Chapter 93

"Jeff Bezos and Mars Newton! Come up to the stage." Me and Festherine turned our heads back.

We saw them eye each other and get up. They walked out the door together and we turned back.

They soon got to the stage and waited. "Tell us your names and quirks!" He passed the mic to Jeff. He caught it and smiled. "My name is Jeff bozo! My quirk is called, Beam! I can make beams from anywhere on my body!"

The crowd was cheerful until he started talking. Who explains their quirk mane? Just say the name. Unless your that confident in your abilities.

"Here you go pal!" He walked up to Mars and handed him the mic. He took it and watched him walk back. "Mars. Quirk, absolute control." He threw the mic back at him and the match started.

Mars rushed at Him and they started fighting. Animation looked clean here. Mars threw a punch toward his heart but was countered.

Jeff smiled and caught his punch. He twisted his hand and spun mars around. He kicked the back of his leg and he fell down.

"This might hurt buddy." In the next moment, you could hear loud cracking. He was breaking his fingers. Mars was screaming outloud the whole time.

Jeff them planted his food into the back of his leg more and broke it. He let go of mars and jumped back.

"Shi!..." Mars slowly looked at jeff. He had tears in his red eyes. "You dont deserve to live." Now that cant be good... He's going to find a way to kill him self now.

Jeff eyes widened and he stuck his hand out. His fingers glowed and he aimed it at his head like he was at gun point.

That doesn't make sense. It was like he was.. It was like he was about to shoot himself basically.

"Do it!" He took those words and shot a beam.

Blood flew up and the crowd gasped. Me and Featherine only watched the scene go down. "K-Kyaaa!!" We heard screams from all over the stadium.

Jeff was now...dead.

Just kidding ofcourse. He aimed the beam at mars in the last second and shot him in the stomach.

I guess that you can break free from it. Tho mars has to be weakened a lot to break free from it.

Wait he feels the pain of his victims. Wouldn't he basically be killing himself by feeling the pain of a beam going through his head?

That's an idiot move mane. You can only take so much.

"No..Way.." Mars felt around his stomach. "Wow buddy...You were really going to kill me?.." Jeff walked up to him and placed his hands on his shoulders.

Mars hit his hand away and moved back somehow. He was holding his stomach and was breathing hard. Jeff's smile turned into a frown instantly when he backed away.

He put his head down and you could hear laughter. He kept cackling while slowly walking up to him. He then put his hand out a bit and a white beam came out.

It penetrated mars legs which made him slump to the ground. He then shot out a red beam which was aimed at his arms.

They made contact and his arms blew off. "Sorry buddy. You shouldn't have ran away." He walked up to the screaming Mars and crouched down. He sat mars up and you could see tears of blood.

He shoved his whole hand into his chest and shot a blue beam. Mars eyes widened for a second before slumping back down.

The beam went through his chest and out his back. It shot out into the sky and hit a bird. The crowd watched this whole scene go down. Me and featherine looked at each other and looked back.

"T-The winner is Jeff bozo!" He heard this and smiled. He walked away while waving to the people in the audience. They however only gave him a disgusted look.

There were people cheering for him however.

"He shouldn't have won to be honest." She looked at me and nodded. The geass with multiple usages should win almost every fight but I guess everything in this world has a draw back.

"That boy basically told him to kill himself right? I wonder why they didnt stop the match right there." I agree with her. I thought it was gonna be one of those last minutes saved or whatever but no.

No body came out. All the heros only watched. I even saw some with smiles on their faces. "Well that's how people are. They like to see people getting pushed."

I shrugged my shoulders at her. "They do huh?..." I paused for a moment. Getting pushed isnt exactly right in this case. They knew his power and the words behind it.

Telling someone to kill themselves is bad isnt it? They should have interfered with the match and told him to cancel his order.

"Well good luck anyways. You probably wont need it however." She smiled and got up. It was her turn to be fighting that madison chick.

She waved me off and left the room. Madison followed after her while giving her a weird glare.

The both got on the stage and went to their sides. The headmaster passed claudia the mic and she stated her name and quirk like usual. She then passed it to madison and she did the same.

"Madison luck. Quirk, cloak." She winked at Claudia and passed the mic back to the headmaster.

If you dont recognize the name of her quirk then its fine. She basically has the same power as nao from Charlotte. The power to be seen by everyone but the person shes fighting.

Yeah, I'm unoriginal.

"Do either of you have any questions before you start?" He looked at the both of them. They stared at him and shook their heads no. "Well then..Begin!" He then floated away.

Claudia took her sword out and aimed it at her. Madison smirked and walked up to her. She walked like a prostitute and was making that weird face again.

She started licking her lips in a seductive way for an odd reason. "I can finally have you.~" She got up to Claudia and stuck her hands out.

In the next moment, an arm went flying to the ground. "Wha?..." Blood spurted out and she stared at it. The crowd cheers went silent for the 20th time today.

I face palmed at the scene and sighed. She was the 'model student' and yet she sliced off her fellow classmates arm without hesistation. You would think that someone like her would be more careful with their image.

I look back at the stage and saw featherine giving madison a glare. It was so domineering that I had to use a skill to block it off from killing everyone in a 1 trillion mile radius. "You dare to touch me human?" She sliced her other arm off.

Madison slowly dropped to the floor. She was screaming out with blood and guts everywhere. She then walked up to her and grabbed her head. She pulled her hair and made her stand up, only to chop her legs off.

I bent the Sun Ray's on the kids faces so the wouldnt see this. This wasn't something that a kid should be watching.

Madison was only a living torso now. She went unconscious from the hair pulling so everything after that was just over kill.

Well not really.

"S-Stop! You win!" The headmaster rushed down to the stage and stuck a pole in her chest. Dont worry...She'll live. Maybe she wont be a hero anymore but she'll live.

Featherine walked off the stage and came back into the student section. Everyone moved away from her and went to the other side of the room.

"You humans never change. You know that?" She sat down beside me and sighed. That girl was going to feel featherine up and strip her naked.

She had beef with Claudia so I guess that this was going to be...Revenge? "We're not all like that." She snickered at that and looked at me.

"You were like that aswell. Dont deny it." They always make assumptions about me. The gods, now featherine. I sighed at her and looked up.

"I've changed featherine. It was a joke that one time." Okay so maybe I did something similar like this before. It was a dare so it excusable right? I was young at the time so I didnt know better.

"Yeah Yeah. Humans are still are still off putting. You've seen it haven't you? This world trues color." I looked back at her and stared into her eyes. This world does seem like rainbows and sunshine but it wasn't.

I would make it perfect but everything requires an opposite. Good and evil. It makes the world work in a way. "Your right featherine." I looked back at the arena and stared at the torso.

She was being treated and healed by henry. I was worried that he shouldn't be there but I went back to normal. I then looked over to featherine and touched her head. "What are you doing?"

I went into her head and saw Claudia. She had her own little house in here with her family and...Me? I was married to her in this fantasy.

Right now however, she was in her room alone looking at a TV. She was able to view the real world from here. I stared at her back and noticed that she was shaking.

I guess seeing all that gore would make a regular person traumatized.

I walked up behind her and she looked back. She stared into my eyes for a while and i stared back. "Your fine right?" I smiled at her a bit. She shook her head and turned back around.

She shaking already stopped and she soon got up. She walked out the room and closed the door.

She knows that we arent normal people but she doesnt care it seems. I sighed and disappeared into particles.

"You have to do this for her featherine." This was the least that we could do for her. We make her see all this and dont even try to calm her down.

She snickered at me and looked away. She made a pouting face and said "Fine! I guess I'll do it since I'm using her body." I smiled and looked away.

I was up next to fight I think. It was the portal guy so it should be a fun match.

"I'll be going now. Since your calm now, how about you go play with Claudia?" She frowned at me. I assumed that if she could get along with a human then Claudia would be the best choice since she kinda inside of her.

"Your dreaming now. I barely want to get along with that other human you love." I laughed a bit and walked out the room. I walked around the school until I got to the nurse room.

I placed my hand on the door and stopped. I thought about something then proceeded to go in.

I walked up to bells bed and sat down in the chair that was next to it. I put my hand down and started touching his. I rubbed my finger on the back of his hand and he shot up.

"W-What are you doing!?" He snatched his hand away and started rubbing it. "I was seeing if you were alive that's all." I was kinda joking but not really.

"Ofcourse I am. You could've just looked at that." He pointed to a screen with his heartbeat. I rubbed the back of my head and laughed a bit. "Anyways, I'm fine. Thanks to your little friend atleast. It feels like I have a new body or something now. Its great!" He smiled at me and put his thumb up.

Well it feels like that because it is like that. Henry was able to copy the users body and search for another in the multi verses. He would take the new body and switch it out with the damaged one.

No one knows it works like this. Not even henry and it's his power. When he healed me at the time, I wasnt anywhere else in the multi verse so I had to alter his quirk on me a bit.

"He's really something huh." I looked over at the TV and smiled. Henry and eri had amazing healing factors that would save many lives.

They had bright futures that I look forward to seeing if I'm still here. "Dont you have a match coming up Kenji? You should be preparing for it." I looked back at him and got up.

"I dont need to be prepared. I'm not that weak you know." I patted his shoulder and left the room. I waved him off and left the room.

I slump against the door and sighed.

I'm really not good with words. Right now, bell was sniffling with his head down. I guess saying something like 'Im not that weak' would probably make him go into his feelings.

When he got demoted into F class, he studied harder and trained harder. He was smart and strong enough to stay in C class but he was the very bottom of the class.

When I met him in class on the first day of school, he was bruised up. I didnt want to read his mind or look into his past so I ignored it. He then kept coming back everyday with more bruises until one day, he came back with none.

He became more confident that day aswell so I assumed he dealt with his problems. "Your not weak at all recall." I paused for a bit and smiled.

"Your a good person with a good heart. You always help our classmates and even train them. I dont need to look into the future to see how much of a great hero you'll be."

I put my hands in my pockets and walked away. They called me to the arena for my match while I was walking so I started putting my blindfold back on.

I wear it now just for the fun of it.
