Chapter 37

It was now time for the exam. I compared everyone from a week ago till now and it seems that they could pass. I was sleeping with my head out. That was a big mistake. "Clear your desk off. Only have a pencil and a eraser" said sad sensei. "I have to use the restroom teacher." I actually had to go. "Be back in 5 minutes." I got up and everyone stared at me. What? Do i have something on my face?

I look at myself through the window and I see the problem. "Everyone. Today's is his last day here so show him a good time for the rest of the day."

I was pointing at izuku. He wrote a mustache and a dick on my perfect face in sharpie. How do my skills not tell me about things like this. Stupid Arthuor must be plotting. I left the classroom, while giving izuku the finger.


A big ones coming out. *Plop* And there it is. I was taking a massive shit right now. I then teleported the turd under izukus pillow. I pulled out my phone then started watching hero tube. This shit was boring but entertaining. Oh, rumis trending. Let's see... She died.

I'm just playing. It said she took down a terrorist group with one leg kick. I could believe it. I then got up and left the stall. I dont need to whipe my butt because it automatically cleans itself. I washed my hands and went back to the classroom. Oh, I almost forgot. I then snapped my fingers and my face went back to normal.


"I'm backk!!" I yelled out as I entered the classroom. Everyone looked at me then looked down. "I said 5 minutes." Tea bag was standing behind me with his scarf out. "I tried to make it on time but... but... I didnt." I then walked back to my seat. "You have 30 seconds remaining class." Everyone single person looked at me.

I shoved izuku out my face and cracked my fingers. I picked my pencil up and put it back down. "I finished teacher." He came over to me and snatched my paper. He read it all and snickered. "Your na-" He stopped talking and walked away. An alarm then went off.

I wrote my name on the paper at the last second. "Class dismissed. I'm going to go grade your papers." Aizawa then left the room. "What did you push me for." Said izuku. "Your my slave now." I said back. He looked confused then remembered. "You'll have to catch me first. Now momo." said izuku. She then threw a gas cloud at me.

I see how it is. Me vs class 1-A huh. When did they even come up with this plan. Izuku tried running towards the door but i was already there. I punched him In the face he was sent flying towards bakugo. They both got hit and passed out. 18 more to go. Tokoyami then released dark shadow on me. I punched the shadow and it went back. Tokoyami surrendered after that.

"Take this." I simply kicked her in the gut. Sorry toru. I'm to lazy to keep describing this- I mean, I'm to lazy to keep fighting so imma end it here. I then dashed toward every person in the room and knocked them out. "Serves them right for trying to jump me." I smile a little then pick up the sleeping eri. She always sleeps during times like this.

(AN: Just accidentally closed my porn tabs. I guess twitter is the way.)


"Yes. Please sign her up." I was talking to a school counselor or whatever the person you go to for putting your child in school. "Okay sir. Just sign her and she can start tomorrow or the day after that if she wants." I nodded my head and left. She was now in first grade.

"Eri be ready. Your own adventure starts tomorrow." Eri then started crying. She accepted it at the mansion but now that shes actually doing it...

"Stop crying eri. There will be someone protecting you at all times so you dont have to worry." I told her. "Tha-Thats not what I'm worried about papa. I- I'm just sad that I wont be able to see you as much." I patted her little head. "Its ok eri. Its okay. I'm also sad about it but this is necessary. Besides, I'll always be there as soon as the bell ring. I wont be a second late."

She calmed down a little bit. We went back home and ate. It was more cheerful then normal. After we ate, toga wanted to see eri in the school outfit. It was a strange request but shes asked for worse. I left the house to go get eri supplies for school.

She said she wanted it go tomorrow so I had to leave in a 'hurry.'


"I have another condition. I will only be your bodyguard when we go on top secret missions where your at the center of attention." I was talking to Candice now. "Hmm. Fine. I'll accept those conditions. You need to focus on school anyways. I should have taken this into account when I offered you this job."

I smiled when she said that. Thats not exactly why I wanted to have less time at work but ok. I wanted to start making a small business so I could earn 'more money.' Yea that's why. Not because of a comment.


It was now the day of the matchups. I was on the team with sero and everyone else were on the same teams as they were in the anime.

"Kirishima and Sato. Your up." said Aizawa. "Alright! Sauto. Who ever defeats him first is considered a man!" This is a team game right? They should defeat him together. "You guys have to work together." said aizawa.

Thanks sad sensei.

They left the room and went to the the practice battle grounds. They waited for a bit then the match started. The place they were fighting in was a city. They then started running through the city. I guessed that they wanted to finish this fast.

Whelp. They thought wrong. Cementos blocked their movements by using cement walls. They tried breaking the walls with there quirks but failed. Well, they lasted longer than they did in the anime atleast. Cementos trapped them in his cement and that caused them to fail. "Match over. Ejiro Kirishima and Rikidou Satou.


"Shouldn't have gone in with brute force only Kirishima and sauto." I was talking to them while the were getting healed. "Yea, but it was manly! Only pushing through with my quirk is so much fun!" Was it worth it tho. You 'failed' the test now and aizawa is gonna punish you.

"Tokoyami and Tsuyu. Your next." said aizawa. I gave tsuyu a head pat and she smiled. Tokoyami, stop looking like that. Him and his quirk were looking at me with sad eyes.

They then left and went into a labyrinth? Why the hell did they have this for? They arrived in the labyrinth and waited a little bit before the match started. Ectoplasim then arrived. Wow. He has an odd mouth even under his mask. I ain't gonna judge eren for how he looks tho.

The match started and he made over 30 clones. He then spouted some stuff about the teachers wanting to crush the students. He then proceeded to make more clones. Tsuyu turned invisible and snuck away. They made a plan before the game started so I guess they are using it now.

Tokoyami was fighting off the clones. Tsuyu would sometimes use her tounge to beat up clones aswell. She was sneaking up behind cytoplasm but also keeping her distance. In order to win, you have to handcuff the teacher or knock them out.(I think).

(AN: This is me from the future. Yea, you can also win by running out of the gate at the finish. I dont know why I said that you have to knock them out)

Tokoyami defeated the remaining clones and rushed at cytoplasm. They then engaged in combat and fought. Tokoyami was at a disadvantage because of experience but still kept up. After some time, tokoyami tried to trip ectoplasm but he evaded.

"We got you know." Why did you say that at loud mane. He then used his quilted and made it huge. It wrapped around his entire body. He couldnt even use that bug clone of himself because dark shadow was on his mouth.

Tokoyami then made a little gap by his leg and tsuyu put handcuffs on him by using her tounge.

"Match over. The winners are Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui." They high fived each other and left. Now normally, it shouldn't have been that easy but... well plot says it does.

They then came back in the room. I congratulated the both of them and they were happy. "Dont shout 'We got you know' till you actually got him Tokoyami." He nodded his head then went into the corner.

"Ida and ojiro. Your up." They both then left the room. "I'll also leave." said aizawa. His match was coming up so I guess he wanted to prepare. "Dont loose sensei. You are one of the most powerful people with that quirk of yours." I said to him as he left. He turned around and his eyes were glowing.

"I'm just kidding." I wasnt. He has such a powerful quirk that its not funny. His eyes died down and he left. "You should stop teasing him." said izuku. "Ok." I gave him a blank stare and izuku left.

I then turn my head back towards the monitor. Ida and ojiro were about to start. They were in a dirt filled place now. After a couple of minutes, the bell rang to show the start of the match. When the match started, the ground then started to collapse in front of them.

Ida then told ojiro that escaping was the best course of action. Ojiro nodded his head and got on ida's back. He looked embarrassed.

Ida activated his quirk and managed to out run the traps that were on the ground. While he was running, the ground gave in more but ida just jumped over it. Ojiro then put his tail around ida leg and ida used that one move that made him go really fast. They spend through the traps even faster. They were in front of the finish line now.

Power loader emerged from the ground and blocked them tho. Ida looked at ojiro and nodded. Ida then spun ojiro by the tail at full speeds and sent him flying toward power loader. He ducked from reflex. Ojiro then crossed the finish line. The both passed the exam by doing that.

(AN: Thank you 'My hero academia wiki' for describing the fights to the bone.)