13...Is A Female Conrirmed./ Multi-Verse Adventure. Pt 6

I woke up and yawned. As soon as I did, a foot was planted into my mouth. I chocked a bit on it as it was expecting but I soon drowned in pleasure.

"Wait...If her legs is by my face then..." I pulled the covers off of me and stared. Her ass was in my face and I stared some more. She has a dead face even when shes sleeping.

I shrugged it off and smacked her butt. It juggled a bit and I layed back down. "I'm having breakfast now so I guess I can wait..." I placed the covers back onto me went under them.

"Your enjoying your self quite a bit huh?" I twitched a bit and pulled her toe out of my mouth. "You did this yourself. I just happen to go along with it." She smiled a bit and moved her foot.

She forced her foot back into my mouth and pulled the covers off. "You fondled my breast too much Time Master." She touched herself and I said "Your fault for making them so soft."

She looked at me like I was an idiot and sighed. "We should start packing..." I nodded and popped her foot out of my mouth. "I'm already ready. We just have to get some food that'll last us a while."

I put it back into my mouth and she nodded. "I can get our carriage so can I leave the food up to you?" She looked back at me and wiggled her foot around in my mouth. I bit down a bit and laughed out a bit.

"Yesh. You can shount on me.." I gave her a thumbs up and she nodded. She then took out a paper and pen and we started listing out food items. Well she did as I still wasnt accustomed to this worlds food.

"Are you almost finished?" She looked back at me. "You've had them in your mouth for over 3 hours already." Shes lying by the way. I would never do it for that long. (I would but your probably already knew that.)

"I can do this for the rest of my life to y'know." I smiled at her and she said "And I can wait for the rest of my life. You'll be sucking grandma feet by then tho..." A clear image of that popped into my head and I immediately took her foot out of my mouth.

"You know what?..." She tilted her face in confusion. "If it's you then I wouldn't really care..." I then placed it back into my mouth and she laughed.

...(AN: I wrote this 6 hours ago and I'm now checking it. I relized that I should never write after I just got done be-.).....

"You made them so wet..." She stared at her black painted toes then looked up at me. "My fault..." I laughed awkwardly then coughed. "Anyways, we should probably hurry before-" The door unlocked and someone came in.

I saw the Queen and Lidia's baby sister. "They dont even knock..." I looked at her out the corner of my eye and she said "They usually do but..."

"So the two of you stayed here the whole time.." They both walked up to us and we stared at them. "Mister..." The little girl looked at me and I looked at her. "Can you stay...Please?.." She clenched her shirt and I continued starring.

I just met these children. Why do they want me to stay?...

"I cant stay. Not when your father is trying to kill me atleast." The little girl made a sad face and looked down. "Where are you two going to go then?" The Queen looked between us and I looked at Lidia.

She also looked at me and we said "On an adventure." We smiled at each other then looked back. "I want to see the world now Mom. To understand it better so I can become a Good Queen that you and father can appreciate." She smiled at her mother and her eyes widened a bit.

'Why dont you go with your father Lidia?' The scene changed back to a garden. There was a child and an older woman with the same hair color and eye color talking to each other.

'I need to get stronger and going with father wouldnt help that.' Kid Lidia then swung her sword at a practice dummy and it was cut in half. 'Lidia dear....Just dont get too caught up in power...You're only but a small child. Little girls like you should be picking flowers instead of working so hard.."

Kid Lidia ignored her mother and walked away. 'I hope that she sees it one day..How all of this could damage her....' "Mom?" She shook her head and the memories went away. "My Lidia...You've grown so much since you met him.." She then cupped both of our faces.

We both became surprised at that. I guess shes reflected over what happened at the throne room. "Time Master. Lidia. I hope you two have an amazing journey together.." She smiled at us and undid her hand.

When she did, I could hear someone sniffling outside of the door. "I-I want to go with You. Mister Time Wizard.....Take me with you..." The little girl started crying a bit and we all stared at her.

"I'm sorry little girl.." I walked over to her and squatted down. She then looked up at me and I said "Your...Not ready yet.." She then whiped her face a bit and said "I-I am ready...I'm strong too.."

I sighed a bit and patted her head. "Listen Maria. You cant come with us...Your still a child right now and besides, you'll be leaving your mother all alone. Isnt that right?" I looked over my shoulder and the Queen nodded.

"Your...Just not ready yet...But I will promise you that when you get older and strong enough...I'll take you with me. Deal?" I smiled at her and she stared at me. "Have Fun Maria. Your only...7 right? You still have a lot of your own journeys ahead..."

She slowly nodded and cried some more. "Queen Yoni." I got up and turned towards her. "Your a Good Mother. Take pride in that and dont ever forget it. Okay?" Her eyes widened a bit and I continued.

"Your an amazing Queen with an amazing country. You help out the people in need and keep everything fair. For that, I'm grateful.."

She started at me and bit her lip. She started shaking and she said "T-Thank you for your kind words Time Master!..." A small tear came down her cheek and I patted her head a bit. I then walked besides Lidia and we stared at them.

The Queen then picked up her daughter and said "If you need anything then we'll gladly help. We'll do everything in our power aswell." She then started walking away but she stopped. She then bent down and Maria came over to us.

She grabbed the air at Lidia and she nodded. She picked up her kid sister and said "I'll miss you, y'know." She tapped her nose and Maria forced a smile. "S-Stay safe okay? Dont do anything reckless and...and..." She kept going on about some stuff.

Her voice was getting quiter as the seconds go by aswell. "Dont worry..." She smiled at her little sister. "I...Have the best bodyguard that one can ask for..." She looked over at me then looked back. Maria did the same and she cried some more.

She then placed her down and she ran back up to the Queen. She gave us one final wave and walked over to the door. She then looked to the right for a bit then walked away.

As soon as she did, the king came into the room. He slowly walked up to us with his head down and said "Please..." He then looked up at us with tears in his eyes. "Please Protect My Daughter For Me! I..." He clenched his shirt and looked back down.

Y'know, I could never hate the King. I would be pissed too if someone was making a move on my daughter and I just had to sit back and watch. "King Yoni. You have my word." He shot his head up at me. "I promise to protect your daughter even if it means sacrificing my own being."

The king stared at me in the eyes. His black hair moved in the wind as he did. "I...Promise okay?" He slowly nodded but more tears came out as he understood that this really was goodbye.

"Dad. I'll be safe you know.." He slowly looked over to his daughter. "With the Time Master next to me, I'm basically the safest person in the world.." She smiled a bit at her father and he stared at her. "I...Love you Lidia..and I hope that you know that.." He slowly smiled at his daughter and she said.

"I love you too father. I'm sorry...For being such a bad daughter..." They then went up to each other and hugged. "You were never bad...Just a little too focused on getting strong....." He laughed a bit and they disconnected.

She then thought back to all of the time shes turned down her father when He asked her to go out of the country with her. She never relized it until now that she..Was missing out on good memories with her family...

"Time Master. You can try and take my daughters heart. I...Give you permission." He then extended his fist out at me. I did the same and said "Thanks old Man." I smiled and pulled my fist back off of his.

He then said some more words and he soon left. He closed the door behind him when he did. "Time Master. Are you ready?" She looked over at me. I then placed my hand on hers and said "Yes." She then placed her hand on top of mine and said "Let's go then."

I then placed my other hand on top of her and said "Okay." She then moved her head down onto my hand and said "I need to get ready tho." I then moved my head on top of hers and said "Yeah, me too." She then placed her foot on me and said "You dont have any clothes tho."

How...can she move her body like that?

We both then laughed at each other and slowly got up. We stared at each and I put my hand out. "I cant wait for our adventure." She stuck her hand out and grabbed mine aswell. "Yes.." She smiled at me and I did the same at her.


I was outside in the middle of the street. I kept getting stares as I was just looking up at the crater that the volcano had.

(AN: For those of you who dont know what a crater is for a volcano, it's the hole where the lava comes out.)

"H-Hes the Time Master so maybe hes doing something...important?..." Everyone said similar things. As they were all thinking that however, a huge roar sounded out. It caused the whole Fire nation to shake.

"W-What was that!?" Everyone started panicking a bit and I said "Dont worry people. It's just my pet.." They all stared at me with their hands on their ears. "D-Did he say pet!?" Everyone nodded and kept looking at me.

After a few seconds a huge being flew over the crater. "No...Way...." People undid their hands as they saw the huge animal. The animal then flew over the crater once again but this time, it went inside down inside the volcano.

"A-A Dragon!!" Everyone seemed to panic. They all ran inside their buildings and the dragon flew down directly at me. It roared out some more and got to me. It then stopped a bit in the air and flapped it wings. Some trees were blown away as it did.

It then put its head down a bit and I rubbed it. "How was your day?" The dragon then landed on the ground completely and its huge wings tucked in. The people slowly started coming out of their homes and shops and started at us.

The dragon then glowed a bit and a child appeared. "It was amazing Master!!" The naked, white haired child jumped onto my face again and I sighed. "A-A dragon that can turn into a human!?" The people around slowly gathered.

"Only Supreme Dragons can do that! That means that the Time Maaters pet is..." Everyone gulped a bit and stared at me. "Kaida. Your mother and I are going on a very long trip.." Me talking against her bare belly made her giggle.

"Would you mine giving us a ride? We'll appreciate it-" She nodded almost instantly. "I'll do whatever Master wants me to do!" I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her off of my face.

I stared at her cute face and beautiful white hair and said "Thank you." She deeply smiled at me and I pulled her into my chest. "Everyone! Theres no need to be alarmed! I have her under control and I can promise you all that nothing bad will come!!"

I looked all around at the thousands of people and they all stared at me. "O-Okay Time Master! We believe you!" They slowly started cheering and I disappeared.

I then reappeared infront of this shop and walked inside. A bell went off when we did and I started looking around. "Pick anything that you like okay?" She looked up at me and nodded.

"I love you Master.." She blushed a bit and she said "Mommy And Daddy are always busy so they never...." She looked away with a sad face. "I'm pretty sure they love you Kaida. They're probably just working really hard for your sake.."

She slowly turned her head back at me and nodded. I was surprised that she had parents tho. Arent dragons just born from magic or did that one novel just lie to me?

We walked over to some clothes rack and checked some out. "Your horns...Are a problem Kaida.." She had small little horns on top of her head which were black in color. "Its fine Master!" She then made a small portal and crawled out of my arms into it.

She then appeared in this dress on the clothes wreck. "You look so cute like that Kaida.." I pinched her cheeks and she giggled. "I still see the problem of your clothes ripping while you transform into a dragon tho.." She then appeared back into my arms and we both cupped our chins.

"I have the solution to that." I looked over my shoulder and saw a...God Damn! Thiis woman is tall.... Lidia is about 6'1 and I'm 6'3. The woman in front of me is around 7 foot. "I'm Erith. I'm from the giant race and it's nice to meet you."

I guess that the ceiling was a bit bigger then normal. She then walked over to me and a sweat drop appeared on my face. 'Scarier then One Piece villians.'

"So uhm, you can make it so that her clothes doesnt rip when she transform into a dragon?..." She nodded at me and I gulped. "Come to the back room with me." She then turned around and started walking away. "Shes gonna eat us papa.." I know sweety..I know...

I slowly followed behind her and we walked into this room. "If you can pour your Magic power in this Time Master then it will be appreciated." She put the huge ball of string in my face and nodded. I then touched the ball and it glowed golden.

She smiled a bit when she did and I soon pulled my hand away. "Great. Now I have to take her measurements so..." I nodded and handed Kadia over to her. She seemed nervous but I calmed her down.

You know...I showed her my time power threw the string ball. The golden color obviously represented the color of Time. Well anyways, all I'm saying is that they could have asked me to do something like this at the castle but it might have seem disrespectful.

I sighed at my thoughts and sat down. "I'll need to see her in her dragon form sir." I looked up at her and said "Shes...Very huge Ms. We would have to go to the middle of town to measure her." Kaida....Was a very huge dragon. Her wings were 60 meters long. A colossal titan could lay down on each wing and fit perfectly.

Her body was 45 meters long. Her tail was about 80 meters long which was something too.

This also goes to show you how big this place is. To be able to fit a dragon of her size in the middle of town and still have room for about 10 more of her is crazy. "That's fine." She handed Kaida back to me and we soon left.


"How do I look Master?" She came out of the back room and I stared at her. "You look... Beautiful..." She giggled and I picked her up.

She had on a simple black dress with black heels. You...Didnt expect more details right?

Well anyways, it went well with her black eyes and white hair. After I picked her up, she climbed onto my face and stayed. "Why?.." She stays on my face like a face mask.

Ah....The old days..."Shes very pretty Time Master." The giant woman came out and I said "She is huh?" I then got up and walked over to her. "Here you go. 1 platinum coin right?"

"....." I tilted my head because she wasnt talking. "Uh Time Master. I'm over here." I slowly looked back to her voice and pulled Kaida off fo my face. I then saw that I was on the opposite side of the room.

"Oh, My fault..." I then walked back to her and handed her the platinum coin. She took it and said "Have a nice day!" I nodded and we left the store. I then sat her down and held her hand. "Your too tall Master!..." She had a red face while standing on her tippy toes.

"I guess.." She turned into Particles and I stared at the ground. "Wot?" I looked around everywhere then something covered my eyes. I tried pulling it off but stopped, as I heard something squeale in pain. "Master..."

I stared into the darkness and said "Kai..da?" She...Could do this? "Where am I Master?..." Or I guess it was just by chance. The blind fold over my eyes then started moving around my body.

It went into places that children shouldn't see then it went to my wrist. I looked at the zebra patterned band around my wrist and it soon transformed. I sword then appeared in my hands which surprised me.

Am I...The last Knight?

"What is this kaida?" I examined the black and white sword and swung it around a bit. It was light but the power..."I-I dont know! I just wanted to get closer to Master and I-"

"This is awesome!" She stopped talking and I said "I'm definitely going to prank your mother with this." I then squeezed down on the handle of the sword and it disappeared. The black and white band then went to my chest and started spreading out.

It went into my skin and clothes and I twitched. It then went onto my clothes but they still looked the same. It then came out of my chest and went back to my eyes.

"I guess...You have a hidden power Kaida..." What is this tho? I've never heard of this or seen it before.."Well...As long as your not concerned with it Master then neither am i~..." She started yawning.

"Good Night Master..." She the fell asleep but the blind fold stayed. It then flashed a bit and it turned pitch black. My clothes then produced golden lines all over which made me look rich or something.

My boots had line of gold in them. My hair turned completely black and had gold streaks in it. My nails turned pitch black with a gold dot in the middle of them. My eyes did the same.

[Artifact obtained: Will.

Long ago, their was someone who wanted the everthing at their finger tips. Weapons, armour, etc. He soon began working on the project to the ultimate Conquest. He started off with string which took him half of his life to find but he did. As he was about to melt down the string with fire, burglars came in and killed him.

They took the string and sold it off and it was lost in time. That is until the host found it and used time magic on it. The host speed up the ultimate artifact and turned it into clothes.

The host now bonded with it and can controll it at his own 'Will']

But why does Kaida turn into it?

[She has a special type of magic that can essentially make things her own and use it at her own 'Will.']

This all seems...Cool? I dont know how to feel about this actually as its op in every way, shape, and form. Well I am too but you get what I'm saying.

[Will: Can create any object that the users wants.]

[Will: Level 0/100. To level up, the host must obtain other artifacts and infused it with this one.]

Yep. I might give this to Lidia for the simple fact that its too broken for me. Or I might not, as this thing is a cheat code for anyone..

I took it all in and sighed. I looked all over and noticed that the mask was basically see through. The one I had in my hero was just dark and I used a skill to see through it.

I then started walking down the street. I tested out this artifacts power and made multiple things. A condom which I'll never use. A Sex toy which ill never use. Some rope which I might use.

They can also detach from me so that was cool. The gold and black made everything look 10 times better. I then teleported to the middle of the forest and made a whole house. "Too over powered..."

You know what? I cant use this. I actually might just keep it over my eyes and use it when I actually need it. As i was thinking that, a monster came out of the woods.

It was green and tall. We stared at each other for a while then it rushed at me. I stuck my hand out at it and a black and gold ball was shot out of it. It hit the green goblin and it turned into pixels on the floor.

"Bro. His shit was weak as a bit-" I was cut off from the loud thundering in the sky. I then saw 4 beams of light in the sky and I jumped up. The beams were coming from 4 different areas and one was at the fire nation.

"This...That....Those are people from another world arent they?" Come on author...Atleast make them be girls with personalities..

(AN: Yeah I'll try... I never even gave one of my own characters a back story so...)

I nodded at him and the beams of light stopped. I then floated back to the ground and sighed.


I blinked my eyes and saw the green haired boy fall. He fell onto my chest and I patted his head. He then pushed away from me and said "I'm...Dirty..." He then looked down and his eyes widened.

"Ken..ji?" He looked up at me and saw it. I had his claws in my hand. "What...are you doing?.." He reached out to them but put his hand back.

I dropped his gloves onto the ground and caught his hand. I then put my fingers between his. I took his other glove off aswell and did the same thing. "Their...Hot...." I pulled him closer to me and we stared at each other. "Your hands.. are warm izuku. But with those gloves on, their cold..."

He stared at me and I brought his hand closer to my face. "We'll...Warm them up for you..So let's go back home..." It...Sounded weird but I just meant that being by himself would make him even more cold harted. If hes with us then we can change that.

"But...Your hands are cold aswell.." He squeezed his fingers a bit and I smiled. "Then they have to warm us together huh?" We both laughed a bit and our grip tightened. "I know...That us going back is a bad move. I know how much you want to stay away. I know...What we should do but..."

He stared into my eyes and I said "But this...Is the best way that we can do it. They all want to help.." As I said that, everyone started walking up.."So let's just let them. They wont stop going after us and We both know that..."

"And if they go after us then.." He stopped himself and I nodded. "It will be an even bigger risk.." We stared at each other some more and I started letting go. "W-Wait!" He held onto me tighter and he said "Your hands are warm...Can we stay like this for a bit more?"

He gave me a big smile and I smiled aswell.. "Sure..." I tighten my grip on him aswell and we stared at each other. "Midoriya..." Izuku slowly turned his head around at Kirishima. "I remember seeing you on the news..And I must say that it was manly.."

His grip tightened on me for a second. "But you showed me that being a hero doesnt mean you have to be strong..You just have to have heart.." Kirishima patted him on the shoulder and stepped back.

Izuku heard this and his grip loosened a bit. "Guys.." Mina then came up while rubbing her face from all of the tears and rain. "Enough with this solo act that you two are doing... Just came back to us...So we can have class like normal again..." She started crying some more and his grip loosened some more.

I then slowly walked to him. "Are you...Warm enough yet?..." We undid our fingers from each other and he fell down a bit. I caught the black whip which was holding him up a bit and pulled him up.

"I'm sorry.." Izuku turned his back and we both stared at him. "Before Kenji came into the picture, I gave you hell for absolute no reason. Hell, I know why actually. It was because I saw a better hero in you then I did in myself..." Izuku stared at him.

"Even when kenji came into the picture, I still bullied you and even told you to kill yourself that one time. Man...I still remember the ass whooping I got that day from you kenji...." He laughed a bit and looked up at us both.

"But the Bottom line is that I treated you like shit because you had no quirk and....it wasnt right. I hated the thought of you having a better heart then I did so I tried growing away from you. From both of you.."

We then started walking towards each other. "I tried showing you both that I was stronger and yet...It didn't work. I kept coming back to fight you and yet...It didnt work. I tried everthing to be better then you both and yet...It didnt work..."

We stood infront of each other as kids. "I hated you." We grew into our middle school years. "I envied you.." We grew into our highschool years. "I...Was jealous of you..." He put his head down for a final time and said "Izuku. Kenji. I'm sorry...For everything they I've done.. I just wanted you both to acknowledge me...In the end...."

We both stared at him and he said "The path you took as the successor of One For All is the same as All mights. Kenji, the path you took was the same as an Guardian Angel.."

He kept starring down and said "If you two ever encountered problems then you can count on us..To surpass All might, Your ideal hero, We would all have to protect U.A. and the civilians inside..."

Izuku bawled up his fist which made blood come out of them. "'You guys...Cant keep up'..." His voice was cracking. "We're sorry...For saying such things..." He fell down a bit and bakugo caught him. "I know..."

I then smiled a bit and a jolt hit my head. My eyes flashed white and I fell down to the floor.

Everyone around watched this all go down and rushed over to us. Momo started speaking to uraraka. Uraraka, who was on momos shoulders said something back to her and they both nodded.


"Look. Their eyes are opening!"

"They've woken up Thirteen!"

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. "Can you both hear me?" I looked over to my right and saw izuku. He also looked over at me and we put our hand out. We fist bumped a bit and smiled.

"We..Hear you..." I slowly got up but izuku was still hurting so he stayed down. "13?" She stared at me and tilted her face. I then walked up to her and cupped her face. "Are you...Real?" I moved my hands around on her face and saw it her red. "Yes I'm Real!" She hit my hand away and I stammered back.

"As of right now, Most civilians are moving to various evacuations. The only ones outside are anti-hero vigilantes and an extremist that has become violent along side the villian escapes.."

She then started saying some more stuff which was too much for me. Switching between tabs every two words is going to kill me.

"The journey that you two took really helped the heros and police..." A little smile appaared on izuku face as I walked up to him. He saw me and shot black whip at me.

He wrapped it around my arms and I pulled him up. He fell into my arms and he looked up. "U?...U.A?.." The wall with U.A. emblem was very huge. "The U.A. Barrier is currently activated. The wall is just a taste of what it can actually do!"

We looked over at sero and nodded. "Just hearing about the security system will freak out out! It even connects to Shiketsu High!" We looked over at her with izuku making a weird face.

"Hey. You've done enough...." I placed my hand on his head and he looked up. "Thanks..." I nodded and moved my hand away. "Their getting noisy huh?" 13 was looking up at the huge wall. Their was screaming and shouting from the other side.

The scene then changes to a white box. Why the hell are we in a white panel?

"DONT LET THOSE TWO INSIDE U.A.!!" I looked up and saw a man yelling. "THE RUMOR ABOUT A BOY AND HIS KNIGHT BEING CHASED BY SHIGIRAKI IS THOSE TWO RIGHT!?" I...Keep getting called a knight by people.

"Hey, Hey! Calm down Please!" Present mic tried calming the angry crowd down but it failed. "The principal explained it all to us...Our safety was guaranteed! Do you understand what that means or not!?" Me and izuku stared at the man.

"This bastard..."

"We left our houses for guaranteed saftey! Why the hell would you put a Tickcing time bomb in here!?" I put my head down and snickered. "IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE U.A.! PUT THEM SOMEWHERE WHERE WE'RE NOT AT!!" Me and izukus eyes widened.

"So this is how they treat us after all we did huh?" I put my head down and placed my hand on my face. "I guess...We really arent appreciated.." After he said that, we slowly started walking a bit.

In that moment however, I felt someone touch my hand. I looked down at the brown hair woman and saw that she was holding me and izukus hand. "Uraraka?" She stared out and said "Dont worry about it." She smiled at the both of us.

"We wont let you go anymore. We just cant.." My eyes widened a bit. "Heros...Need saving too sometimes guys.." She held our hands tighter after she said that.


(AN: I think this last bit makes sense. She already going out with izuku so she can casually do this but with the mc...

She understands what he said to her earlier. She thinks that holding the Mc hand will lit that 'Spark' in him...)