Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 10

"Mother...Father. I'm Home..." The dude that Asta met on the road was now speaking to The Queen and King. "How was your trip?" The Boy got up from his kneel and said "It..Was Fine. The Earth Kingdom..wasn't the most fun of places.."

The Queen and King smiled at that. "So Mother. Where is this hero? The one in the Earth Kingdom turned out to be very strong so..." The Queen said that and snapped her fingers. The door to the throne room soon opened and Megumin appeared.

"Jesus Christ Mother. Her Magic powers are amazing..." He stared at the brown haired woman as she came up and kneeled. "Megumin Dear. This is my eldest son, August Yoni. He is the person who is going to teach you everything that you need to know..."

Megumin looked at August and nodded. "I'm August Yoni! Nice to meet you!" The black hair and red eyes boy held his hand out and she took it. "Megumin. Nice to meet you.." The both shook hands for a while and she left.

"Mother. You won't believe what I saw today.." He layed down on the steps and said "It was a boy with no magic. Can you believe that?" He laughed out a bit. The King And Queen both looked at each other and said "We...Have something to tell you.."


"Are...You serious?..." He was just told that there were two people summoned instead of one. He was also told that the no magic kid was the Time Masters 2nd deciple and that his sister Was his first.

"I...Cant believe that the Time Master would choose someone that has no Magic as his disciple...." He was amazed at that. "And he chose my little sister as his first...Well I'm not really surprised by that..." He then went into thought...

I was always levels ahead of her. I had better power and more skills then her and yet...I could never win. She had better use over the powers that she had. Shes been training since 5 so that's probably why. I didnt start training until I was 13.

"I...Want to meet this Time Master." He looked up at his parents. "I want to...Fight Him." He slowly got up and stretched. "I'm pretty sure that I've got stronger than Lidia over the years aswell. It been a couple of years since we last fought anyways..."

He walked out of the throne room and the room went silent. "Hes...Going to get embarrassed.." The Queen face palm and the king did aswell. "If those two do meet then I hope they becomes friends before anything goes down..."

The queen nodded at him and sighed.


I was on Kaida's back with my hands in my pockets. I was looking around and waiting. "Your..Too slow Asta..." He came from the side and sliced at me. I dodged it and he flew past me.

I then saw Nero catch him and they disappeared into the clouds. "I..Didnt want to participate in this training..." I turned my head over my shoulder and saw her. She had fire coming out of her feet.

"But this is fun!" She smiled and put her palms out at me. I saw two huge fire balls appear. "This is..." They got bigger and bigger and I started sweating. "Hey..." She put her hands out and combined into an even bigger ball of fire.

They joined together and continued getting bigger. You could probably compare it to a spirit bomb but bigger. "Sorry Time Master...." She moved her palms down at me. "But We won.." She launched it at me and I heard asta screaming behind me.

They both came at me at fast speeds and I opened my mouth. "....." I was then blitzed by asta and was hit by the fire spirit bomb. Asta was then caught by Lidia and they stared at the dust cloud.

Nero then swooped by them and watched aswell. "Do you think we got him?" Asta said with a serious face. "Probably not. Were fighting someone who can controll time here.." They agreed with her and got ready to attack again.

The dust then cleared up and they saw me. "Time...Master...." I was bloodied all over and seemed unconscious. "Kenji!!" Asta yelled out and they flew down to me. They landed on Kaida's back and came up to me. "Time Master..." Asta eyes widned a bit as he saw that I wasnt breathing. "We...Killed him...."

"Do you honest think that?"

I appeared behind them with my hand out at the back of their heads. "Your all...Too naive..." They slowly turned to me and I shot out a blue beam. The got hit instantly and my 'dead' body floated away in the wind.

"First of All, Lidia. You should have stuck with houe judgement of me not being down...." I brought her Time bubble up to my face and stared at her. "You know....That such small things would kill me...." I then unfroze her and she fell down.

"Asta. You were the closest one to me. Why didnt you touch me or something?" I brought him up to my face. "You noticed that I wasnt...Breathing?....Why did you think that? You didnt even do anything to indicate that."

I unfroze him and brought Nero up to me. "Your...Good at detecting Magic. You could have easily know that I was behind you if you actually tried..." I unfroze her and stared at them all. "You all know what your ridding on aswell right?" They all nodded at me.

"This dragon is loyal to me. If I was to actually die then she would go on a massive rampage..." She roared our a bit when I said that. "And Also. I'm the fucking Time Master. No body can kill us. Especially not you 3 weaklings..."

They all looked down a bit and I said "NOW TRY AGAIN!!!" I blew them away with air magic in my breath and they flew back down. I sighed a bit and turned around. "Master...Your too mean to them..." She talked to me through the blindfold.

"This...Is necessary. I'm highly disappointed in your mother the most tho. She should have easily seen through this but I guess seeing a dead 'me' on the ground shocked her. Asta was just a normal human in his world. He never had any fighting experience but he should have the common sense to check and see if i was really dead. Nero was assigned to go out of her village to fight monsters. She should have some knowledge about 'dying' prey."

She took all of this in and went silent. "I'm not mad. I just expected a bit more from them.." I sighed out and caught his sword. "You almost had me." I swung him around and flung him to the floor. He hit it and coughed out some blood.

He bounced back up and I kicked him in the stomach. He vomited a bit and flew off. "Asta had good battle senses Master!" I agreed and said "Hes...Getting there..." I then saw a black haired woman jump at me out the corner of my eye. She had a wind sword in her hand and she swung at me.

I caught it and another sword made of fire was swung at me. I caught that aswell and looked at the two. "Wheres Asta?" As I said that, someone came down from above and struck down on me. I turned my head at him and saw him smiling.

He came down on me with his sword and my body turned to air. "Again." I hit them all away with air from behind and saw their faces of defeat. "They almost had me. Too bad I can do my hand signs faster then time itself.."

I layed down on kaida's back and looked at the stars. I soon saw someone with fire in their hands. They stared at me while charging up their fire from above. "Your too slow.." I put my hand out and saw asta come in from the side.

I shot my beam of time out and it went towards his sword. "Smart move. Luring me to attack her then you'll come in and hit it back at me..." I saw them both smile a bit and I said "Its a shame tho. It would have worked on anyone else...But me.."

My Blue beam disappeared from inf front of them and hit Lidia in the back. She then fell on Asta and they both fell down. I caught them in time and waited. "A sword attack again?" I moved my head a bit and a windy sword was plantined into the the sattle where my head was just at.

I them spun my body around and tripped her. I caught her mid fall and said "This...Isnt the best that you can do Is it?" I smiled at her and she smiled aswell. Her body then faded away into the wind and my eyes widened.

"So thats why you've been quite huh?" She only assisted them barely. Any other time and she would show up at the end. "It took me a while..." She came up behind me and I turned towards her. "But I'm finally able to do it!" She screamed out at me and swung her sword vertically at my stomach.

She hit me but I fadded away aswell. "I can do it too you know.." I caught her from behind and put her in the choke hold. "You Surprised me. Good job!" I let her go and said "You passed for today. Sit down and rest okay..." She slowly nodded at me while rubbing her neck.

I then saw a huge Fire bomb in the air. She was holding it up in one hand while asta was in her other hand. "This...Is my final attack.." She threw asta at me and he pointed his sword straight at me. "This isn't going to work on me." He came at me while screaming and slashed down vertically at my head.

I dodged him however and kicked him away mid air. I then saw the fire coming at me and I picked asta up. I held him up in the Choke hold and said "What are you going to do now huh?" He struggled and struggled to get out.

"THINK ASTA!!" I shouted in his ears and his eyes widened. He started thinking about how to get out and I saw his cheeks raise. "Sorry Sensei..." Sorry about what? And why are you calling me that again.

He dropped his sword and it disappeared. He then grabbed my hand that was under his chin with his left hand. He then used his right and grabbed...My sack. "The hell!?" I released my grip on him a bit and he elbowed me in my stomach. I then let go of him fully and he kicked me in the stomach.

"Sorry about that." He then jumped out of the way and the huge ball of fire came down on me. My eyes widened a bit and I smiled. "You guys..." I placed my hand out at it. "I'm glad your all my students.." I grabbed at the fire ball and it froze.

Lidia gritted her teeth at this and fell down in the sky. She then appeared in my hands and I looked at her. "You..Did Good. You do know that right." She looked over at me and covered her eyes with her forearm. "Shut...Up.." I heard a sniffle and sighed.

"Asta. You pass." He cheered out and fell to the ground. "Lidia. You...and Me have to talk..." Nero and Asta looked at us both. "You let Your juniors beat You. I...Cant accept that." I then disappeared from the rest of them.

"I feel...Like its kind of my fault since she had to carry me the whole time..." Asta looked down and sighed. Nero stared at him for a moment then looked away.


"Tell me." We were on the ground now. "Tell me what went wrong. Your stronger then what you've shown me out there..." Her new power tho was fye.

"I dont work well with others. That's all." She looked away from me while pouting. I sighed then appeared next to her. I placed my hand on her and she looked at me.

I then took my Blindfold off. "Tell me. Please?.." I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand and she slowly nodded. "I...Never really understood Teamwork..I thought it was meaningless.."


"You Must work together Lidia!" I was hit on the arm by a ruler. "You need to learn how to rely on others some times!" Ms.Birtch walked out of the class and I stayed.

I picked my books up and placed them in my bag. "Hey! Your The Queens Daughter Right!?" I looked over and saw a little kid with red hair and pink eyes coming at me. Her chest...Its bigger then Mommys..

"What Are You doing Here!? Everyone Else is Having Fun Outside!" She tried grabbing my hand but I pulled away. "Oh Yeah! I'm Ruby! Its nice to meet you!" She held her hand out at me and I walked passed her.

Every since that day, She would always follow me around. "Wanna Go To The Playground Later!?" I shook my head no at her and she became sad. "Okay..." She slowly walked away and I looked down a bit. "Fine.." She heard this and put her head up.

She then looked back at me and said "Really?.." I nodded at her and she cheered. Your the only person who doesn't care about my background. Your the only person whos actually a true friend to me so.. Why not?..

We were now at the Playground. I saw all of these children and we started playing. We tossed the ball to each other. Kicked the ball around. Play board games...

"Let's play 'Freze tag!'" We all nodded at the kids suggestions and we chose teams. I was last picked which didnt bother me that much. We soon started and my team was instantly numbered.

"Unfreeze me so we can escape!" I looked at the frozen boy and stared. "No. Your just going to get frozen again which will make things harder on me." I ran away from the boy. "You have to help them Lidia.." I ran into Ruby and her boob hit me down.

"Maybe if you had your buddy over their then he could have warned you.." She then touched me and my team lost. I was blamed that day. I got called names and was told to never play with them again.

I nodded at those words and left...


"I never came back to the playground." I bit my lip and turned away. So she has teamwork problems because of a game? "I started avoiding everyone and even Ruby for a while. I went on my own missions and grew even more distant from everyone..."

I turned back around and looked at her. "What do you think Time Master?" She looked at me slowly and her hair blew in the wind. "I think..That's its fine." I looked over into the moon.

"If you can't work with people then Thats Fine. I'll just have to help you out with that..." She stared at the side of my face and I continued. "I...Like you Lidia. I like how you speak your mind about everything. I...Just like everything about you..." I turned back at her and smiled.

"I'll help you overcome this problem. I'll make sure that you never fight alone for the rest of your life if I need too." She stared into my mask and I stared into her eyes. "You know, I went from working with a team to working by myself."

Her eyes widned a bit. "Us Time Masters used to be regular people. I used to have my own group of friends and we fought and laughed together. When I became the Time Master tho, I had to leave them behind...."

I looked away a bit and she held my hand. "I guess that destiny brought us together. Someone who had a team and lost them and someone who has no team and wants one.." My eyes widened a bit and we got closer to each other.

"Do you want to be apart of my team, Lidia?" She smiled at me and said "Gladly.." Our faces touched each others and we grabbed each others head. We kissed even deeper and pulled away.

"Lidia Yoni."


"I'm glad that I've met you..." We both said at the same time and smiled. We then wrapped our arms around each other necks and fell onto the ground. "If this is what Team work is then I can get used to it..." She kissed me again and I said "Ive...Never heard of this kind of Team work..."

We both laughed a bit and continued...


I teleported us back onto Kaida's back. "KenjI!" Asta ran up to the both of us. "Where did you go?..." He whined out and I touched his head. I then picked him up and said "I talked to her. She wasnt so sure about fighting with you guys but now, She'll try too."

He was taller but I could still pick him up. "Okay..I understand..." He grabbed my arm and I put him down. I then walked past him layed Lidia down. She caught herself and said "Whimp. You couldn't even make a move besides kissing.." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"We...Were in the woods bro. What if a monster jumped out and attacked us?..." I stared at her and she stared at me. "You could have atleast showed me your...." I nodded and walked away.

"Besides....Kissing?" Nero blankly stared at me and I said "Yeah...She wanted to have sex in the woods. Tell her how unpleasant that is." I walked up to her and she stared at me.

She then looked past me and said "Thats...Unpleasant..." Lidia mouth dropped and I laughed. I then picked Nero up and placed her on my shoulders. "Can you see the dungeon now?" She looked down at me then looked up.

She looked all around and looked back down. "I dont see it..." I nodded and turned my body back around. "Where exactly is the dungeon? Is it even In the Crunel?" Lidia nodded at me and said "It goes into the ground so..."

She then yawned out and layed on the ground. She then fell asleep and asta said "I'm...Going to hit the bed too..." He fell asleep before even hitting the ground.

"I guess it's only us 3 then..." I looked up at Nero and she nodded. Her dress then flapped around a bit and I saw her skin. "Your skin is very white. Soft too..." I sighed out and she said "Thank You..."

I nodded and came back out. I saw the city and I said "We have to land a bit away to not scare people." I bent down a bit and touched her back. She then roared a bit and turned. We flew down to the ground and landed.

She teleported our supplies into her own space and I carried Lidia and Asta off her back. She then teleported her saddle away and turned into a human. "Let's go Okay?" I grabbed her hand and she smiled.

With her heels, we were able to do this now. "I'm ready Master!" I smiled at her and said "Are you ready Nero?" She nodded aswell and we began walking. I had this rope attached to Asta which was attached to me and he had this rope attached to Lidia.

We soon got to the town. It was double the size of Any Nation. It was also dead in the center of the four nations so it was good for trade. "Uhm Sir? May I ask who those people are?..." This blond hair and green eyes kid pointed at Asta and Lidia. "Oh, Your an elf?" He had those pointy ears.

"Their beautiful little boy..." He...Was beautiful in general. Are all elves like that or?.."Sir. I'm flattered but.." I patted his head and walked past him. He put his hand out at us and told us to wait but I ignored him. He then made a sad face and looked down.

I laughed a bit at the kid and continued walking down the...Oh my God bruh. I'm getting about tired of these long ass roads. "Master! The dungeon is that way!" She pointed and I looked.

I looked down the long, long, long, road and saw a small tower. "That's...The dungeon?" She nodded and said "I've been in there before. I got to level 9000 and got bored because I was lonely....I wont be this time howevwr, as Master and the rest are here!"

I smiled at her and and continued. The place was amazing tho. Filled with laughter and joy. Some gangs. Some people being murdered. Some poor people around. Some slaves being carried in carriages.

Ah....Your average town in an isekai. We walked around for a while and they soon woke up. "The hell? Time Master, You have this sort of fetish aswell?" She looked at me while I was draging her. "Nah.." I don't understand how people like that handcuff stuff. Then again, I do like pretty weird things.

"W-WHERE ARE WE!?" He looked all around which got the attention of many, many people. "We're in the dungeon city. Stop your yelling now or they'll kill us.." The place was overed run with elves. Atleast in this part of town.

"Okay..." He quited down and I told Kaida to undo their rope. She nodded and sent fire magic at it. It burned the rope and they got free. "Sorry everyone. My son here is kind of deranged." They all stared at me for a while but soon continued minding their business.

"This place is bigger than the fire kingdom.." He looked all over and I nodded. I then tapped his shoulders and his clothes went back to normal. I did the same to Lidia and we continued.

After a long while, we got up to the tower. We then walked up to it and..."Adventurer Card." I looked down and said "Arent you the same kid from before?" I picked him up and he squirmed around a lot.

"S-Sir! I cant allow you to enter without one! I'm sorry!..." I then looked back at Lidia and said "These...Are the people that attacked the world when I vanished?" She shrugged her shoulders and said "When I said they stopped, What I really meant is that they evolved...Backwards.."

Their change is based upon a...Meme? That's lowkey funny, but sad. "W-What did you mean by when 'I vanished' sir?.." I looked back at him and said "You'll find out in a couple of hours probably." I then sat the child back down.

"Where is this place to get my adventure card?.." I looked all around and...She?...said "Over their." He?...Pointed at a large building and I nodded. "See you later then.." I waved at Her and left with the group.

We then got to this guild looking place and went inside the huge door. "Jesus christ..." I looked all around the huge space. "Did you call me?" I smacked his ghost away and he disappeared.

I kept looking around and noticed some stairs to the side. We then walked the long aisle. "They all look...New..." Only rookies could be see in here. "Hello Sir! Welcome to the Crunel Adventures Guild!"

I stared at the busty elf and said "What is the Queen of elves doing in here?" Everyone shot their head at her. The lady then laughed awkwardly and said "Sir...That Joke..isn't funny..." I forced a fake laugh and I said "Then what...Is this!" I stuck my hand out towards her breast but was hit in the head by Nero.

"Apolgize..." I nodded a bit and said "I'm sorry..." She stared at this group and though 'That...Was close..' When she though that, I looked over at Lidia. "You..Read her mind right?"

She shook her head no and I sighed. "I havent seen you people before and since your here..I'm guessing you want to sign up?" I looked around at them and nodded. "Okay. I'll send someone to help you sign up." She got up and her breast jiggled.

"Its a shame that shes married..." I sigjed out and walked over to a table. They all followed and we sat down. Nero turned into a bird and layed on my head while Kaida just sat in my lap. She moved around a bit and said "I can feel that Mastar is excited just like me!"

I laughed out a bit and coughed. She kept moving around some more and I touched her horns.

"So Time Master. Are you going reveal yourself or?..." I looked up at Lidia while playing with Kaida's horns. "I dont know actually. You think their would be any perks to it?" She shook her head no and I sighed.

It might just be good to lay low. For now atleast... "Sir. If you could follow me please." I looked up at the green haired woman and nodded. We all then followed her to her reception desk and she gave us these papers.

"Fill out all of the information and you can become an adventurer. Please ask me anything if you have questions." She gave us a business smile and we left. Well, Asta, Lidia And Kaida did.

"What's wrong Sir?" She tilted her head and I pointed up. "What's on the upper floors?" She stared at me for a moment then said "The floor directly above us are for F tiers." F tiers? Does that mean that we're G tier?

"In order to go up a Tier, You must complete Missions. You must take requests on the Request Board over there.." She pointed and me and Nero looked. There was a huge board with a few papers on it.

"Now. If you have any further Questions, Here you go..." She gave me this book and left. "Can I see it..." She reached at the book and I nodded. She then grabbed it and opened it up. I then walked over to the board and looked at it.

"Kill one Monster of your choice..." I looked around the room and nodded. "Yep. Seems like a difficult mission. To them atleast..." The people in here...Looked likes they couldnt kill a fly. Maybe a fly could kill them actually..

"It says...That we need to complete 1 mission to go up to F tier...." I looked up at Nero and nodded. I then grabbed the piece of paper and put it into my pocket. I walked back over to the table and Kaida got up.

I smiled at her and sat down in her spot. She then got into my lap and I said "Asta. What did you put for Magic?" I looked at him and he said "I said that I have wind magic but I can use it..." I...Guess that was okay. Everyone has magic in them but that doesn't mean that they can use it.

Well they may be able to use it for like...Farming or whatever but not for fighting. "I guess we should fill out ours huh?" Nero nodded at me and turned into a bird. She then used her small wings to write on my head.

"Sealing Magic and Wind magic!? Nero your Amazing!!" He screamed out as she put her paper out on the table. "I knew you had wind magic But...Sealing magic!? That sounds Awesome!!" Nero stared at him then looked down.

"What are you putting for Magic?" I shrugged my shoulders a bit and Kaida said "Master should put down his own Magic.." She looked up at me and I smiled. "Yeah..Nobody would bother us if I did and we could be safe that way..." I rubbed her head and she smiled.

"I guess..Its settled then..." They all nodded and we got up. We then walked over to the receptionist counter and I rung the bell. That lady I talked too came back out and I said "We're done and..." I pulled out the piece of paper. "We would like to to start our first mission to level up.."

She took all of our resumes and checked them. "Time...Magic?..." She stared at me and I nodded. "Inpersonating the Time Master is a crime. Please show me Proof." She stared a me with a sweat mark on her face and I held my hand out.

A blue hallow ball appeared with some markings. This was the same Blue Hallow ball. I just forgot to say that they had words on them. "No....Way....." She instantly bowed down and I sighed. "Please! Spare My life Please!" I couldn't see her anymore and I laughed a bit.

My predecessors were know for peace and yet...For some reason they made everyone bow to them when they met. "Your excused. If you dont treat me like a normal adventurer then I'll get mad..." I said in a teasing voice.

"O..Kay..." She got back up and said "W-Will you please all put your DNA together. That way you can form a party..." We all nodded and turned to each other. We got into a circle and held our hands out.

We all then pricked out fingers and touched each others. It was a weird process but I guess it was necessary. We soon got done and turned back around to her. "Were done..." She nodded and I gave her the paper.

"You can now all complete this together. Please, Take this.." Our resumes formed into cards and we took them. "Tell the Queen Of Wind that I said dont try anything...If shes in Crunel then her kingdom is unattended right?..." She flinched for moment and we all left.

We then walked back over to the Dungeon entrance and I picked the kid up again. "We got our adventurer cards. Can we go in now?..." The child squirmed all around but soon stopped. The child sighed out and said "You still need to show me..."

I nodded and sat them back down. I then bent down and handed them my card. "Kenji. Time Magic. Level 103. Age..." He read it outloud to himself. "Sees good. You may enter..." I stared out blankly for a moment then rubbed their head. "Okay. Keep this for me tho..."

I walked in and he kept my card. I was then teleported into this huge room. It was rocky all around and I looked over. "Level 1/100,000" I sighed at the sign and stared back out again. I walked into the room some more and saw the famous slimes.

"Wow..." I turned around and saw them. They stared out in amazement. Even Kaida did and I picked her up. "Its beautiful huh?.." The whole room was like a forest. It was beautiful like a garden in Olympus. "The upper floors are even more amazing!" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Are You going to tell us the Mission!?" She yelled out me and I nodded. "We have to kill one monster of any type..." They all nodded at me and I said "Asta. Go around this whole floor and kill the monsters. Dont destroy their core tho.."

He nodded and started walking off. "Wait..." He turned back around. "How do I do that?..." A good question I guess. "Slice everything but their core. They can regenerate but you can slice faster. You would have to grab it with your bare hands tho..."

He nodded and I said "Place the cores in your ring by the way..." He nodded at me and ran away. "I guess...We wait huh?" They all nodded at me and we sat down. "This...The floors do get bigger right?" The floor was huge but...As in the size of the U.A. Tournament stage.

We could see asta running behind trees while screaming. "Yep. On the 9000th floor, the room was bigger then the Fire Kindom.." I rubbed her horns and nodded.

Asta soon returned and said "20. I killed 20 of them...." He pulled him out of his ring and the orbs fell to the floor. I picked them up and said "Nero. How much was one worth again??"

She walked up behind me and climbed onto my back. I grunted a bit and she sat down on my shoulders. "1 core is equal to 2 cooper coins..." I grabbed her legs and said "So we got 4 silver for all of this?" She nodded at me and I smiled.

(AN: Yeah...Dont be surprised...I can do math now.....)

Asta then put them back into his ring and we walked back out. We teleported in the dark and walked back out to the light. "Hello. Can I have my card back?" They stared at me with their mouth gaped. The kid then held my card out and I took it. "See you later.."

I waved at him while walking back to the adventurers guild. We then got in and got nervous stares from the rookies. We walked down the long isle and got to the counter. "A-Already!?" I nodded at her and asta made the cores appear on the table.

She seemed a bit surprised and said "20 cores..." She counted a bit and said "Here you go... 4 silvers for 20 cores...." She held it out and I looked around. I guess these people were just trying to survive and I can see that...."Give it out to the people in here. Do that for all of my money rewards actually..."

The group smiled a bit at that and I turned around. I'm...Happy with this choice actually. It's also not like we need the money. Asta gave us the money he found and combined it with mine and Lidia's. This brought us to about 100 platinum coins or about...$100,000.

Also, Kaida is a dragon who has lived for more then a million years. Her money could be said to be infinite almost. "So...Wise!.." I heard the receptionist squeal out and I turned back around. "Oh Yeah....Promote us to F tier. Were heading up..."

She nodded at us and we walked to the stairs. They weren't locked but nobody dared to go up. The pressure on each floor is suited for each Tier.

G tier pressure is that of the normal world. F tier pressure is that of a couch on you. E tier pressure was that of a car on you. D tier pressure was that of a house on you. C tier Pressure was that of a Whale on you. B Tier pressure was that of a mountain on you. A tier pressure was that of a ●○ on you. S tier pressure was that of a ○○ on you.

"Well guys. Let's move up in the world I guess.." God, your cringey author..
