Chapter 60

"Your a pathetic man. You know that?" Shigaraki was talking to nine. His lower body was destroyed and he looked to be dying out. "It amazing that you survived all of that." Shigaraki then took took his glove off. He took off the hand that covered his nose, mouth, and eyes.

Shigaraki then placed his hand in nines head. "I will give you one more chance. If you fail again then consider yourself done." He took his hand off his head and put his glove back on.

"Than-" Nine didnt even finish his sentence because he fell unconscious. "Kurogiri come get him." Shigaraki walked into a purple circle and disappeared. The purple fog then enveloped nine and he disappeared aswell.

... In a hospital's room

I opened my eyes wide and sat up. I was breathing hard and clenching the sheets that were on me. "What happened?" I then started rubbing my head while thinking about what happened.

I see now. The heros came to the island and saved us all. Everyone was safe now and no one was seriously injured to the point where they were on deaths door. I stopped breathing heavily and regained my senses.

"What the hell?" I flipped the covers up and saw something surprising. Eri, katsuma and mahoro was sleeping next to me. When I moved the covers however, they started waking up. "Pa~pa?" I looked at her and smiled. "Papa! You up~" She then started crying into my chest.

"I'm fine eri." I then started rubbing her back slowly. "Bi-Big brother!? Your awake!" Katsuma then started crying aswell. Mahoro didnt say anything but she also started breaking down.

I then started comforting them all. They cried for a while for some reason tho. "How long was I out for anyways." I looked out the window and realized.

Two weeks!? Are you being serious? What the hell system. You said I needed a little rest so why have you kept me sleeping for this long!?

I asked and no one answered. Playing like that huh? It's fine I guess. "Papa has been out for 2 weeks~. T-The doctors said that you were fine but you still didnt wake up." I patted eris head when she said that. "Katsuma. Mahoro. Thank you for your help. If we didnt have your quirks then we would have been in serious trouble."

I patted both their heads and they smiled. I then looked at eri. She also did a good job with something but I cant say without getting questioned. while I was thinking that, the door opened.

Multiple people started running in. Eri, katsuma and mahoro got out of the bed for some reason. "Kenji!" It was Lily who said that. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad your safe!" She then started started sniffling. "Dont cry lily. I'm fine now." I rubbed her head and she slowly let me go. "Glad to see that your awake."

My favorite hero then walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder. I was slightly happy now. "Hey sensei. What did I miss?" He smiled then walked back a little. I saw yuno and dave crying the corner. I used a skill to catch ones attention and they looked at me. I waved at them and they slowly waved back. They were starting to cheer up now.

"Young Skies. It good to see you up!" All might came up to me in his buff form. He patted my back a little then transformed back into his skinny self. "Thank you guys for coming. I appreciate it a lot."

My classmates were also there. They came over to me and asked how I was doing and stuff. I answered them all and talked with them about other stuff. Oh yea, I got fan-serviced by momo, mina, jiro, tsuyu and toru. They got into the bed and started feeling up on me. I was only surprised at jiro for being this open in public.


Well I guess that this was to be expected. Right now, all might, izuku, and me were alone in my hospital room. "Kenji. Do you have one for all?" Geez, straight forwards huh. "No, I don't anymore." All migh then made a face. "Anymore?"

I nodded and started explaining.

(AN: Be ready for some bull crap excuse as to why the mc had one for all during the fight.)

"When me and izuku was fighting the evil guy, He threw us into a mountain. Izuku was bleeding hard in the back and some managed to get inside of my mouth. (This is the bs. Like, how did it just get into his mouth?)."

All might then looked over to izuku. "Young midoriya. Did you want to give him one for all!?" Izuku then made a thinking face and stared at me. "Yes, all might. I knew that I would have lost it by giving it to him but.." All might then patted him on the shoulders.

It's been 2 weeks guy. Why haven't you discussed this already? "I wanted to win the fight without a problem but I saw kenjj struggling. In that moment, I guess I did want to give it to him."

Struggling? I was like that because I had to protect you aswell. "I'm not mad at you, young midoriya. Actually, I'm glad that Kenji was the one you passed it to. If there happened to be another successor of OFA then Kenji would be the best option."

I sighed and layed back down. "Well young skies, I'm going to leave so talk with young midoriya. He was really worried about you." All might then got up and left. I looked over to izuku and he was blushing while rubbing his head. I smiled at the scene and thought about something.


I was in the cafeteria right now. I was eating some food while izuku was starring at me. "Stop looking at me like that." He shook his head like he was in a daze. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about your daughter."

What? Elaborate for me please. I guess he sensed danger because he started to explain himself.

"Not like that! You see, she used her quirk on everyone in the class and we all healed back up instantly. She gradually became tired after each person but kept going because of you."

I then started playing with my food. "Yea, shes amazing." If you look closely than you could see me blushing. This was the news that I I to hear. She helped so many people and kept going because of me. I'm so excited!

I guess izuku saw this because he started laughing. "Oh kenji. Your so easy to ready." I picked up a piece of bread and throught it at his face. He wasnt expecting that and got hit. He then fell back and hit his head.

... 3:00pm

"You are free to leave now. Be careful." I then waved the nurse off and left. School was starting tommorow, for me anyways, and I had to go back home. I was walking home now with my shades on.

I arrived at the front door and I opened it. As soon as I did, eri jumped on me. "Welcome home papa!" She gave me a huge bright smile and I smiled back. "I'm home." I then carried her to the kitchen and sat down. "I heard that you helped out aswell eri."

She seemed confused at first then shook her head rapidly. "Yes! I even healed you papa!"


She did? I thought that my regeneration was in play but I guess not. Wait, does that mean thay I was basically normal when I was passed out? I can auto regenerate from anything but not this?

"You did!? Thanks eri!" I then rubbed my face on hers. She giggled alot when I did. "Your finally back. Welcome home darling." Toga came up behind me and hugged me. I looked up and our eyes locked with each other. I smiled and said "Yes, I'm home." She moved her head down a little and we kissed.

I'm happy that I have people at home to say this stuff to me. She took her lips of mine and a string of saliva came out. "Let's get you something to eat." She let go of me and went to the freezer of the fridge. She took out some meat and vegetables and sat them on the counter. "It'll be a while so make your self comfy." I nodded at her and got up with eri.

We went to the couch and sat down. I passed eri the remote and she put on heroflix. We then started watching a movie about a 'scientist' who made a machine that could produce food from water. He had a big nose and was very skinny.

... (AN: I love watching Gordan Ramsey. His accent, looks, and cooking skills just makes me want to nu-..)

"This is amazing toga!" I was at the dinner table with eri and toga. She made burgers and French fries and it tasted way better than normal. She looked at me and smiled. "Glad you like it!" I then continued eating.

While we were eating, the door bell rung. I told eri and toga that I would get it and got up. I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole.

I stared for a moment before smiling. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Big brother!" yelled katsuma. He then ran up to me and jumped into my arms. Mahoro did the same. "I'm Tetsuya Shimano. I cannot thank you enough for protecting my children."

I walked up to him and extend my arm. I was kinda in a awkward position with both katsuma and mahoro in my arms but it worked out. "No problem I was just doing what anyone else would do." I shook his hand for a while and offered him to eat with us. He declined at first but he saw his children's sad faces and eventually agreed.

Toga already met him while I was out so I didnt need to introduce them. Same with eri.

"This is amazing!" I forgot to mention that toga food was actually god tier to other people. It could taste better than people who bad cooking quirks. "Thank you." Toga then got up and took my plate.

She then took tetsuya place, because he finished after he said that. "Thank you for the food but we have to leave now." Then man then got up and checked his watch. I stared at katsuma and mahoro then smiled. "I'll be waiting outside. Thanks for the food again!" The man then proceeded to let himself out.

"Big brother~" Katsuma then started crying for some reason. "I dont want to go back. I-I want to stay with you!" I rubbed his head and said "Right now you cant do that katsuma. Your dad can only afford to stay on the island."

He then cried harder. Wrong wording idiot. "Katsuma. I'll be waiting for you so grow up and become an amazing hero. One that people can look up to." I then took katsuma and hugged him. His crying died down but he still had tears.

"I-I will big brother! When I get older, I'll become a hero for everyone." I let him go and gave him one last pat on his head. He wiped his eyes and waved me off. I could tell that he was still sad but atleast he ways happier than before.

"Mahoro. Protect your brother while I'm gone." I then walked up to her and gave her a hug aswell. "I-I will. You can count on me!" I felt water on my shoulder but it was fine. I continued hugging her and after a short while I let go. "Mahoro. I'll be counting on you." She nodded and whiped her face away. She then ran off but before she arrived at the door, she came back.

She jumped into my arms again and gave me one last hug. "I'll promise to be a better hero for katsuma. Just watch!" She let go of me and ran away.

The door shut and i just stared at it. I was kinda sad that they were leaving me. I mean, just leaving in general but i cant do anything about it. 'Unless...' I was thinking about an idea that could let me loose viewers. I think at least.

"I have money so why cant I just by them a house here on the mainrland?" I was mumbling that idea to myself. "Yea papa! You should do that!" She heard me!? "I think that's an amazing plan aswell." You too toga!?

I guess I could do it but not right now. I need those 2 to 'develope' a little before buying them a house on the maineland. Maybe until my second year. If Im still alive by then.


"And woosh. The bad guy flew into the ground and we won." I was explaing my fight with nine to eri. Toga was listening aswell. "You and Mr. brocolli are amazing! Tell me more!" I laughed a little and nodded. I then told her of my time with katsuma and mahoro. She didn't mind at all and was actually interested.

"Its time for us to clock in eri." Toga knew what I meant and proceeded to turn the lamp off. I then turned all of the lights off in the house with a thought. 'All of this power to only be nerfed by the stupid author.'

"Good night toga. Eri." I kissed them both on the forehead and they fell asleep. 'Time to catch up with the manga.' I closed my eyes and the latest chapters of my hero appeared. As I was reading them, I became very shocked. "Who the hell is this guy? He looks like a villian."

Izuku looked like a meance. "Too bad we wont see this if I'm here. I could change the whole fate of the war arc if I wanted to tho." I sighed then thought for a moment. 'Actually. I like the current izuku. He nice and sweet but sometimes weird. I'm not that normal myself, as I change personalities almost every other chapter."

I smiled at my final 'decision.' I then went to sleep and dreamt about something that would make this Novel a bl one.


(AN: Honestly, just ignore that very last sentence. I was just playing with you guys. *Starts sweating*)

Also, toga can go a while without the mc's blood. 2 months to be exact. Thag doesn't stop them from doing the dirty tho. *devil emoji. Height five emoji*