Chapter 72

"And then bam! I hit the guy and he flew miles down to the ground." I was in mount Olympus again. The gods all had some work yesterday so they wasnt able to watch my fight.

"By the way. Who won that game of uno the other day?" They looked at me then at hermes. "He cheated you know. He only drew 15 cards that one time."

The gods gasped in shocked. "No I did not. You-You just saw wrong." I shook my head then extended my hand out.

"What's this then?" A projected video of yesterday's game started playing. They watched and his turn to draw 16 cards came up. "Wow hermes. You really are deceitful."

Everyone stared at him. "This was a honest mistake-" He started running away mid sentence. I sighed and snapped my fingers. He teleported into my hand and I held him. "Get off me! It was just a game!" He kept trying to run away.

"Tell me where ajax is and I'll let you go." He looked at me and stopped running. "He's in the garden with tecmessa." I nodded and got up.

"He's all your guys." I then walked over the door. "W-Wait! Help me Kenji! Please!" I left and started walking away. You see, the gods dont mess around when it comes to uno. Cheating is basically asking for a punishment.

I was now walking around while admiring the view. There were many naked women walking which did not surprise me at all. I mean, zues runs the place so it was bound to happen.

I arrived in the garden and that's when I saw him. "Put some clothes on man." He heard this and turned around. "Oh! If it isnt Kenji. What brings you here?"

I stared at him in the eye. "I came here to ask you if I could use your name for something." He stared back at me and said "Ofcourse you can! It would be an honor actually!"

They have so much respect for me up here. "Thank you. Also, put some clothes on." He nodded and I left.

The women I can understand but the men. Hell naw.


I was at the airport now. We obviously had to go back home because of what happened yesterday. "Dont go to sleep yet Kenji. We're not even on the plane." I nodded my head and stared at the ceiling.

"So, what did they say about your father?" Melissa was sitting behind me. "They said that he would be sent to jail for a while but he can still continue his research." I put my head back to the point where it touched hers and said "Well that's good." She nodded her head and smiled.

"Alright class. It's time for us to leave." Aizawa said that.

We all nodded and got up. We grabbed our suitcases and started walking away. That's when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw who was yelling it.

"Thank you! For saving my dad and saving me all those times." A tear formed in her eye when she said that. I stared at her for a moment and said "Your welcome. If you ever need help again then just call me." She nodded rapidly at me. I waved at her and continued walking away.

In that moment tho, she ran up behind me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you! For everything!" I smiled and nodded my head. She let go of me and this time, I walked to the docking area without a problem.


"I'm sorry for that izuku." We were in the plane right now. "Sorry for what?" He looked at me with a confused face. "I injured you while we were fighting that guy didnt i?"

He then looked down at his right arm. There was a long scar that went from his wrist to the top of his shoulder. "Its fine Kenji. Besides, it looks cool!"

He gave me a huge smile. I patted his head and reached for something under my seat. "Here you go." I gave him a bag with a box shaped item inside. "What is this?" I looked at him and smiled. "Open it when you get home." He watched me turn my head away.

He then looked at the box and nodded.


Man was I tired. I just got off the plane and was in the lobby.

Last night, I was asked question from dusk till dawn and didnt get an inch of sleep. They also asked me about the dead villian and I responded with "He must have fell off on his own." The cops took that answer and went with it.

Anyways, I was walking through the lobby when I heard a certain voice. "Papa!!" It was eri obviously. I put my suitcase down and put my arms out. She jumped into them and tackled me down on the floor.

"Hey eri. I'm back." I smiled and patted her back. I sat back up and got back on my two feet. "I saw papa fighting the villian in the news and and and I was worried." I looked at her in the eyes and waited.

"But mama told me not to cry because that would make you feel sad." Oh, I see now. "I see. And where is your mom at?" When I said that, I got hugged from behind by someone. "I'm right here." I turned around and saw her. She stared into my eyes and I did the same.

"Glad your home." She smiled deeply and tilted her head. I then proceeded to pick her up aswell. I kissed her on the cheek and did the same for eri. "I'm home guys" They smiled at me when I did.

"I'll carry that for you." I nodded my head at her and she picked up my suitcase. She placed it and her right hand. I then extended my hands out.

They smiled and took it. We then walked off into one of those freeze frame moments.

"Your not getting out of this one." My freeze frame moment ended when I heard that. I turned back around and saw aizawa. "You have to go make a statement. You know that." He then turned around and started walking away.

"Oh yea. Sorry guys." They looked at me and pouted. "Just go home without me. I'll be back later." They looked at each other and sighed. "Okay papa. We'll be waiting for you at home."

I heard the sadness in her voice and stopped her from walking away. "Here eri. I was going to give it to you later but right here should be fine." I reached into my pocket and gave her a ring.

It's not like that. I promise. Anyways, I placed it on her finger and she looked at it. "Wow kenji. You gave our daughter one before us." I rubbed my head when she said that.

"Thank you papa!" Before this arc, eri was eyeing this exact ring on tv. I didnt have to use any powers to know that she wanted it.

She jumped in my arms again and hugged me tightly. I put her back down and waved them off.

That ring was not just your basic ring however. This one costed $1000 that's why.

... 1 week timeskip.

"So your telling me that you can.. You can actually.. Just show me." Right now, I was teaching a class. I was talking to a person who could turn into a titan.

Yea a titan. "Okay but you have to step back." I did as he told me and he turned into a titan. There was that yellow-green lightning aswell.

He turned into a titan and roared for some odd reason. I looked at his appearance and I was let down. He does turn into a titan but hes basically mount lady. What i mean is that he looks the same as himself but bigger.

"So can you talk?" He looked at me and shook his head no. Well, he has that going for him. "What can you do then?" The titan stared at me then looked around for something. He started walking to a wall and got into a fighting stance.

His fist turned crystal blue and he punched the wall. The whole room shook and a massive hole opened up. He stepped back from the spot and got out of the titan.

He emerges from his mouth by the way which looks really weird. "So, is there anything that you can teach me?" I stared at him and put my hand on my chin.

"I'll be right back." I then walked out of the room. I walked down the hallways and arrived at a certain room. I opened the door and everyone stared at me. "Kenji? We are in a meeting!" I ignored him and kept walking.

"Come with me." I grabbed her wrist and took her. "Oh my~ Are you finally making a move on me?" I ignored what she said and walked out the room. "Listen. Can you help me with a student. His quirk is very similar to yours."

She put her hand over her mouth and said "Sure. Besides, you'll owe me after this." I nooded and we continued.


"Fred meet Mt.Lady. Mt.Lady, meet fred." They both shook hands with each other. "Show me your quirk kid." Fred nodded and walked away. He transformed into a titan and waited.

"I see now" said Mt.lady. "So can you help him?" She thought for a second then nodded. "Yea i can help em" I nodded and walked away. "Where are you going?" I kept walking and said "I have to teach other students you know."

I then walked over to someone else. "What was your quirk again?" She looked at me and frowned. "I told you what my quirk was already!" One of these students if you couldnt tell.

"I'm sorry. Would you tell me what it was again?" She puffed out her chest and said "Its cloud manifestation." I stared at her in disbelief.

What does that mean? "You know how clouds make shapes sometimes right? Well I can take those shapes and make them real!" What a..unique ability.

"So what do you do when it rains?" She stared at me. "What do you think!? I cant use my quirk obviously." Yea that's true huh. "Alrighty then! Lets go outside so you can show me." She glared at me and we left.

We came outside and she started putting her hands out. She put them towards a cloud shaped like a balloon. "Watch this!" Her hands started glowing white. The clouds slowly sucked into her hand.

In the next moment, a balloon appeared. It was made out of clouds but could cut through steel apparently. "Its a good quirk but it takes a while to manifest it doesnt it." She looked at me and said "Well here's the thing. The less complex an object is, the slower it is to make and the more complicated it is, the faster it is to make."

I looked at her and nodded. "Can you do that one then?" I pointed to a cloud that looked like a car. She nodded and started again.

A car made of clouds soon appeared. I got in it and it actually worked like a real car. "You have a good quirk. I cant really help you since it so straightforward tho." She nodded at me. "Wait. How many cane you make at a time?"

She put her hand up to her chin and thought. "Yea I can only do one at a time." I nodded at her and said "Well there you go. Try to make multiple creations at the same time."

Shes probably never thought about it before because finding clouds that look the same near each other is probably rare. She still nodded at me however and I went back inside.
