Chapter 79

"Why did you draw your sword at him?" said harry, the dude that had the body of a bear.

"I'm sorry father. He claimed that sis attacked him first which was a lie." Harry and claudia started at him.

"I did attack him first." Marcus turned his head slowly at her. "Y-You did~?" His voice cracked a little. "Yes I did. Anyways, you shouldn't have attacked him just because he harmed me."

He stared for a moment then said "The thing is that I didnt. He caught my sword and stabbed himself. I was just trying to scare him." The piano music in the back stopped playing and everyone stared at him.

"Are you telling the truth Marcus?" The tone of the voice was on a different level now. "Yes father." He smirked and shook his head. "That boy is clever. He's probably going to press charges against us for money." The wife, Mary, finally spoke up.

"Mother. I dont think he will. He's too laid back for that type of thing. He can force me to get him money so I dont see why he would do that. Actually, he doesnt even bat an eye at me. He can use my body and quirk for anything but he doesnt."

Mary and Harry shook their heads. Marcus was the only one confused. "Use your body and quirk.. What does she mean!?" Harry sighed and looked at him. "I'll explain this once so listen up." He nodded and started listening


"I see now... Well, you did that to your own self claudy." She looked down in shame. "So, if he hurts himself but doesn't want money or our own daughter even then what's his goal?" Everyone had the same question in mind.

"John!" Harry snapped his fingers and a man appeared. "Find out more about this kid." He nodded and disappeared.

"We'll figure him out in time." Everyone shook their heads and their eyes started glowing.


"And I win again." I was on the floor in the nurses room with Gasper and we were playing tic tac toe. "You cheater! You used your quirk!"

I smiled at him and said "My quirk? I haven't even thought about using it." He looked into my eyes and said "You liar. Your hair is standing up."

I beg your pardon?

That is the one thing I've never told anyone. My hair does stick up a little but it's such a small change that I assumed that no one would notice

"Gasper. You never fail to amaze me." He puffed his chest out and said "Well I been inside of you so ofcourse I'd know."

Makes perfect sense actually. If he used my quirk inside of me then ofcourse he'll notice. "Fine. I'll play normally for now on." My hair went down a little and I started playing normally. "So, what do you want to eat for Thanksgiving?" It was tommorow.

" I want a hamburger! And some ham!" I smiled at the cute scene and nodded. Right, he said that he doesnr want to spend time with his family for some reason. I wanted to go back home but they literally only give us tommorow off for thanksgiving.

"I win again Gasper. Maybe I'm just to good for you." He pouted and looked away. "I'm going to order a pizza so we can have something to eat ok?" He looked back at me with sparkles and nodded. I got up and pulled my phone out. I put it up to my ear and called the pizza place with my head.

I ordered 5 boxes of pizzas so it should be enough. "Allright Gasper. We have to wait 20 minutes. Can you stay up for that long?" This was a joke between us. He would go to bed a 8:30 on the dot. Not a minute before or a minute later. "Y-Yea I can! Just you watch!"

I smiled and turned around. I got onto my little one person bed and layed down. I turned the small tv on and watched the news. Izuku saved a burning building with people inside of it.

Good for him.

"Gasper. Before I passed out, I saw a figure of someone in black. Who was that?" I continued starring at the tv. "I-I dont know. I saw it too b-but I.." I looked over at him and he was clenching his shirt.

"Its fine. You don't have to tell me right now." I turned my head back and changed the channel. "Its fine! I-I was just trying to find the right words that's all." I shook my head and he continued talking. "Its a new power I think. I-I can cause some type of illusion."

I stared at him for a moment. "The thing that I saw had a scythe and was in black ragged clothes. Gasper, I think that you made us see death."

His whole body shook when I said that. "D-Death!? What are you talking about!?" He got up and slowly walked towards me. "Maybe you wanted to.." I stopped myself. He was right infront of me just starring into my eyes. "You probably just wanted to scare him and there is nothing better than scaring someone by showing them death."

He said nothing to me. I however kept speaking. "But thank you anyways. You got stronger and even went out of your way to call death for me. Thank you."

He said nothing but a smiled appeared on his face. "I'm just happy that yout alright kenji." He came up to me and.. This was something new. He patted my head and sat down infront of my bed.

I stared blankly for a moment. I then touched the part of my head where he touched at and smiled.

"Gasper. Could you show me another illusion?" He looked up at me and smiled. "Sure! Although I dont think that I can control it well." I nodded at him and he got up. "Watch." His eyes turned red again. This time however, a panda came from behind him.

It looked at me and jumped on me. I didn't flinch at all tho. So this is is basically like a gen- "Did you see it Kenji? The panda?" I nodded my head at him. "That's amazing Gasper. They look and feel so real." He then proceeded to make more illusions around the room.

I looked around at all of them until the suddenly disappeared. Gasper eyes went back to pink and he started falling down.

I teleported behind him and caught him. "You did good Gasper. You didnt have to over do it however." He smiled at me and his eyes closed.


"T-This is amazing Kenji!" The pizza came and we were eating it now. "It melts in my mouth like ice cream!"

I laughed a little and said "I ordered it from the best place around here. Your welcome." He nodded his head and kept eating. "Gasper. Why did you want to become a hero? I've never heard you reason before." He ate the last bit of his pizza and looked at me.

"Well, I wanted to become a hero so people will.. respect me. Do you know what I mean?" I nodded my head at him. "Why did you want to become a hero?" He stared at me and I made a thinking face. "Have I told you that I have a kid back home?" He was in the middle of picking up another slice of pizza when I said that.

"A-A-A kid!? You have a child kenji!?" I nodded my head and continued. "Well I want to make the world safer for her. I don't want her to grow up in in danger so I decided to get rid of it all." He stared a me.

"Your a good person Kenji." I didnt say anything to that. "Gasper. Hurry up an eat so you can show me." He nodded and kept eating.


"Show me please." We were outside in the schools park. I wanted to see all his powers and his limits. "Okay!" He shook his head and started.

He turned invisible. He apparently could stay like this for an hour. He used it all the time back in middle school and elementary so I guess that's why.

He then turned back visible and started flying. He could do this for a very very long time. He soon came back down to the ground. "Alright Gasper. Turn into something now."

I forgot to mention that he could turn into anything. Not only a person. My bad.

He shook his head at me and he started glowing around his whole body. It was bright but it didnt bother me.

After a while, he appeared. "You could have turned into anything Gasper. Why did you pick me?" I was looking at a clone of myself. "Y-You were the first thing to pop up in my mind that's why!" I shrugged it off and walked up to him.

"Wow. Every single detail. I wonder if its accurate down there aswell?" Weird question but I kinda wanted to know.

Gasper heard me but he didnt day anything. His face was red tho.

"All right. Let's see... Ah! Lift that bench up." He looked at where I was pointing and nodded. He stuck his hand out and the bench started floating. I jumped on it but he was still able to keep it up.

"How many quirks can you use at a time?" He flinched at the question and looked up at me. "I-I can only use my flight and invisibility at the same time. Tho I can only use it for 30 seconds."

That's good still. "Allright. Let's go back inside. I now know your limits and can improve you even further now." He smiled at me and we left.

We came back to the nurse room and got ready for bed. I pulled my pants and shirt off while Gapser just pulled his skirt off.

"Your going to sleep in that?" He nodded at me shyly. "Alright. You should be careful tho. There are people out there who wont care if your male or female." I flipped the covers over me and fell asleep.

I saw him looking around nervously but he eventually went to sleep.