Chapter 85

"Yea this ones on you. Sorry."

Well that's not what I exactly wanted to hear. Right now, I was telling my 'Love life' to the gods. They seem to know a thing or two about it. Well love I mean.

"Can you elaborate more?" Zues sighed then put his arm around me. "Well listen up closely. You know that the kid is insecure yet you said some bullshit like that?" He paused for a moment to let me take it in.

"You were the only person that never criticized him. In that moment, you made him feel....well out of place. He probably thought 'I'm a disgusting boy. He'll never see me as a women'."

Oh, I see.."Listen kenji. Do you like this kid?" All the gods stared at me when he asked that.

Do I like Gasper? "I do but-." Zues undid his arm around me and put his hands on each side of my face. "Then why dont you tell him that. He needs that confidence. When you finally tell him then all will be normal again." He took his hands off my face and walked away.

"He likes you Kenji. You like him. Your just to full of yourself to admit it." Poseidon does not hold back does he? "Yeah. He does his best to please you and you do aswell but.. What you said made him feel like you dont see as a 'women.' Only a guy dressed up as one."

I looked at her back as she left. I was now the only person in the room now.

I-I do like him dont I. I did kill off fate and Destiny for him. I took him out on dates, we fed each other, laughed together, even slept together. Well kinda.

As I think back to the past, I realized that I do in fact like Gasper. I was just too full of myself like Poseidon said. I thought that by liking a boy, it would make me weird but I was wrong. It doesnt matter if they're a guy or a girl, as long as you like each other then it'll work out.

I got up from my special seat and started walking away. I walked out the door and when I opened it, I saw every single god in Olympus waiting. "Thank you guys for showing me what I've done wrong. I see that I should've accepted my own feeling much faster than I wanted to. Thank you."

The gods started cheering for me. "For the advice you all gave me, have this!" I snapped my fingers and everyone got a bottle of wine. "I made it myself. See you later now." I saw sparkles in their eyes as I waved them goodbye.


I blinked my eyes and got up. I ran to the bathroom and opened the door. "Gasper! I'm sorry!" He was sitting on the toilet just crying silently. "Ken..ji..?" He whiped his face and got up. He slowly walked up to me until he was standing infront of me.

"I'm sorry Gasper." I bent down a little and cupped the side of his face. "I-I worded what I said earlier wrong." His eyes widened and he clenched his dress. "I do see you as a women. I've always saw you as one. Ever since I first saw you I... I wanted to..."

The dialogue had to be muted. Sorry.

His face got redder. "R-Really kenji? You did?" The past tears began coming out. "Yes Gasper. I did. You've always had a bright smile on your face which made me smile in return. You would get mad for me which made me happy aswell."

I caught my breath for a moment which was enough for him to tackle me down. "I-I-I love you kenji." He went towards my face and kissed me. My eyes widened but not in a bad way. It was sweet, like..Cake?

I closed my eyes and put my hand around his head. His lips were soft like jelly. I kissed him back even harder which made him moan a little. After about 10 minutes of non-Stop kissing, we finally separated. There was a thick string of saliva when we did.

"I love you too Gasper." He then smiled deeply at me. I also did the same. "You taste like cake Gasper." I chuckled a bit. "Y-You do too kenji."

We laughed for a little and got up. "Oh no. I ruined the dress Kenji!" I turned my head back at him and said "Its fine. It got ruined for a good reason right?" He thought for a moment then blushed.

You know, I think I have a better relation ship with him than most of the girls. Toga is excluded and so is eri if you count her.

"Let's clean up Gasper. We have a long week ahead of us." Basically, the sports festival but you know...For america.

"Okay! I'll go get some garbage bags from down stairs okay?" I nodded at him and waved him off. After he left, aphrodite came through the ceiling.

"Kenji~ This is too strong." She slouched on me. "Sorry if it is. If I tasted it without certian powers then I might have died." This was a lie. Without any alcohol related skills, the most this would do to me is...Nothing.

"All of the gosh are asleep~ I'm the only one awake~" She said that like it's a bad thing. Wait, that is a bad thing. "Help~" She fell to the floor and passed out. She started snoring loudly.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Yep, it seems like the worlds are falling out. I'll fix them since I kinda causes this. Tho they are gods so I expected them to be able to handle a bit more.

I snapped my fingers and the planets went back to normal. About a billion universes died out so I had to revive them aswell. Anos was in one of those universes I think so I had to bring him back. (AN: Pain.)

"I'm back kenji!" Gasper came through the doors with plastic bags. She couldn't be seen but she was still bothering me, being out the corner of my eye so I thought her out of the house and back to olympus.

"Alright. Lets do this." He nodded and gave me a garbage bag. We both then went around our apartment and cleaned up. We decided to just clean up the whole place since we were at it.


"Alright. You done?" I looked over to him and saw him panting. "Yesh. I'm finished." I smiled and walked over to him. "Let me take that for you then." I didnt wait for him to reply and I took his garbage bags. "I'll be right back okay?" He smiled and nodded at me.

I walked over to the door and left. I teleported instantly to the trash containers and put them inside. "What are you doing up this late?" A day. A day is all in need from her. "I'm throwing trash out. Now if you'll excuse me.."

I started walking away. "Wait a second. I know what you did." I stopped and turned my head. "What are you talking about?" She puffed her chest out and walked over to me.

"You stabbed yourself on purpose. My brother did nothing." Oh that? That was years ago old lady. I sighed then walked away. "You also had that pervert posses my brother so he could stab me."

I instanly appeared infront of her. My eyes were glowing red with monsters behind me. Lucifer, Death, Medusa. They were raining their blood lust onto her. "Stop calling him that. Its getting old now. Understand?" My voice was deep and eerie that even the shadows behind me twitched.

She was shaking aggressively. Her eyes doing the exact same. I even saw a puddle below her. "Y-Y-Y-YES!" She screamed out then passed out. She fell down in her own puddle of piss with white eyes. Some even got in her mouth.

"Thank you guys." They all appeared in person. "No problem. Just call us anytime." Lucifer then went up in a ball of flames. "Your welcome sir." Death faded away.

"When will you be mine!?" She tried jumping at me. "Once those damn snakes come off you." She frowned then said "But then can-" I snapped my fingers and she disappeared.

This wasn't overkill. She did however see her death and felt the pain 10 fold, saw her worst nightmare 100 fold, and experienced being squeezed to death each and agonizing second but Hey. She deserved it.

Before, she would call him a pervert and I wouldn't do anything big but now... Now that person experiences hell.


"What took you so long?" Gasper was pouting while starring at me. "I was just helping an old lady cross the road." Gasper stared at me then pointed his finger.

I looked at where he was pointing to and saw a clock. "Its 11:30pm kenji. What old lady would be out at this time of life?" I tried thinking of something but the universe didnt answer.

"I'm sorry. I threw the trash into the bin but I missed and had to pick it all up." His nose soon twitched. "You dont sm-" I picked him up. "W-What are you doing!?" I said nothing and ran over to the bed.

I threw him on my bed then got onto of him. "K-Kenji.. I'm not ready yet." He shyly looked away. "Sorry but your going to have to be." I put my face infront of his and...Went to sleep.

"Huh? Kenji!?" He tried moving me but couldn't. He kept thinking of a way besides the most obvious one. After a while however, he gave up and just started patting my head. "Good night kenji." He kissed my forehead and went to sleep aswell.


(AN: So how do you like this? is it fine or forceful or... Maybe you just dont like it? Anyways, I'm sorry if this is what you wanted but, it must have been done. Everything has it purpose.)