Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 8

I was in Naruto now.

I was by naruto and we were all staring at this man. There were many other shinobi around us aswell. The man then started running at us. The people around me screamed out and they ran at Him.

I stayed back and was hit by multiple people. "So Naruto. I wanted to confess to Hinata. I guess I cant now tho..." I sighed out and he looked at me.

"Who...Are you?" He stared at me with a funny face and I said "Maybe defeating this 'Madara' guy will get her to notice me..." I then blitz at madara and we clashed.

"Madara Uchiha. I...Will defeat you!" I screamed out and he smiled. He then kicked me backed and jumped at me. I then spun around in the air and said "Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!" I threw it at him and his eyes widened.

He immediately stopped himself in the air and put his hands out. His eyes changed colors into a purple onion and dust flew up. I then landed on the ground and he did aswell.

"Your eyes. I've think I've seen them before." My eyes were black with green words in them. "My eyes are like your sharigan. I can copy abilities of anyone and make them stronger without any chakra shortage or drawbacks."

Madara eyes widened and he said "What clan are you from Boy?" He stared at me with a condescending look and I said "I'm front the ¥ clan." He immediately stumbled back when he heard this and said "I...thought you all died out!" He screamed at me and I smirked.

"I killed them all and took their powers. Madara Uchiha..Your next.." I then made a huge rasengsn which was bigger then planetary devistation. "I hope...You live up to your hype.."

He slowly backed up and a blue skeleton appeared around him. I then looked back at naruto and said "Tell Hinata..That I love her.." I jumped up a bit and rained down on Madara.

He screamed out at me and swung his sword at it. It broke instantly and I connected with his blue armor. It easily went throught and madara screamed out.

I then killed him and was declared a hero. I went on to kill kaguya and obito and married hinata. We had kids and that's the end of this short story.



I arrived in this cave and saw a girl being pinned down by a goblin. The goblin then thrusted and she screamed out. She then made eye contact with me and I looked away. "Yeah...This verse is fucked up..."


I was in this storage house now. This blonde haired woman in a red dress was flying around trying to kill me. "Show me what's in your bag!" She threw a chain at me and I dodged it.

I then came back at me and I jumped to the side. It hit my bookbag and I screamed out. "NOOOO!" The blonde haired woman then came down and picked it up. "You said you didnt have weapons in here right?"

Xxxtentacion- Look at me started playing

She started opeing it and I put my hand out with a little smile. "Let see..." She picked out a book and read the title.

"Ebony takes...BBC!?"

Her face became red and she looked up at me.

I was gone tho. "I told you not to look inside.." I ran up from the side and she threw her chain at me. My eyes then glowed and her chains fell to the ground. "What!?" She watched as I jumped onto her and we hit the ground.

"My sigil...Is the power to Copy and Paste other sigils!..." I laughed out and she stared at me. Her chains then came up behind me and they pointed at her. "Give them Back!" She screamed out at me and I said "Nah..."

I then came close to her ear and said "I'm going to enjoy this..." I licked her ear lobe and she screamed out.

"Just kidding.." I got up and put my hand out. "I wont hurt you. You was kind enough to miss on purpose so..." I smiled at her and she slowly took my hand. "Here. Have them back.."

My eyes glowed a bit and her power came back. "Amazing..." She then looked up at me and said "I...Lose..." A sound went off and I was declared the winner. We then talked some more and left together.


I was inside of this floating blue bus. We were about to fly over an island to jump out and kill each other. "I'm winning this one." I looked over at the john wick skin and sighed.

The bus then honked out a bit and the back door opened. "Thank you bus driver.." People were saying similar things as they jumped out. I then got up from my seat and said "Thank you Bus driver." I pulled out a pistol and shot him in the head.

I then jumped out and dove down to the island. I went to this place that had towers. They seemed tilted and was going to be runned by me in a couple of paragraphs.

I got a bit above the location and pulled my parachute. I glided over the buildings and went to this tower with a clock. I landed on the roof and my pickaxe appear. I hit down on the roof and fell in.

I saw two chest and unlocked the one on the right. A sniper appeared with some bullets and wood and shields. I picked them up and went over to the other chest. I opened that one and got a grey assualt rifle with wood and bullets appeared.

I picked those up and looked out the tower window. I saw this one guy running around and I shot at him. I hit hit and he started zig zaging around. "No mats huh?" I kept hitting my shots on him with my rifle and he died. I saw another person aswell but he was just standing their.

He was looking into the sky. I just sniped him and started going down the tower. I picked this trap up and walked out the door. I was soon shot at but I built a wall behind me.

Shit was connected to my head so I felt all of the 'pain.' I then edited a window and shot at the person. I hit all head shots and he died. I decided to put my shields on and got to 50.

I soon explored some more and got 14 kills by the time I left tilted. I had full shields and everything. I then went towards a lake and saw a player in a Bush. I acted like I didn't see him and ran up to him. I pulled my pump out and shot at him.


He jumped out the bush and hit me with his shotgun. It took half of my health off.


I hit him again and started building. He then managed to hit me in my shoulder for 50.


He shot at me and I died. I then threw my controller at the wall and it broke.

....(AN: An actual representation of my season 3.)...

I was in New York again. Their were these huge flying worms all around and the city was being destroyed. I was driving down the road when a huge green thing landed on my hood.

I quickly got out and it took my car. It stared at me for a moment then looked away. It then aimed at this flying little ship and launched my car at it. The little ship was hit and it flew into a building. The green thing then roared out and jumped away.

"What...The hell man." I sighed a bit and a man in red flew by me. "Sorry about that. I'll buy you a new one." He then flew away and I sighed. I waved my hand a bit and the scene changed to me inside of this sector.

"Master? What are you doing here?" A bald woman came up to me and bowed. "I was exploring around and I ended up being robbed.." She laughed a bit and got up.

"It seems..That we have a another visitor." I nodded at her and we walked outside. We then saw this weird green shaped human or something standing there. "Why are you here?" The ancient one walked up to him. "Because we need that." The green thing pointed that her pendant that was around her neck.

"I'm sorry. I cant do that."

"Do it." She looked back at me and I said "Give it to him." She stared at me for a moment then said "If you say so..." She did some weird hand movements and the time stone appeared. "Well that was easy.." He took it and folded.


I looked over at her and said "Strange?...Was it? He gave up the time stone. This was all apart of his plan...and I was just going with it." Her eyes widened a bit and I walked back in. She followed behind me while asking about some more things.


I woke up and yawned. "Geez Asta.." He had his foot on my face and I moved it away. He the kicked me in the face again and laughed.

I then slowly layed up and looked around. Lidia was still sleep and Kaida was aswell. She was actually ontop of her. She was moving her breast around a bit tho which made me jealous.

"Where is that damn bird?..." I looked all over but I didn't see it. As I was thinking that, it flew in into the tent and changed into a person. She landed on my bare lap and said "Your breakfast is ready sir."

She gave me that dead and tired look and I nodded. "Breakfast? Why thank you.." I placed my hand on her head and she nodded. She then transformed back into a bird and flew out.

"Good morning.." I looked over at Lidia and saw her rubbing her eyes. "My...What are you doing?" She smiled at Kaida was was still sleeping and playing with her breast. "Here you go Time Master. Breakfast is served.." She then put her foot out infront of me.

"Or do you want to eat her breakfast?" My tired eyes opened up a bit and she continued. "You we're standing right outside the tent. It wasnt the best place to talk now was it?" She placed her foot onto my face and laughed.

I them grabbed her foot and pulled it away. I messaged them a bit which made her happy. "She cooked it for me so I'll save these for another time..." I then got up with asta and walked out of the tent.

I then saw her sitting on a log with a pan. She had eggs in them and she looked at me. "Here you go...." I somehow managed to come into contact with the most monotone people in the world.

I then sat down next to her and she placed my eggs on a plate. She handed me a fork as well and I started eating it. "Delicious.." She nodded at me and I kept eating. "Wha!..." I heard a small cry and looked down.

Baby asta was awake and he seemed scared. "Calm down. I just turned you into a baby that's all.." He didn't calm down and he kept crying. I soon decided to feed him the eggs and he immediately shut up.

"So why can you transform into a bird? You dont have transformation magic so..." I swear I asked her this but she didnt exactly answer. "The people in my village can do this. It's our clans secret power." I thought for a while and nodded.

"Your horns...Are they also apart of your tribes secrets aswell?.." I touched them and she slowly nodded. I then moved my fingers through her soft and black hair and she looked down a bit. I touched her black cowlick ontop of her head and rubbed it.

"This is...Embarrassing.." Well I cant tell. You look the exact same. I then cupped her face a bit and said "Your Name. I never Asked you for your name..." She looked up at me with my hand on her face and said "Nero. People call me Secre tho.." She put her head down a bit and I said "Nero...Its a nice name.."

Her face lit up a bit. "No one ever calls me that..." She had the same face on but I could tell that she seemed sad at something. "I'll always say it. Its..Perfect for you.." She nodded at me and I stood up with Asta. "My Name Is Kenji. I'm glad I've meet you." I held my hand out and she said "Glad?...We've only just met...."

She...Wasnt wrong. I then sighed out and put my hand down a bit. She instantly grabbed it however and said "I'm...Glad?...That I met you too Sir." She gave me a faint smile but she turned back to normal.

"You too are already this close." She walked out with Kaida in her arms. "Have you've been swayed by her looks Time Master?" I nodded at her and she said "Well she does have a...Unique look.." She stared down Nero and Nero looked at me.

"You've...Have been swayed by me?" She stared blankly at me. I then shook my head a bit. "Yeah...I fall in love too easily.." I sighed a bit and walked away over to a tree. I then sat Asta down and waved my hand over him.

He soon grew and I said "Welcome To Earth." He stared at me for a while and sighed. "That...Was AMAZING! I FEEL SO RESTED AND RECHARGED!!" I smiled a bit and him and patted his shoulders. "Thats good..." I then turned in a certain direction.

"You do know what's all that way in that direction right?" He looked over in the direction that I was pointing at then looked up. "Hmm..The Fire Nation is in that direction right?" So hes actually kind of smart...

"Whelp. Your 2nd day of Training starts now..." I patted his shoulders and laughed. "You...Are kidding..." Sweat was coming all down his face. "Nope. I want you to run to the kingdom and back before sundown. If you dont make It back in time then no dinner for you."

I then walked away from him. "Hurry. And your level 16 right? You better be over 25 when you get back." He gulped and started smacking his face. He was hyping himself up and he soon ran away. "Feet?"

I heard Nero say as I got closer. "Yep. He likes all kinds of weird things..." She looked over at me then stared down. Her feet were small and she had black paint over her toes. "Mine are...Dirty..." She checked them out and Lidia laughed.

"That's even better for him." Nero nodded at that and said "I dont care about his weird fetishes...We all have our own flaws anyhow.." So liking feet is a...Flaw? "Dont worry Sir. I can accept your flaws. They dont bother me that much..."

She looked over at me and I slowly nodded. "See look. Hes still naked Nero." She pointed at mini me and Nero stared. "Cute..." She said while starring at it. "Your naked Too!" I pointed at Lidia beautiful 3rd mouth and Nero looked aswell.

"Smooth..." She placed her hand on Lidia's stomach. She went down a little bit and she said "Sorry..I just wish mine was that pretty.."


Nah but seriously, Dont compare youself to her in that way.

"She is the Princess of the Fire Nations Queen...." Nero heard that and her eyes widened. She then fell to the floor and said "I'm sorry...I-.." Lidia sighed and picked her up from the ground. "Its fine. I dont like being treated in such ways.."

Liar. You had me at knife point when I disrespected you the first time we met.

Nero nodded a bit at her and looked over to me.

"Do you guys...Want to come to my village?" Me and Lidia looked at each other then back at her. "Why not.." She nodded and we got changed. We came out of the tent a bit later with clothes on and was about to leave.

"Kaida. Can you please watch over Asta." We havent even known each other for a full day but we consider each other Best friends. "Okay Master!" I patted her head and a tail came out.

"What's this?" She giggled a bit and turned around. She moved her small and skinny tail around and she touched my face with it. "It just appeared master..." I touched it a bit and she giggled some more.

After a while, she was ready to leave. She made a portal on the ground and walked through it. Another portal then appeared in the sky and a dragon flew out. It went back towards the kingdom and I waved at it.

"Alright. Let's go." The both nodded at me and we started walking. We walked over rivers and rocks and sticks and I noticed that.. "Up you go." She made a blank face while I picked her up. I then sat her down on my shoulders.

She placed her hands on my head to not fall off and her legs were sticking out a bit. "You should have told me that your feet were hurting..." I rubbed them a bit and looked up at her.

"I...Was okay." I sighed and Lidia said "Maybe she wanted this to happen?" She made a teasing face at Nero and Nero looked at her. "No....Not Really" I sighed and she continued. "I used my bird form all day yesterday so I have to wait a while to use it again..."

I nodded and we continued. Her bare body was all on my neck which was a nice feeling and she noticed it. She didnt do or say anything about it tho. "Is this...The place?" I looked up at her and she said "I guess the Time Master would be able to see it huh?" I guess so aswell.

We then walked up to the village entrance and stopped. Nero placed her hands out into the air and I held her legs so she wouldn't loose balance. "Open..." A blue light flashed and a huge door appeared.

We then walked through it and I said "Looks empty.." Lidia agreed with me as we looked around at all the broken down houses. As we were looking at them, a group of birds came at us. Me and Lidia got into a fighting stance but stopped as the birds flashed a bit.

"Why is that Witch back here!?" My smiled slowly turned into a frown. "Your not wanted you Devil!!" The group of about 100 people all started saying mean things to her. Even the children were getting a few things in.

"Nero.." I looked up at her and she looked at me. We "locked eyes' for a moment and I said "What Happened?..." She kept starring at me then looked up. "I-" Food was then thrown at her. I just lifted my hand out and froze all of the food in the air.

"No....Way..." "Is that the?.." Its...Him.." All of them bowed down and looked at me. "Why...Are you all attacking her?..." The people looked between each other but didnt say anything. "You!" I pointed at an old man. "Tell Me Why Your Treating Her Like This!"

The force of my voice cause some to pass out. "S-S-S-She got the chiefs son killed!!" The man whimpered out and I said "Who?.....Is the Cheif?" I looked around all over and a man raised his hand. "M-Me Sir!"

He stood up then bowed back down. "Tell Me...The Story..." After I said that, I felt Nero hold on my hair tighter for a moment. "Y-Yes Sir!" The man then got up and started explaining.

"That woman was assigned to be my Sons Personal Guard. One day, my son decided to go out and hunt some prey for our village so we could survive. They then both went into the woods and fought numerous monsters together.

"Secre. Thank You for helping me." Nero nodded a bit and Brock kept walking forward. As he was doing so, a snake jumped out at him. He didn't have time to react and was bit by it. My son then fell to the floor out of pain and She came over to him.

"Th-This bite mark..." Her eyes widened a bit and Brock said "So I was bit by 'Certain'" He laughed at his guaranteed death a bit. 'Certain' was a very rare and poisonous snake that caused certain death.

(AN: This...Is one of the most uncreative things I've ever heard Author.

You know I'm not that creative mane.)

"Please..." He coughed out loudly. "Please kill me. End all of pain-" He screamed out at her. The bit of a 'Certain' could be equivalent to a human getting stepped on by a elephant. While he was screaming out, his skin started turning black.

"PLEASE!!" Nero slowly nodded at the man and grabbed a stick. "Im..Sorry..." She then swung down with the stick and blood went up.

"THOSE HORNS ARE PROOF THAT SHE KILLED MY SON!!" Slob came out of his mouth while his eyes were red. "Sounds like he was already at deaths door to me..." I then placed my hand on Nero's thigh. "This isnt...Your fault. You know that right?"

I looked up at her and smiled. Her eyes widened a bit when I did that. "My...Sealing Magic Formed after that happned....I-"

"EXACTLY! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT CERTAIN EVENTS CAN TRIGGER A NEW POWER TO GROW!!" true but its very rare. Also, your saying that she wanted this brock guy to die? Come on man...

"Shes...The Devil. She kill my son and...and..." The man started breaking down even more and the people near him comforted him. "LEAVE YOU DEVIL!!" The people got mad at her. I felt her hands tighten on my head a bit and she looked down at the top of my head.

"Nero. This isnt your fault. You...Couldn't do anything for him. He was bound to die as soon as he was bit..." I held her thigh a little tighter and she said "I know but...I know that I could have done more!..." I felt a tear hit my head as she grabbed my head tighter. I just sighed out a bit and said "Let it all go Nero.." She continued crying, Completely ignoring what I had to say.

"From the story Ive heard, Your son was going to Die for sure. You must be a fool to think that Nero is at fault here....."

I turned my back at them. "Your blaming the wrong person here and...I...dont like that." I released some of my magic aura on them and they all fell down to the ground. They passed out and I said "Nero. Get Your stuff. Your...Coming with us." Her eyes widened for a bit. "Time Master.."

I heard her sniffle more. "Thank You.." She gave me a beautiful smile and I nodded. "I..Dont have anything however...They all burned my house down....." I nodded and said "I guess..We're threw here then.."

Lidia nodded at me and we left.


"Here you go Nero." She was sitting on a log and I bent down in front of her. "Are those..

For me?" I nodded and grabbed the back of her foot. I placed her foot into the small heels and took her other foot and did the same.

"They..Look Nice On You..." I got back up and she moved them around in the air. She then got up and stumbled a bit. I caught her from falling and stood her back up.

"Thank you..." She stared at me and I smiled. "Wow Nero. He got you into shoes?" Lidia came out of the tent while yawning. "You would think that he'll do everything is his power to keep them off of you but.."

I awkwardly laughed and turned my head around. I faced in a certain direction and said "Hes almost here..." They both made surprised faces. "Wow...The sun is just about to go down and hes already about to come back?" I nodded at her and stared out.

After about 10 minutes, I saw him. "NOT...YET..." He came running at me and I stared at him. "Your here...Good job." He kept running at me without stopping. He then ran into me and he fell onto his back.

"NOT...YET..." I sighed and bent down. I smacked his face a bit and he came back to normal. I then pulled him up and said "So? How was it?" He put his finger up and said "Hold...On..." He was panting and panting and panting.

I nodded at him and we disappeared. We then reappeared by a river and sat down on some rocks. "It...Was amazing!" He managed to get these words out before panting again.

"I fought...So many Monsters...And they were all leagues above me but...They were slow and used magic and...I can use Anti-Magic and I'm fast and..." Yeah, I get it mane. "So what level are you now?" He stared at me for a moment then took his card out.

"Level 32." I stared out for a moment. If he doesn't have an Xp Booster like Megumin but is still growing that much faster then..

We summoned some monsters to this world.

Megumin can probably kill a low level slime and become level 3. I had a Xp booster as a time Master but it was times 1.3. She grows faster then me while asta grows a little slower than me.

"I also got a new skill aswell." He passed me his card and I took it. "Low-Level Swordsmen Ship huh?" He nodded and smiled at me. "Good Job Asta. I was kind of worried that you wouldnt be able to handle it all but I guess that I was wrong."

I got up and rubbed his head. "Here. You must be starving right?" I snapped my fingers and a table with food on it appeared. He immediately rushed over to it and dug in. He didn't even say thank you but that's fine.

The bushes behind me then shook a bit and Nero and Lidia came out. Asta then turned around with a chicken bone in his mouth and said "Shes....Who is she?" He walked over to us and I said "Your new teammate and My newest Disciple..."

Nero's eyes widened for a bit when I said that. "Congratulations Nero." Lidia smiled at her and patted her shoulders. "Good Job...Nero? I cant wait to train and fight with you!" He then went onto the ground and started doing push ups.

He fell to his belly tho as he was very exhausted. "NOT...YET..." His first opening was playing again. He then slowly got up. "IM NOT DONE YET!" I stopped his opening song by turning him in to baby.

"You guys..." I turned around towards Nero and Lidia looked at her aswell. "I'm glad...That I've met you guys.." She smiled at us and we did the same.

"The Dungeon City of Crunel is where we'll be stopping at next." I then put my hand out. "Please. Join us on our Adventure.." She stared at my hand then took it.

"I cant wait!"
