answered. "My, did seeing me make you.. Nevermind." Yea she realized. She was about to say something like 'Did seeing me make you sick' which would have been bad on her part. "Bye then." I then hung up the phone. "Wai-" Hm? Did somebody say something?

We all left the house. First we went to the store to buy toga clothes. She only had the school uniform on. It made things good last night tho. Yea, we did foreplay aswell. It went something like "Your gonna have to raise your grades up Ms. Himiko" "But I-" *shoves dice in her mouth*

(AN: I hurt myself writing these)

We went to a regular clothes shop and she picked some stuff out to wear. She found an outfit to wear along with some shoes. I'm to lazy to describe her but let's say that if we are not home by 5:00 pm, I'm committing a crime.

Eri also wanted some clothes so I bought her what she wanted. We left the store and went to the park. It was beautiful out today. I'm glad I'm not looking at it threw a window. We sat on a bench with eri on my lap. Toga was leaning on my shoulder while playing with eris hair. I pulled out a toy from nowhere and gave it to eri. She was happy but for a different reason. "Papa, I'm glad I met you. If you didnt save me that day, I would probably be in that lab still." she said. She was about to break down into tears but I stopped her. "No eri. I'm thankful to you. You cured me of my boredom and I found a reason to live for." (boredom after getting apartment. Tho I guess you could say that I was only bored for a day.)

This wasnt entirely wrong. I could have dominated this planet if I wanted to but decided not to. It's boring but fun being the strongest. When I saved eri, I found a reason to be alive again (Not in a depressing way)

She gave an even bigger smile and hugged my neck. "I'm glad I met you" I said to eri. Eri started crying but from joy. I let her and started patting her back. Toga, who was watching all this, also got emotional. She didnt know eris background so I guess this is a natural reaction. I smiled and pulled her into to my chest more. We sat like this for a while.

(AN: Sorry for my cringe. I hope that you guys understood what I was trying to get across. I can't write feelings so I tried my best)


We left the park. Eri was in my arm sleeping while toga was holding my other hand. "Your a good dad" said toga. It made me happy hearing that. "Thank you toga." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and she blushed. We contined walking until we got to the beach. We didn't get in the water fully but we did put our feet in. Eri woke up and also did the same. We walked along the beach and talked about things. Eri wanted to know who toga was but all she said was "You cant ask your mother things like that." Eri pouted but gave a cute smile afterwards.


I was making a sand tower right now. It was so huge that people could walk in it. It was only for eri tho. It was a princess tower by the way. She said she wanted me to build it and I did. Eri and toga went to go buy ice cream. I gave them my wallet and said "Let loose." 10% of my clones money (the ones that I sent around the world) instantly go into my wallet everyday. My clone invented new things like a 'rocket' that could travel to Mars. Yea, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

*Snap* I snapped my fingers and killed the guy who was about to shoot me. "Why me tho? I then sent him to the island of people. They have more food now I guess.' Eri and toga returned as I was thinking that. As they were approaching, eri slipped and almost fell but I caught her. "Thanks papa" she said cutely. "No problem. Here is your tower princess."

She gave me my icecream and went into the tower. "Such a doting father." said toga. "Well shes my first daughter. I have to spoil her." Toga then came up to me and kissed me on the lips. She 'bit' me a little, which caused me to bleed. "Well, spoil me to." she said while smiling. She changed a lot in one night.

Guess little brother has the power to change anyone. I pulled her in and gave her a deep kiss. She kissed back and we went like this for a while. I forgot we were in public so I stopped us and told her to follow me into the tower. "Eri. Me and Mom are gonna rest for a little bit. Dont disturb us since we didnt disturb you while you were sleeping. Also dont go to far." I said to eri. "Ok papa, Mama" said eri cutely.

There are many things to do in the top of the tower so she should be busy. Me and toga then went into a secret underground basement. She took my clothes off and I took hers off. She kept her shoes on for some reason. I asked her to take them off but she said "Make me" Earthquakes were heard after those words.

(AN: I'm sorry for letting you guys read my fetishes. Bare it tho please)


We put our clothes back on and so did toga. Her shoes were covered in icing and water but she licked them cleaned before we left. Also, consuming my sperm apparently makes you look younger and makes you live longer. 'Thought lily was looking way better than usual' I thought to my self.

(AN: 5th time proof reading this and I still regret typing that)

When we got out, I heard eri playing still. I called out to her and she came. She jumped in my arms and kissed me on the cheek. "What's that for?" I said to her. "Befor you went to sleep, you and mama were kissing each other and I felt left out." she said cutely. I smiled wearily and said sorry. I kept the sand tower there for future children.

It was really because I didnt want to build it again when we come back here.


It was now 4:00. We had lunch at the beach and now we where heading home. I had a movie room in the apartment so we decided to use that tonight. We were heading home and that's when I spotted my other harem members. They noticed me and headed towards me. "Hey guys." was all I said. "Are you feeling fine?" said momo. Her soft hands were touching all over my face. "Yes. I'm feeling better." I answered back. "Who's that over there" said mina, who had a confused look. "She my mama" said eri. Everyone looked at eri then at me. I nodded to confirm that she was telling the truth.

They then stared down toga. Toga then said "Nice to meet you" She gave a peace sign which made the girls relax. "How did you guys meet?" said jiro. "Oh it was amazing." said toga. "I was getting robbed and he saved me. I fell in love at first sight and asked him out. He said that he had other girlfriends but I didnt mind." They girls stared at her for a second then smiled at me.

"We were about to go to my apartment to watch movies. Want to join?" I said. Each girl nodded and blushed. 'Cant wait for that tsuyu and jiro combo tonight' I thought to myself. The girls seemed to skip over the fact that I was heading home with toga like I did not just meet her yesterday. Oh well. Somebody must be looking out for me. (AN: *Blushes*)

(AN: Fun fact: I have a hard time stating the chapter and ending the chapter. Well the latter depends. I usually just make a joke at the end of a. chapter)