Chapter 53

Now, why was I crying for no reason. I've never cried before I think. Well, I never cried out of no where before atleast.

I was lying in bed right now with toga and eri. They went to sleep a long time ago but I stayed up. It's on my conscious now so I might aswell find out.

If one could see me right now, you would see that I have a mixture of blue and yellow eyes. I was using my sub-concious right now and flying throught the multiverse. After seeing the many verses like marvel and other things, I finally found earth.

I now arrived at earth. I flew in and came to my old house. I decided to be proper and used the front door. As I walked in, I noticed that is was completely empty. No furniture, no people, no nothing. I walked around and decided to go to my old room. As I walked in my old room, I saw nothing aswell.

That's when I panicked. I quickly ran over to a certain floor tile and lifted it up. 'Good. It's still here.' My first ever porn mag. I kissed it then placed it into my inventory. I then walked to my parents room and it was empty aswell.

I was confused for a moment but then it hit me. I knew why everything was gone now. I then started losing feelings in my legs and fell to my knees. I stared down at the dirty floor, not making a single noise. Tears soon began falling down my face. I began sniffling on repeat like a broken record.


Why. Why did this happen to them. They were good people and.. and. I was now sitting ontop of my house. My parents were killed. Murdered for no reason at all. I thought that they were going to live a peaceful yet quite life after I died. Maybe my dad would have discovered the cure to cancer. Maybe mom would have found out the way to bring things back to life.

Man was I wrong. As soon as I got this immense power, I should have came over to earth and protected them somehow. I was too caught up in my new life to do any of that tho.

The person who killed them was caught but it didnt satisfy me. I jumped off the roof and teleported to the police station. I walked throughout the cells and found the person who did it. I walked through the cell and pierced him in the the middle of his body.

The man didnt feel a thing when I did. I stuck my hand back out after 5 seconds. The man then fell to the floor. You see, I broke his soul now and sent him to hell. Lucifer or whatever you call him is my personal torture guy and will listen to my command no matter what. I told him torture him for the rest of eternity.

He complied and did as he was told. I took the mans soul and broke it into millions of pieces. "Mom and dad. You'll get your second chance." The pieces of the broken soul then formed into light and shot up towards the sky.

My mom and dad will have a chance to live again for as long as they like. They wont remember their past lives but they will always meet again in the next. When they meet again, they will have the life thay the both of them wished for. Whether that's wealth or weather thats just a life in the woods with a single child. They decide.

As I was about to leave the jail cell, i fell to the floor again and started tearing up. It was tears of joy tho. Mom and dad apperently had another kid after I died and hes staying with our aunt. I got up from the floor and smiled deeply. I thought for a second and he came into my head. His name was hikari. He was only 3 right now.

I put out my hands out in a praying position and closed my eyes. After a while, I opened them. He going to live a good live now. He wont die by stupid or normal things. He may even live to be the oldest human. He'll have infinite youth and success.

I think I over did it but hey. If he doesnt wish for this life then I'll give him a normal life then.


After all that, I returned back to the mha verse. My conscious came back into my body and I blinked. My eyes then went back to normal, the they still had tears in the corner of them. "What's wrong?~" said toga. She sounded sleepy and concerned. "Its nothing." She stared at me for a moment then peacfully went back to sleep.

I could have brought them back to life but no. I like my decision. They did their role on earth as a human and now it's time for them to live their best life.

I stayed up for a little while longer then went to sleep. Before I did tho, I had a council meeting with the other gods. I 'told' them to bless my family aswell. I could have used a skill of mine but i wanted to see how good my authority is. They all agreed to it without a second thought. I smiled at that scene and left the council room.


"If you get a provisional hero license then you will be able to use your quirk without permission. We'll, if your saving someone atleast." I was now in class. Aizawa was explaining even deeper about the hero license. "Only 5% of people obtain it so you will have to work hard for it." I, who heard this, yawned. "I have to use the bathroom teacher."

He glared at me with his red eyes. "You used up all your passes so you cant." I heard snickers all over the classroom. I even saw aizawa smirking himself. I made a 'tsk' noise and left it at that.

"If you want to have even the slightest chance of getting that hero card then I suggest coming up with some special moves. It should help you out." Everyone but me cheered in excitement. I was sad because I cant think of any other ways to develope any body's powers in here. I guess I have to use wiki.

Midnight then barged into the room and said some stuff. Cementos also came in and said some things. Aizawa then told us to put on our hero costumes and to meet at ground 02.

I haven't wore my costume in a while, now that I think about.


"Come up with 2 special moves and I'll considered you passed." said aizawa. The dude that creates clones of himself was also here. I forgot his name to be honest. It was uh (Long pause. I actually forgot) ectoplasm!

Everyone had a clone each and went to different areas that cementos created.

Right now, I was walking with a clone of ectoplasm. "So have you had any ideas for your special move." I turned around and stared at him. "I do actually." He seemed surprised at first and then said "Show me it then." I nodded and picked up a rock.

I threw it up in the air a couple of times before starting. "Watch this! I call it: The Disappearing act." (Dont make fun of the name. It took me 5 minutes to come up with it.)

I then threw the rock at ectoplasm. It disappeared mid throw. "Where did it g-" His body obliterated instantly.

There was a long period of silence. Everyone was watching me apparently. To break the silence, izuku spoke up. "How did it disappear?" I then puffed out my chest and said "I threw it so fast that it went through space/time itself."

He then looked at me like I was an idiot and turned away. It was true but I guess they wouldn't believe something like that. "That was good kenji." I looked at aizawa and put my thumb up. "Now come up with another one." I became sad again.


"Finally. I made another one. Watch this everyone." I somehow came up with another move. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to me. "I call this move: Wind gun." I then shot out multiple bullets of air.

After I was done, I looked at aizawa and everyone else. They looked at me like an idiot. "Your literally using the same move as midoriya. Try again." He then walked away. I fell onto the ground and laid on my back. 'Back to the drawing board.'


"I'm only doing one. You and everyone is this room knows that I will pass this exam" I was kinda frustrated that the author couldnt even come up with another special move. "Kenji. You cant always say that. You never know what might happen." I looked at aizawa like a madman.

I don't need this. I can fart right now and the concept of any and everything will be erssed. "I gotta go anyways. I have a teachers meeting." Aizawa heard this and sighed. "Fine. But you better have one when the exam starts." I was already out the door.

I walked to the teachers room and opened the door. Almost everyone was here besides my favorite erasure head hero. He was still in class obviously. "Kenji, Your here now. Please take a seat." said the principle. I then proceeded to take a seat next to snipe.

"So as everyone knows, all might has retired from being a hero. He is still a teacher tho so don't treat him any different." Nezu then started saying some boring stuff. I started dozing off but was woken up by midnight who was on my right. She kept touching me on my leg.

Knowing what this means, I continued to let her do it. I had to return the favor tho so I started touching hers. She squealed for a moment then went silent again. We played this little game until the meeting was over.

"Kenji. Dont forget about what I said, okay." I got up and shook my head. I walked to the door and left.


"Eri I need your help with something." She then looked up at me. It was 7:00pm right now. We needed groceries and eri wanted to go with me. I was holding her tiny hand. "What is it papa?" said eri while tilting her head. "I need something to help me defeat villians. Any suggestions"

I shouldn't ask a kid this but whatever. She may say something that literally makes me 'That's smart.' She made a thinking face then said. "Why dont you use your hidden magic papa. You always leave us in shock we we see it at school."

I stopped walking and picked her up. "That's smart eri. Thank you!" I then gave her multiple kisses on the cheek. She giggled alot and we kept walking.

We arrived at the grocery store. I sat eri down and gave her my credit card. I wanted to see how far she would go with it. "If they tell you to put any numbers in then press the numbers, 6,7,0,1." She still looked confused after I said that.

I was too lazy to explain it again so i just tapped her forehead. The information then went to her head. "Do you get it now?" She looked up at me and nodded with a bright smile. She then went into the store. I stayed outside and pulled out some apple juice. "Let's see how far she'll go."

"Oh, is that frost? She kinda bad tho-"


Would advise you to not give your kid a credit card. She was in there for a while so I decided to check in on her. When I came in, I saw that the store was half empty. I assumed that it was like this before we got here but nope.

I look over to the register and see that eri has bought almost all of it. How did she even do that with those small little hands and feet. "Thank you miss." She was talking to an old lady that was next to her. The old lady then waved at Erin and left.

"Eri. You.. bought alot huh." She looked up at me and smiled. "Are you her brother?" Said the cashier. I'm to lazy for dialogue so I just nodded. "Your sister is quite talented. She was able to use the card like a pro!" Eri giggled when she heard this. I only patted her head.


"Eri. This is some new magic right here so you cant tell anybody, okay?" Eri was confused but she nodded. Right now we were in the parking lot. I checked for people and disabled the security cameras. "Watch this." I then snapped my finger and all the groceries disappeared.

She just opened her small mouth widely. "A-Amazing! That was incredible papa! Do it again!" I put my finger over her lip because she was being too loud. "I'll do it again so be ready." She nodded rapidly. I snapped my fingers again and we both disappeared. We reappeared in the kitchen. "We're at home home no-"

I now had a knife to my throat. "It- Its me toga. Put the knife down." I slowly backed away. "Dont sneak up on me like that! I was about to kill you!" That was a funny joke. "Sorry. I wont do it again." Eri, who saw this, only laughed. "You guys are funny." She smiled then ran to the tv.

"So, we're are the groceries?" I walked over to the fridge and opened it. "Right here." She was very confused but luckily she didnt ask questions. "I'm going to go take a shower." I then kissed toga on the cheek and left. "I'll join you." She took off all her clothes in the kitchen and jumped on my back.

"Shes right there you know." I was talking about eri. Toga giggled and said "Its fine. She watching her cartoon right now." She then bit my neck. It still hurts her when she does but she got used to it. I then walked with the bare toga on my back and went to the bathroom.

We got there and I ran the water. She got off me started getting in. I took my clothes off and also got in behind her.


Right now, I was in the bath with toga. She was in my lap relaxing. I was aswell. "Do you want another child?" I nearly died. "What? No. I'm fine with you and eri and everyone else." She then put her head down with sad movements. "No toga. It's not like that. We are both young right now so we should wait for a while. Atleast until I can protect you and the rest with certainty"

She picked her head back up and smiled. "I love you so much Kenji." She then turned her head towards me and gave me a deep kiss. I cupped her face and returned the kiss.

We kept at it for a while and we eventually started touching each other. She was rubbing my dick while I fingered her pussy. She twitched every once in a while and so did I. "Toga. I love you aswell." I then stood up. She licked her lips with her tounge then started taking me in. She got way better at this. She even using her fangs to the max. I told her that it doesnt bother me and it actually makes me feel better.

After all, I can turn any sort of 'pain' into pleasure. She kept sucking on my dick and made slurping noises. "Kenji. Your so hard." She then took my dick out of her mouth and I sprayed it all of her beautiful body. She picked up some of the cum and started playing with it.

"Its your turn to feel good toga." I then picked her up and put her wet pussy on my face. The smell was amazing and I got even harder. I licked all around it and she moaned. "Not there! Deeper.. Go deeper!" I then put my tounge inside if hole. She held onto my hair even tight when I did that.

I moved my tounge around and slurped up all of her juices. Anything that was in here hole was cleaned up by me (AN: I'm a sick bastard.)

"Deeper kenji.~ I know you can go farther!!!" I did as I was told and went deeper into her. I reached her womb and tickled it with my tounge. She squirted alot but I let none of it spill. She eventually gave out and fell backwards into the perfect position.

"Stick it in me kenji!!" She was blushing alot and revealed that seducing smile that showed her teeth. I then picked her back up placed her over my dick. "Be ready toga cause I'm not gonna stop." I was being serious. So serious in fact that I slowed time down around us. I then plunged it into her.

Moans soon filled the Bathroom. You could hear one party moaning loudly while the other was making small but noticable grunts.


"With this much inside of me, I might actually get pregnant." It was only 8:40 pm. We got in the bathroom around 8:20 and we relaxed for about 15 minutes before we started having sex so I guess this is perfect.

"You know what toga. I wouldnt mind having a mini you or me running around." She looked back at me and smiled. I also smiled. She then stared down at her pussy and started taking our fluids out. She proceeded to eat on it like a slushie

"Let's take a shower real quick so eri wont get sad by herself." We got out the bathtub and headed to the shower. The way she walked to the shower seemed like she was asking for more. We got into the shower and I bent her over. I was right! I put it back in her and we started again.


"Goodnight eri." We were all in bed now. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and she smiled. "You to papa~" Said eri while yawning. She then took my arm and used it as a pillow. I secretly turn it into one every time she does this because sleeping on my bare arm would probably hurt a kid very badly. "I'm ready whenever you are kenji."

I looked over to toga, who had her eyes closed, and smiled. I knew what she meant by that. "Let's take our time toga. We have it after all." I then kissed her forehead and she went to sleep. I mentioned before that my nut makes people younger and live longer. The first part hasn't affected toga yet but the 'live longer' part has.

I checked toga and she is expected to die at the age of 130 now. She wasnt going to live very long if I didn't do anything. I looked over to eri and decided to check her. Isn't she basically immortal with her quirk? Anyways, I check her and Yea. It says that she can just rewind herself into the perfect condition anytime so shes basically immortal. Right?

I look between the both of them. I'm proud of myself. I'm not the perfect father, boyfriend, husband or friend but I feel like I do great at being those. I've never really had anyone tell me I'm a bad bad at it atleast.
