Chapter 103

I flew up out of the sewer and came back down. I landed onto of a car and slowly slid down it. "Oh no..." I slowly looked up and saw that the entire block was on fire.

That pipe line triggered the others and started exploding from the sewers that were underneath the ground.

I gritted my teeth and hit the ground. "I was too careless.." I could have easily checked to see if he was conscious or not but I didnt..

I got up while stammering and leaned against the car. "What...Happened?..." Super came flying down. "Quickly! You have to rescue the people...They.." I fell down a bit and held my stomach.

There was a huge piece of metal in my stomach and I coughed up some blood. "Hurry..." He tried helping me but I stopped him. "Save them!" I screamed out and he nodded with a hesitating look.

He then jumped away and the fire on the streets went out. I looked back down at the piece of metal and started pulling it out. I threw it towards the ground and fell to the floor. I whiped the blood from my mouth and ears and then I realized. "My arm.."

It wasnt there at all. I guess it natural as an explosion literally went off 2 inches away from me. Hell, I'm grateful that an arm only came off.

I sighed a bit and understood why super was trying to help me. "I'm fine...I'm fine....Just get up and ignore it..." I picked myself back up and placed a hand on the cars broken hood.

I whiped some more blood from my nose and started slowly running. I looked around everywhere and checked behind every single piece of...Well everything.

"Its fine. Calm down okay.." I had just picked up a piece of rubble. A little girl was under it and her arm was broken. "It...Hurts!!!" She screamed out and her eyes popped out. I frowned at the scene and looked behind my shoulder.

I then looked at her and closed my eyes. I made a little bit of the shock go away. It was the least that I could do since shes in this state because of me. "It'll me fine." I held her up in my arm. "Dont worry. I promise that you'll be okay." She ignored me and continued crying into my chest.

I started walking through the black city block and checked for more people. I found some after a while but...I just walked passed them. They were already dead which made me frown even more.

I couldnt even cover up the little girls eyes so she saw all the dead bodies. "Stay in here. I'll be back so dont worry." I walked into a building that was slightly destroyed. I sat her down in a refrigerator and she nodded.

I closed the door on her and walked back out of the store. I stayed looking around for more people with blood coming out of my wounds.

I got to this park and noticed that it was the one that I drop touka off everyday at. My face dropped a but and I slowly walked in it.

I then picked up more pace and kept running around the park. I kept having these flashbacks of me and her together, having fun. "Your fine right?.." I kept looking around.

Every Bush, wall, floor, anything and everything. I then got to this huge bathroom that was in the middle of the park. It was kind of destroyed but not fully.

I walked into the bathroom and checked every stall. I knew but I didnt care. I already knew and yet... I kept opening each door until I got to this last one. I slowly opened it and saw her.


I laid my eyes on her. Her head had a line of blood running down onto her face and into her eye balls. I kept starring and started walking up to her. "Hey..Wake up.." I tapped on her shoulder with a smile on my face.

She didnt respond however and I kept moving her. "Come on.. Wake up! Stop playing all right?.." I moved her some more but she didnt respond. I then stammered a bit and fell onto my knees.

"I...was too late.." My eyes turned blue and my hair became white. "Please! Wake up!" She didnt respond again and I inched over to her. I stared at her lifeless body some more and started throwing up. "This...Cant be true.." I placed my hand on my face and looked down.

I started sinking my fingers into my face and then my eyes widened. I noticed that her fist was bawled and I slowly put my hand out. I touched her cold body and twitched a bit.

I opened it up and fell back onto the floor. I wrapped my hand around my knees and started gritting my teeth. I rocked a bit and looked back at her hand.

She had the hair pin that I gave her in my hands. "Its my fault...Its all my fault!" I yelled out a bit and saw her hair move in the wind.

My eyes widened a bit as I stared at it. It was beautiful and more elegant than any I've seen before. If only I could..

I stood back up and stumbled a bit. My hair went back to black and my eyes went back to golden. I then bawled her fist back up and and turned around. I walked out of the stall with my head down.

I sluggishly walked through the park with a blank stare. I got into the black road of ash and fell back onto my knees. "Its..My fault... This is what I get...For being to careless... For being an idiot...I truly am.....The worst."

I then stared up at the sky and screamed out. "This is... This is my fault!" I started laughing a bit and started getting back up. A smile with a frown appeared onto my face. "My fault.." I then slowly walked away.

I kept walking for a while and even passed some people. I ignored them however and kept walking towards a huge, broken down building. I went inside of it and a fire ball came at my face. I let it hit me and kept walking towards him. "How are you not dead yet you freak!" I kept walking towards him.

I got infront of him and grabbed him by the neck. "The hell!? I cant use my-" I squeezed and he started moving around quickly. I then snapped his neck and he fell limb. "Not yet..." He came back alive and I repeated it again. He screamed out more and more and more which made me laugh.

"Your...A MONSTER." I laughed at this and squeezed his neck for the final time.

I threw his body back to the ground and walked out of the building. I jumped away which only left a blur and was never seen again in this city.

... 3 months later...

It was a rainy day now. I got up from my bed and walked over to a picture. There was a purple haired women on it with a smile. "I'm sorry Touka...Please... Just please forgive me for not being able to save you....."

I touched the painting and a little smile appeared on my face. She was the fun type of girl. The kind that would cheer you up but give you your space if needed. She did that and I wish that I could thank her..

I sighed out and looked up. She was up their chilling and I knew that and yet...I still cant forget about it. Her pale face. Her cold body. Her eyes that stared into my soul.

It was ingrained in me and I just couldn't...

I placed my clothes on and walked out of the building. I had my luggage and was now going back home. Or somewhere away from here.

I didnt care anymore. I didnt care about the ties I made.

I just want to forget about it all and go away.

I was told that I failed the mission.

I was told that I caused to many problems.

I was told that I was unfit to be a hero.

I was told that I wasnt ready....

I got to my car and sat my luggage down. I opened the trunk and started placing my luggage in it. It wasnt hard to do with one hand as I gotten used to it. I closed the trunk and got into my car.

I then started my car and looked back to see if I was clear. As I did, my eyes widened.

I saw the pen that she gave me for christmas. I stared at it for a while and reached my hand out to it.

I picked it up and smiled a bit.

"Thank you." A flashback came of the moment of her giving it to me. It was simpler then and I wish that I could go back to times like that but I ignored my own thought

It'll be selfish to get a do over when I caused it myself. I wanted an OP life and I got it but I caused too many problems. I want to do it...I really do but... I cant.

I did this to myself. This was just the price of it...

"If only I checked him. If only I..." I pulled the pen closer to my chest and sighed. I then placed it into my glove box and looked over at the passenger seat. I saw her outline and her smile before getting out the car.

I became sad for a moment then my whole body went numb. I put the car into reverse and drive again and started driving down the road. "I'm an idiot. I did this to myself. No one else Kenji. No one else..." This was the repeated thought that I couldnt get out of my head.

I drove down the beach and soon got to the air port. I told them about my car and got a flight back to japan. "You'll have to wait a while sir. Is that fine?" I nodded and walked away.

I sat down in the waiting area and stayed there for a while.


My plane soon came and I boarded it. I kept getting looks but I just ignored them. I sat down in my seat and the plane soon took off.

We traveled for a while and I soon got to japan. I got off of the plane and looked around.

"I'm not even happy now huh?" I wanted this moment for the longest and yet I dont even care anymore.

I made a huge fuss about it and here I am. Not happy. Not sad. Just...Stale.

I walked out onto the road and my car was there. I put my luggage in the back and got into my car. I drove for a bit before coming to a stop.

I had my own house now as dealing with everyone right now is too much for me to handle. I stared at the house from my car and got out.

I then went inside. I snapped my fingers and all of my furniture and stuff was placed down.

I checked my rooms for a bit before going back to the living room. In that moment however, I got a call. "What?" The person on the other end went mute for a while then started talking. "Come out side."

I hung the phone up and walked over to my door. I opened it and walked out. I saw a black limo parked infront of my house.

I walked up to and and the window rolled down. I saw a black haired woman with black shades on inside. "Get in. Now." She opened the door and scooted over. I then opened the door and got in myself.

I closed the door and the lady took her shades of. "K-Kenji?" She stared at me and I stared at her. "What happened!?" She then came closer to me but I stopped her. "Kenji?.." She stared up side my face and I stared at her.

"What do you want." Her whole figure flinched and she moved back. "Y-Your arm. What happened?.." I looked down at it and sighed. A frown formed on my face and I looked back up at her.

"It was chopped off in a battle. Its fine." I then placed my hand on the door handle. "I'm leaving now. Dont tell anyone that I'm back in japan." I opened the door and placed a foot out.

"You changed kenji. What happened to you?" She placed her hand on my lap and clenched her shirt with her other hand.

I then shut the door and moved her hand off me. "Kenji? What's wrong?" I stared at her face and looked away. "People are messed up you know. They use you until they dont need you. They laugh behind your back... People are truly...the worst." I opened the door and got out of the car.

You regret things in the past while the future makes you anxious. I dont like either of them and yet I have to live with it

I'm tired of it. The crisis that I have with myself. The stupid mistakes I've made. The promises I kept. I'm tired of it all...

I walked up to my door and opened it.

"It's time I started living my own life. One where I have no worries about anything. One where I can be free without any problems.

I smiled a bit at the thought in my held and walked into my front door. I closed it behind me with the limo driving off.


"What...Happened to him?" The black haired women was biting at her nails. "He didnt say much but I could tell that hes changed alot." She stopped biting her nails and looked out of the window.

"His dark hair. Dark clothes and hes even wearing a mask over his eyes..." She frowned a bit and made a sad look. "He isn't the same Kenji that I knew before..."

