Chapter 55

"Are you being serious?" Aizawa was chatting bull shit once again. He was saying that we had to go to some island or something to start our 'hero work.' He said that we needed a certain amount of 'hero helping time' for a grade.

"Yes I'm being serious. You need somewhere to start and this is the place. Its remote and doesnt have many residents." I then put my head back down. The author is making filler so I guess I have to comply.

"You'll be leaving in two days. Be ready by then." He then walked out the classroom. "So nobody is complaining about this but me huh?" They all nodded. "Guys. We just got our hero license 4 days ago and your not seeing anything wrong with this?"

They all just shrugged their shoulders and continued talking. "Kenji. It will be a nice experience for us if we do this." I sat back down and stared at him. "Actually, I just remembered that i cant go even if I wanted to because in 2 days, it will be 'Bring your father to school day' and I cant miss that."

Izuku thought for a moment then sighed. "Its going to be boring without you but I guess you cant help it." He then turned back around and started writing in his notebook.

I haven't checked the inside of his notebook in a while. I wonder whats he got in there... He found out a weakness of mine!? Let's see, it says 'Will do anything for his daughter, eri.' I just stared blankley.

That's not a weakness is it? I guess that I would probably but that not a weakness. Anyways, let's see if he wrote anything else in their. Oh wow. That's kinda funny.

On aizawa weaknesses, it says that I'm one of them. I look at more heros but nothings really changed. Under midnight weaknesses, it says that 'If one can hold their breath for a long time than she can most likely be taken down.' I turned off my x- ray and looked out the window. U.A. has a shitty view so whenever I do this, it just for passing time.


"Alright sensei. I've been wanting to fight you for a while now." That's right. It was me vs aizawa. No quirk. Just straight hands. "Are you guys ready?" said midnight. All the teachers were here. Our class was also here aswell.

Aizawa nodded his head and I put my thumb up. "Then let the match... Begin!" Aizawa immediately ran at me. He got into range and started out by trying to punch me in the face. I dodged easily and he sent another punch to my stomach with his left hand.

I jumped away and avoided it. "That would have put someone is the hospital for a week sensei." Aizawa looked at me and smirked. "He rushed at me and tried kicking me multiple times. I dodged them all. On one of his kicks tho, i ducked under it and swept his leg.

He fell on the ground. I punched at his face but he dodged it. My hand went into the ground tho. It hurt like a bitch. (You'll see why)

Aizawa saw this chance and jumped away. I took my had out the ground and decided to attack fully now. I ran at him and punched him multiple times.

I punched him in the face, the stomach, his arms, basiy everywhere above his junk. I then punched him hard in his stomach and he came to a stand still. I then proceeded to kick him in the face. He flew back and hit the back walls really hard.

"Is that it? Come on. Surely that's not enought to bring you down." While I was saying that, he fell to the floor. I saw this and decided that the match was over. I then proceeded to walk away. "Co-Come back he-re. I can sti-ll figh-"

I turned back around and saw aizawa struggling to get up. I walked up to him and put my foot on his back. "Can you now? Your my favorite hero, you know that right? Get up and show me who your really are, erasure head."

When he heard that, he immediately shot up. I had to jumped back a couple of times just in case. "Your favorite hero huh? You sure dont act like I am." He then proceeded to give me a menacing glare. (Insert that one picture of aizawa tilting his head and smiling.)

"So you got back up when you heard that huh." I then got into a fighting position. "I'm ready." Aizawa then ran at me. He punched to my stomach but I counter it with my own fist. He used his left hand aswell but I still blocked.

We kept going back and forth until he did something surprising. He tried uppercutting me with his right hand. First of all, let me get one thing straight. Right now, I'm fighting as an ordinary human. I have a skill that let's me delete any skill at will. I also have a skill that let's me undo that deletion.

I'm basically my old self from earth right now. I wasn't expecting that and I tried to jump back again but he swept my legs and I soon fell to the ground. Aizawa then tried punching me in my face but I quickly put my legs around his arms and spun around. Now what i just did should not have been possible without his arm coming off but... plot.

I got back up on my feet and proceeded to kick him back in the face. I then began wobbling. "Dont tell me this is your limit kenji?" You cant be saying that while wiping blood from your mouth. "This final move decides the battle then?" Aizawa shook his head. We both then started running at each other. I threw my punch and he threw his.


Well shit. Is this what really happened? I honestly should have lost the fight but it's cool. We'll technically I did lose. You'll under stand why in the next paragraph.

We both knocked each other out. I went for the right side of his face and he went for my left. When we hit each other, we stood still for a while then both fell to the floor at the same time. I still shouldn't have been able to get up from that one attack. I was a basic human fighting against someone who is well trained.

I do still remeber the fighting techniques but my body was that of a regular human so I should have gotten tired after going back and forth with him and probably punching the ground aswell. My body is well built so I guess that can be why I was able to keep going.

I got all my skills back and became my god self again. I was kinda afraid that the other gods would try to kill me but nah. Apparently, they still acknowledged me as their god above gods so yea.

"Your finaly up huh." I looked over and saw aizawa lying in another bed. "Yep. That last hit of yours hurt really bad so I guess I stayed out longer." I then proceeded to get up. "We have to recover our energy. Recovery girl healed us but we still have to recover naturally."

"I'm fine. My quirks give me an all around healing factor so I'm fine." Aizawa shrugged his shoulders and continued watching the TV program. "Thank you. I've realized some stuff after the fight." I then walked up to him and extended my hand

He had a weird look in his face then said "I've also realized some things. I feel liked I improved more thanks to you." He also extended his hand out. We shook hands then I walked away. "It wont be a tie the next time." I then left the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smiling.


The thing that i realized is that in need to train my body just in case I lose all my powers. I need to train it in the future. Just kidding. I can just use modification on my human shell and make it so that I wont even lose to all the gods combined plus a million more. Over kill, but I dont like losing. Especially in a fight.

"Kenji your back. How was your nap?" I then proceeded to strangled him. "I-I-I give up." I still continued strangling him. "Da-Daddy." I then stopped. "Izuku, you know the magic words. I dont know why you tried to say 'I give up'"

Actually, I do know why. He is a M so I guess that's why but even he has limits to how much pain he can take. "I was fighting with no quirk remember. Also he is a expert at fighting so it was expected for me to loose." He then looked at me weirdly. "What?" He scratches his cheek and said "Actually, everyone placed money on you to win. But since it was a tie, no one got anything."

They even bet on me for sparring matches? "I'll see you tommorow. I gotta go now." I patted his fluffy head and left. It was 2:34pm right now so I had 1 minute before the bell rang. I erased my presence and teleported to the school gates. I then showed myself and that's when the bell rang.

Eri then ran out with molly holding her hand. "Papa!" She let go of molly and ran to me. I bent down on a knee and she jumped into me. "Hey eri! How was your day today?" She then got out of my hold and stared me in the eyes. "It was amazing! I had test today and.. and I got a perfect score on all of them."

I was deeply impressed. I looked up at Molly and she nodded. "That's amazing eri! Let's celebrate when we get home." I picked her up and put her on my shoulders. "Shes very bright and smart." said molly. I just smiled while eri did the same. "Are you coming to 'bring your father to school day?'" I hesitated for a second then nodded.

The reason for that hesitation is because of the author. Quentin is terrible at writing his own plot so I dont know if things will turn out great. "See you then." Molly then went back inside. "I'll make sure to give you a big feast and I'll invite everyone over. Is that fine?" I looked up at her and she stared right into my pupil. "That's perfect papa." I smiled and held her legs tighter. "I'm proud of you eri. I really am."

I'm not even going to lie. She struggled hard in the beginning. I ended up having to become her personal tutor. Dont ask when I mentioned that in the other chapters because this happened off screen.

Anyways, she rose up in the class at a fast pace and became the smartest.

I pulled out my phone and called toga. I told her what happened and she seem ecstatic. I told her the plan and she agreed to it. "Lets go home eri." She nodded and we left.

...Time: 4:30pm

We entered the house. I sat her down at the door steps and took off her shoes. I took mine off aswell and we went to the kitchen. It was very dark. 'I know I said party but this makes it seem like it's her birthday or something.' "Papa. Can you turn the lights on?"

I chuckled a bit and walked up to the light switch. As soon as I turned them on, "SURPRISE!!" yelled out everyone. There was a huge flag with eri on it. There was food all over the the tables with drinks aswell. I looked over and saw eris surprised face. It was very cute.

That surprised faced slowly turned into a happy one. She ran up to them and hugged them all. "Congratulations eri." said momo. "Yea. You did an awesome job" said mina. The rest also said words of congratulations. Jiro then picked eri up and started talking about something's. I, on the other hand, couldn't handle all of the yellow.

I grabbed a drink from the kitchen table and went to the couch. "No sir. Your going to enjoy this with her" said toru. I wanted to talk back but they all glared at me when I was about to open my mouth. I have all this power and yet I'm a slave to these 7 women. Yes, that includes eri.

I nodded my head and got off the couch. I walked over to eri and sat down next to her. She was in her princess seat which made her stand out even more. "Here papa." She then picked up a piece of shrimp. "Open wide!" I opened my mouth a little and she placed the shrimp in their.

"Wait. I'm suppose to being doing that for you!" I then picked up a piece of cake and told her to open wide. She opened her small little mouth and I fed her the cake. She bit down on the fork and took most of it off.

There was some left on the fork so I decided to eat the rest of it. "Aw. You guys are so cute." said tsuyu. I looked over and saw them taking pictures. I smiled a bit and blushed. "Again papa!" I took out another piece of the cake and gave it to eri. She kept giggling when I did.

...Time: 6:30pm

"I'm stuffed. What about you eri?" Me and Eri was watching hero tube on Tv. They should change that name. "I'm full papa" said eri while rubbing her stomach. I chuckled a little bit.

We cleaned up everything earlier and now we were relaxing. The girls went out to buy eri some presents because they didnt have enough time earlier. "Hey eri. If I said that I was going to an island in 2 days for hero work, what would you say?" Shee then looked at me. I looked at her and we stared at each other.

Yep, I'm an idiot. I ruined the mood. "In 2 days, the 'bring your father to work day' will happen. If you missed that then.. then.." She started tearing up. I immediately pulled her close to me. "Its okay. It's okay. I wont miss it. I promise." I then started wiping her tears.

"But..but I want papa to become a good hero.

You need to go that island to become on right?" I simply nodded my head. "You should go then papa. You might need this experience for a later time."

Who taught her how to speak like that? Did I? Nah, that's too deep for me. "Eri. Are you sure that you want me to go? I'll stay if you really want me to." She then nodded her head slowly. With the power of seeing the future, I looked into it and saw that this all worked out.

The school apparently 'changed' the date of it. The changed it to the day after I get back from this arc.

"Here eri. I have a gift for you." This maybe a little too much for a 6 yr old child to have but whatever. They have them in real life by the time their 6 anyways. I proceeded to give her a watch. It was able to adapt to the user figure so it fits her perfectly. "Its so pretty papa!" Well that got her happy again.

"Yep. And if you need to call me or if you just want to talk then press this button." I pointed to a small button on the watch. She carefully watched were I was pointing at. "Now you can talk to me whenever you want. Just dont call me in school unless you ask molly for permission." She rapidly shook her head.

While I was explaining the watch, the others came in. Eri was startled but she quickly settled down. "Let's go see what they got you eri." I then got up and extended my arm to her. "Yes!" She took my hand and got up from the couch.
