Chapter 30

It was late at night and I was walking towards my house with eri in my arms sleeping. I decided to stop by the store to buy food for her and toga. Toga should be home by now. While we were at the park the other day, we talked about if she wanted to live with me or not. She said yes and here we are.

I walk into the grocery store and got one of the buggys that looked like a car in the front. I put eri in there and started movie around. There wasnt that many people in the store so It made things easier and faster. I bought ingredients for burgers and other stuff. I went to the check out and my total came out to about $87. I paid and left. Once I got outside, I took eri out the cart and secretly put the groceries into my inventory.

I walked back home and when I got to the door step, eri woke up. "Papa~" She made a yawning pose and rubbed her eyes. I smiled at the scene and unlocked the door. I heard toga singing to music. Pure Bliss. "Let's sneak up on her eri" She looked confused then nodded.

For someone's who good at fighting, she lets her guard down easily. I mean, that's progress right. I see it as her feeling safe in my home. I snuck up behind her. "Boo!" said eri. Toga flinched slightly and turned around. She saw me standing above her with eri. She gave a bright smile and came in for a hug. I accepted it and hugged back. We stayed like this for a moment befor she let go. She then rubbed eri hair and went back to the living room.

I set eri down and she ran towards toga. She jumped in her lap and started watching TV. I then took the food out and stored some in the refrigerator. I kept out the food I was gonna cook. I sat down for a while and played games on my phone. I have a skill that allows me to go into game world. The thing that makes the skill better is that i get to keep all my powers. I put my phone back down and started to cook.


We were eating a the dinner table. Eri was sitting in her princess chair while toga was sitting in a regular one. I made burgers with fries and they enjoyed it alot. God level cooking right there. The burped and rubbed their belly's. I took there plates up and did the dishes. While I was doing them, toga came up from behind and hugged me. "Thank you for accepting me. I've done alot of bad things but that didnt bother you, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart." I put down the dirty plate and said "Your past doesn't matter to me. I'm just happy that your here taking care of me. " She put her face in my back. I could feel tears but I didn't say anything.

She killed alot of people for survival and her family treated her badly because of her quirk. I wanted to make her happy by doing fun things. I guess it paid off. She now has a genuine smile instead of the fake one she had on her face at the festival.

She soon left to go take a shower. I got done with the dishes and took the trash out. When I came back in, eri ran up to me and clung to my leg. "Let's play papa" she said with a wide smile. "Ok but dont tell mom about it." We then went into her play roomed and played for a while. Luckily for me, toga takes long showers. We played and played. Definitely top 10 moments in both my lifes.


Eri fell asleep again. I picked her up and carried her to our room. I walked in the bedroom and tucked her in. It was 11:00 pm now. I then got in the bed and turned the TV on. I layed there for a while befor toga came in. She had a pink night gown on. She slipped in the bed and put her arm on my stomach. "Goodnight." She then gave me a kiss on my cheek and fell asleep.

I kept watching TV until 12. I then turned it off and went to sleep. I went to sleep facing eri because she gets 'mad' when the first thing she see when she wakes up is my back. If she was in the middle then she wouldnt care. But it was too late for that. ow.


"Today you'll be picking your agencies and tomorrow you'll be going there" said aizawa. "Are you serious" I said out loud. Things happen in this verse day after day. Jesus christ. I then leaned back and went to sleep. But before I could, all might came busting in and yelling. I made ear plugs and put then in. Eri was sitting in my lap, squirming.

I was dozing off and I felt a big hand on my shoulder. I immediately woke up and threw the hand off me. "Young Skies. That hurted me." said All might. Everyone was watching this go down. "Sure it did old man" He then smiled wearily. That's right. I ain't forgot them words at the festival. "Anyways. You have to fill out your hero agency list" said all might.

"What are you talking about? We are doing this for the whole class period. I'll choose mine later." I then 'fell asleep'. All might tried waking me but my mini bodyguard stopped him. Wish she did that before. "Papa said he'll do it later so stop bullying him" She put her small hands up. Most people laughed when hearing this. All might said fine and went back up to the front of the classroom.

"Momo. Do not choose the snake hero" I said in a whisper. She looked at me and said "Why?" "Because shes more on the famous side and she wont teach you any hero work." She believed my words instantly. She then looked over the list again and chose that women who turned into a dragon.

"Yo kenji. Who should I choose?" said izuku. I leaned forward and put my chin on eris head. "Pick who you think is right. Tho I think that the hero, Nighteye, would help you the most. He points out all your flaws and could probably teach you something." His eyes lit up when he heard me.

"By the way... How are you two doing" I said while looking at uraraka. "We started going more places now. I even had my f-first kiss with her the other day." I smirked and said "You need to take 'that' step before someone else takes it for you." Black strings started coming out of his hands. "Is that's suppose to scare me? And it was a joke." I then leaned my head back and looked out the window.

Eri, who was listening to our conversation had a confused face. "What do you mean by 'that' papa?" I looked at her and said "Its something that people do when they love each other very much." She stared me in my eyes and blushed. "Does that mean that we can do it?" she said in a cute voice. I paused for a moment then smiled. "No eri. First, your to young and second, your my daughter."

Tears formed in her eyes. "Papa doesn't love me." She then started crying. Everyone looked over but I told them that she accidentally cut herself. People gave 'Cant she rewind herself looks' but did not say anything. Damn you izuku. Yea that's right. Its your fault. I totally did not start the conversation. "Eri. I love you the most in the world. But I just cant do that to you. You have to find someone you love." She nodded. Yea I can read minds and hers is saying that she get me to love her.


"All right. I chose who to work under." The who class heard me and listened in. I then handed the form In. I put my head back and went to sleep. The class waited for nothing. Izuku is the only one who saw. "Well? Who is it midoriya" asked Seto. "Its the rabbit hero: Mirko." The guys and girls sighed. They knew what was about to happen.


"You gotta be faster izuku." I told him while fighting. After he heard that, he started using more power. I think he could use 27% now. Small change but a huge difference. He threw some air bullets at me but I just smacked them away. While i did that, he sent a tentacle at my leg. I jumped up and he smirked. He then threw a whole car at me. Where did that even come from? I caught the car mid air and twirled around. I then launched it back at him at even faster speeds.

He barley dodged it tho. There was alot of smoke. I then appeared behind izuku and kicked him. He flew towards a wall and Bam! He crashed straight into it. "Izuku!" said uraraka. She rushed down and picked him up. "Geez kenji. You didnt have to hit him so hard." She made a pouting face at me. "He basically asked for it. He knows that I always appear behind him, yet he doesn't counter." I walked away while calling eri.


"Toga. Eri. What do you want to eat?" I asked her. We were laying down on the couch. Well I was atleast. I was using her lap as a pillow. Eri was on the floor playing with her toys. "Hmm. I could go for a pizza." said toga in a childish voice. "Me too" said eri. I picked up my phone and called the pizza guys. They said that it would take 20 minutes.

While we were waiting, toga wanted to switch spots. Now shes using my lap as a head rest. She was also getting her daily blood if you know what I mean. She was doing it slowly which made me want to cum but I resisted. We contined this for about 10 minutes and I finally came. Toga coughed a little and eri looked over.

"No fair! I want icing to mama" said eri in a cute but pouting voice. "Sorry sweety. You should have asked for some before I ate it all" said toga while liking her lips.


The Door rung and I got up. Man that was good. I walked to the door and opened it. Who I saw next surprised me.