Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 14

I arrived in the donning room and sat down at a table. I moved my fingers along it with my legs moving up and down.

I sighed out a bit and started looking at the door that led into the kitchen. The door was like one of those western type doors. From those cowboy movies.

(AN: This is what he looks like trying to explain things.)

The door then opened but nobody came out. "She's got ghost aswell?" I ain't even joking when I thought I saw one in the hallway last week. "Sorry I'm late. I overslept..." I saw her small head peak over the table.

"Your so short. I thought it was a ghost again.." She sat my plate down and pulled up a little stepping stool. She then walked up to it and sat down in the chair across from me.

I then pulled the plate full of food close to me and smiled. "Looks Amazing." I picked up the chopsticks and clasped my hands together. "Thanks for the food.." I then picked up the egg roll and put it into my mouth.

"Its been a fun 3 weeks Time Master." I nodded at her and said with a mouth full of food "Dont worry. I'll be back." She stared at me for a while then said "I know that they have bases where you sleep at. I'm not an idiot Time Master."

She continued to stare at me and I sighed. "Listen..." I put my chopsticks down. "I can still visit you. I do have to sleep at the base but that doesnt mean I cant visit you.." She pouted at this and turned her head away.

"I wont get anymore visitors..." So shes just doesnt want to be alone basically? "I'll send you letters. Will that be fine?" I started eating again and she made a thinking face.

"Well..." She got up from the chair and said "That's fine I guess." She then started walking back into the kitchen and I nodded. "RECCOMEND THIS PLACE BY THE WAY!!" I heard her yelling out and I smiled a bit.

I kept eating and I soon heard some foot steps from the stairs. "All Right! I can't wait to get into this Magic School!!" He screamed out while walking down the stairs. "I'm going to pass everything! And...And...I'm going to Surpass Kenji along the way!"

Yeah...About two weeks ago, I asked him if he had a goal in this world. He said "Well...I want to marry Megumin. I also want to rewrite this worlds prejudice and.....To surpass you in everything!" He actually made the Time Master his rival.

I laughed awkwardly as I thought about Manga Asta. But I soon stopped as I forgot that he doesnt have a devil inside of him I think so he wont be as strong. "Asta. Your trying to Rival the Time Master. Be a little bit more realistic.." He froze at Lidia words and they all walked passed him.

They all arrived on the bottom floor and I looked at them. Nero looked the Same. Lidia had on these boots that went past her knee caps now. They were black and looked metallic. She also had on a basic white T-Shirt. Scanty and kneesocks looked the same and Kaida...

Looked the same. "Watch..." They slowly turned around and looked at him. "WATCH! ILL SURPASE KENJI AND RUB IT ALL IN HIS FACE!!" He screamed out and we all stared at him. "Sure Asta. I would love to see all of my students surpass me..."

They all stared at me and walked closer to me. "Master! Dont I look cute!!" She teleported on top of my lap and placed her hands on my shoulders. She smiled at me while tilting her face and I said "You look great. Your new look really suited you..."

Her hair was black again with gold streaks like mine. Small golden dots on her black nails like mine. Gold and black eyes like mine aswell. She looked like she could be my child. "Like Father and Daughter..." Scanty and kneesocks stared at us with a odd look.

"Well...Hes treating her better than King Rev. I guess that's all that matters..." They both shrugged their shoulders and I got up. Kaida wrapped her arms and legs around me and I sighed a bit. "It starts in about 5 hours so I guess we have time..."

I rubbed my hand on Kaida's back and said "I'll..See you later shorty..." I started walking over to the entrance and opened the door. I looked back for a final time and smiled. "Its...Been fun..." I thought back to all the things I did here over the past couple of weeks.

Parties. Fighting. Training. Even sleeping on the roof. Man...That night was crazy....

Everyone followed behind me and stopped outside. We stared at the back of the tower and I turned around back at them. "Lidia. Kaida. Asta. Nero. Scanty. Kneesocks. I'm glad...That your all my students and I'm glad...That your all joining me on this journey..."

I stared at them and Kaida giggled. "I'm thankful for being your student Master!" She kissed me on my cheek and smiled. "Yeah! We should be thanking you for choosing us as your students!" Asta put his thumb up and smiled aswell.

"Thank you Time Master for helping us along the way." Lidia smiled at me with her eyes closed. "Thank...You.." Nero smiled aswell with her blank face.

"Are we supposed to say some encouraging words aswell?" Scanty scratched the back of her head and they all stared at the two.

"No. It's fine." I gave them a light smile and they stared at me. The wind then blew and you could see a sparkle on each of their foreheads. Even Scanty and Kneesocks had a sparkle on their heads.

"Let's get going guys. We can warm up in the dungeon..." I turned back around and started walking away. "Hes so awesome!!" Asta had sparkles in his eyes. "I'm glad hes different. Makes him a little bit more special to me...." Lidia, Asta and Nero then started walking away.

"Hes so...Odd.." Kneesocks nodded and said "And his fetishes. Their unlike anything I've seen before..." They both stared down and shivered. "But..." They said at the same time. "I dont mind it..." They both then started walking with a slight smile on their faces.



I was in this long ass line. This line was for entering the exam. They will ask for your Level card and if we're not pass level 50, They'll tell us to leave. Or we'll have to pay that hefty sum of 10,000 per missed level.

"Yep. Not a single human..." I looked all around and saw races like elves, Demi-Humans, All sorts of things. "Yep. I'm the strongest human in the city basically!" She smiled out while rubbing under her nose.

I just sighed and though 'I'm not even human to her huh?' I was technically the strongest human in the city but let's ignore that. "Next!" The person in front of me moved away and I came up. "Level Card.." He put his hand out and I nodded.

I then pulled out my Level card and handed it to him. He looked all over it and Nodded. "Approved. Next!" I then scooted over to the side and Nero came up. "Level Card." He put his hand out and she nodded. She took it out and gave it to him and he said "Declined. Pay up Or Leave."

I then came back up and said "Shes with me." I waved over his little counter and a sack of coins appeared. "This should be enough.." The man stared at the bag and slowly nodded. I then put my hand out at Nero and she took it.

"We're heading in Guys. Call me if you have any problems..." I waved them off and they nodded. Me and Nero then started walking down the path that lead to the Stadium. We soon got up to the huge stadium and stared at it.

"So...Bright..." She covered her eyes with her left hand and I laughed a bit. The decorations all around really...Shined if I had to say. I dont know why but it just gave off a glow. "Maybe it's better inside?" She then looked over at me and nodded a bit. We both continued walking down the path and walked into the stadium.

After a while, We arrived at the middle of the stadium. We saw all these people with fireworks going off in the sky aswell. "That's pretty cool right Nero?" I looked over at her and she looked all around. "No..." I sighed out a bit and looked around some more.

It looked the exact same but bigger. Way bigger actually. "Hey!!" I heard a scream behind me and turned around. "We made it!" I smiled at them all as they started looking around. Asta face was filled with excitement while everyone else just had an amused look.

"Master!!" She cutely ran up to me and jumped at me. "Kaida.." I caught her and spun around a bit. I was getting weird stares from everyone but it didnt bother me. "So? How is it Kaida?" I held her in my arms and she looked around. "Its bigger then last time!"

She giggled out and I nodded. I guess shes done everything huh? While I was thinking that, someone bumped into me. "Watch it." The man said and I looked at him. He had big muscles and was dark skinned. "You bumped into me old man..."

He slowly shot his head at me. "What did you say?" He came up to me and we stared at each other. He started emitting this aura or whatever and I said "What's this Magic? Its so....Small..." I touched his shoulders and he kneeled down.

"The hell!?" He spit his cigarette out and I bent down. "I think you should apologize old man.." I swiped his sword away and swung It around a bit. "Tch! Shut the hell up!" He tried getting up but failed as I tapped his shoulder.

He was only pushed deeper into the ground. "Y-Yami!?" This weird looking man came up to him and put his hand out. Yami or whatever his name was then fell into this blue portal that appeared below him. He soon appeared behind the portal man and said "Damned brat.."

He lit another cigarette and I threw his sword at him. He then caught and started walking away. "That mans magic..." I looked over at Nero. "Its...overflowing..." She stared at his back with some sweat on her face. "Yeah, It was." I also stared at his back for a moment but shrugged it off.

"Lidia. Do you know about any of the test here or?...." I looked over at her and she shook her head. "I don't. They somehow manage to erase the memories of the challenges from previous contestants.." I nodded at her and turned back around. The fireworks were slowly stopping and the bright lights were slowly going down.

I kept looking around and saw this one girl being talked to by her...Brother? He said something which made her frown a lot. I then looked away and said "Its starting huh?..."

The fireworks fully stopped and the music did aswell. "Ladies And Gentlemen...." We all looked up and saw this masked man sitting in front of this chair. "Welcome to the Magic Knight Entrance Exam.." Confetti and some other stuff went off after he said that.

The crowd also screamed and clapped at that. "My name is William Vongence. My magic is Called World Tree Magic. Most of you know that however." The crowd cheered some more and he said "Most of you also know these people aswell.." He motioned his hand to the 4 people on his right and the 4 people on his left.

After he did that, They all got up and introduced themselves. That guy I bumped into also introduced himself and stared at me. I just ignored him however which made him mad. "Now then. I think that were ready to start dont you think...." He smiled at us and sat down in his chair.

"For the first test, you will need to show us that your atleast capable in floating/flying. Going from that, We want you to show us how you use your magic to lift off.." We all nodded at him. Well, Everyone besides the person who can't use magic.

"Good luck Asta.." I slowly floated up and he stared at me. Everyone else then started using their magic to float up aswell. Lidia was shooting fire out of her palms to float. Nero was shooting out wind to float. Scanty and kneesocks were also shooting out wind to float.

"Master!!" Kaida came floating over to me while spinning around. I caugh her and she smiled. I then started looking around and saw that everyone was floating aswell. I could only sigh out as I saw Asta on the floor just starring at us.

"Good..." They all started writing things down while looking at us all. "Little Boy. Why arent you participating?..." Everyone in the whole stadium stared at Asta when that masked guy said that. Asta however, was sweating from all of the stares.

"I uh...I cant use Magic that well.." He laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. "I...See..." Yep, Their definitely taking points off. I sighed out a bit and turned around. I then tilted my head in confusion a bit as that one girl wasnt able to float up like the rest of us.

She had a massive amount of Magic coming off of her but shes still not able to do it..."Okay. You may stop now...." We all nodded at him and floated back to the ground. "Its okay Asta. Maybe in the next test.." I patted his shoulders and he slowly nodded.

"For your next test, We will be testing your accuracy and Ability to shape up magic..." As he said that, he put his hand out and a tree grew from his palm. It then slowly formed into a ball of...Wood? "Do this with your magic and aim it at those stone walls over there.."

As he said that, These stone walls came out of the ground. "Asta. I think you can just throw your sword at it..." Magic wall and an Anti-Magic sword. Good combination if I say so myself. "Okay!" He was eager to do anything which made me smile.

We all then went to a pillar and waited. Around 1000 pillars which went with each person. "You may now begin!!" The mask manned said and we all nodded. "I guess.." I put my hand out at the wall and a small ball of fire started to form. It got bigger and bigger until It could rival a basketball.

Everyone else in the whole stadium did the same and I shot mine out. It sped towards the stone wall and collided. The wall then broke into pieces with some of it melting. I soon started hearing whispers all around me and I started looking around.

The captains were starring aswell. That dark skinned guy was starring too hard tho. "And..." Asta cocked his hand back and launched his sword at the stone wall. It instantly shattered into pieces and everyone became surprised.

Asta then walked over to his sword and pulled it out of the wall that it went into.

He then came up to me while laughing. "Hehe. I definitely got points now.." He smiled all over and I turned around. I saw everyone else finish and we waited for a few more people to finish theirs aswell. I saw that one girl try but as the water got close to the stone wall, it curved.

It hit this random guy and she scoffed. She then walked away while flipping her hair. "A lot of Magic Power with no control. A shame really." Scanty sighed out and I nodded. "That was an amazing show of power contestants..." They all smiled at us. Well most of them did as that one guy just stared at me.

"Your all doing great and we like what we see..." That mask guy said to us and everyone smiled "Now onto the Last 'Test'..." He then held his hand out and put his palm up. "World Tree Creation Magic..." A wooden statue of a naked baby came out and he said "Creation. Everyone loves Creation Magic Right?" He smiled at us and we nodded.

"Create whatever you like. I must say that the more complex it is, The higher you will score..." He smirked a bit and some people started nodding rapidly. "Another Test that you cant do huh?.." I looked over at his frowning face. "Yeah..." He was probably in last place. Or atleast tied with that other girl.

I patted his head and he sighed out some more. I then walked away a bit and said "Water. Earth. Fire. Air...." A Ball of water appeared in front of me after I said that. It then started moving in a circle while in front of me. A ball of earth soon joined in. A ball of fire aswell and a ball of wind.

"Become one..." I could feel everyone starring at me when I did this. "No...Way..." Said one person. "Hes master all of the main elements..." People were in awe while starring at me. Even the Captains sat up to watch this.

They all fused together and a huge light went off. In the next moment, the light dyed down and the elements were seen again. "What!? Nothing happened?..." People lost hope and I smiled.

The elements then shot up into the sky and we all stared at it. It went past the clouds and we couldnt seen it anymore. "Its...Gone?.." We kept starring at it and someone said "Look!" A huge Ball of rock was in the sky now. It hovered in the sky and we stared.

"He made....A planet!?" People dropped to their knees as they looked at the huge piece of...Pluto. It was about the same size as Pluto atleast. "Sorry guys..." I fell to my knees a bit. "I wanted to show off...And I guess I'm paying the price..." I coughed up some blood and Kaida ran over to me.

"He did that...To show off?" People looked at me in confusion. "One helluva drawback tho.." They all stared at me and the sky become lighter again. "Being able to create something that amazing. Only the captains are able to do something of that size..."

The small planet then disappeared and the elements came back to me. They spun around me for a bit then went inside of me. "T-That was amazing Young Man. May I ask of your name?" The masked man said while starring at me. I then slowly looked up and said "Kenji....Its Kenji.." Everyone heard this and started whispering to themselves.

"This...Is a perfect example of what you should all strive for! He's this young but can already create something this amazing!" The leader of the Fire Squad got up and preached out to everyone. They all nodded and some said "So we need to be on his level huh?.." They all smiled at themselves and started creating their own things.

They made horses that were bigger then houses. They built more things like buildings, people, Animals, Just all sorts of things..."Wonderful. I'm glad to see that some of you found your spark.." The mask guy smiled and so did the rest of the captains.

"We will now be taking a 10 minute break. Please recover your magic while your at it..." All the captains then got up and teleported away. I then slowly got up and rewounded myself. "Master...What was that?" Kaida cutely tilted her head and I picked her up.

"Well..Master has been sneaking off lately hasn't he?" I smiled at her and her eyes slowly widened. "So that's why master was always gone before we got up!" She held onto me tighter and I nodded. "That was...Amazing!!" Asta came up to me with sparkles in his eyes.

"Yeah. It was pretty cool.." Lidia smiled at me and I said "Yeah..Too bad I can only use it once every 6 months..." It takes up a lot of Magic Power to do something like that. I cant even rewind my body to be able to spam it as it would go against /his/ rules.

"It was still amazing Master!!" She laughed out and I smiled. I then started looking around and noticed that there were some people on the floor. They had their legs crossed and was taking in the Magic around them.

"Yeah-" I stopped talking as I locked eyes with this one guy. He had dark medium-length hair with teal undertones, pale skin, and golden cat slit eyes. He had this small purple diamond on his forehead aswell with red eye liner.

He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with a black collar, dark purple pants, and dark purple boots. He wore black and dark turquoise gloves with gold decals and a necklace aswell. Around his left arm, There was a white and gold sleeve with a red lining.

We stared at each other from across the whole stadium. We both then started walking towards each other. "Where is he going?" I heard behind me but I kept walking. The people sitting on the floor looked out of the corner of their eyes and stared aswell.

We got closer and Closer until we got infront of each other. "I noticed you were starring at me bud." I bent down a bit and reached for his head. He however hit my hand away and said "Dont touch me human." He sneered at me put his hand out.

This weird looking spear then appeared in his hand and he aimed it under my chin. "Calm down their bud..." I moved his spear away from my chin but he put it back. "Dont touch it. You'll sully it..." His cold voice would make anyone back off but...He wasnt that Intimidating to me.

"A mere human capable of using all of the elements like that is unheard tell me something. What are you really.." He stared me down and I said "I'm just a regular human. What...Are you?" He stared at me for a while then he slowly put his staff thingy down.

"You Humans are weird creatures..." He staff turned into particles and he turned around. "Xaoi." He started walking away and I stared at his back. "What A...Beautiful Name.." I smiled a bit and turned around. I then walked over to that one girl.

She was sitting down aswell and I stood in front of her. "Why are you recovering your magic?" She still had a lot more in her tank. She then opened her eyes and stared me down. "Why are you speaking to me like you know me Peasant?" She scoffed at me and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive this lowly commener for speaking to you like that.." I bowed down to her and she said "Good. Know your place and Leave." I did as I was told and left.

I went back over to my group and sat down. We all the waited for the 10 minutes to pass up and it eventually did. "For the Final Test, You will be fighting against one person to show us your capabilities.." They sat down in their chairs and some people got up.

Some people just chose the person next to them while some came up to me. "I want to fight you." This tall, Black haired person said to me. "Nah....I already have someone I want to fight." He blankly stared at me and left. "Wasnt that the Wind Hero?" I turned around at Lidia and said "Seems like it.."

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Asta. Hes...From your world isnt he?" When Asta saw the black haired man, He came up behind me and hid. "Y-Yes.." He slowly nodded and I said "Tell me about this later...." He slowly nodded again and I walked away.

I then met up with the person at the middle and I said "I guess we had the same idea huh?" He snickered at that and we both walked away together. We got to the corner of the stadium and I said "Why...Are we sitting here?.." I looked over at him and saw that he had his arms crossed.

"I cant be by other people. It causes them to die." I fliched a bit and started sweating. "W-Why?" I backed away a bit and he looked over at me with a smirk. "This is....An effect of my 'Clan' Per say. The more I slaughter, The more karma I give off. The more I give off, The more people around me dies. The more people that die to me, the more if their pain I feel..."

(AN: I dont exactly know how his karma works to be honest. I just saw a edit of him and was like 'He looks cool' So yeah..)

What clan was this again? "You must really hate me huh?" I sighed out and he stared at me. He then looked away and said "For some reason...I dont mind being around you..." Yep. Bro hates me for no reason. "So right now, Your...In pain?"

We went silent as we stared at the matches. "From the way you described all of this, I would assume that your way older then how you look. And if I'm correct then you've been in pain for a while now huh?" It was like I was talking to myself now as he didnt answer a single thing that came out of my mouth.

We stared at all of the matches, Not saying a single word to each other. I saw Lidia win her fight. I saw Kaida and the two pink sisters win theirs aswell. Asta was called up after her and he fought against that same guy.

He made a blue ball around himself and Asta Yawned. He then blitzed at the blue ball and swung his sword down. It cut the blue ball, hitting the guy inside aswell. "That....What is he?" Xaoi stared at Asta and said "He...Smells like a Human and Demon.." He kept starring at him and I said "He has no Magic. What kind of demon has no Magic?"

Half human and half Demon? Well his race isn't specified so I guess it could be true. "Looks like we're next..." Everyone was starring at us so I guess they wanted us to go next. We then walked out from the shadows and got to the middle. "No Killing. That is the only Rule." A robed man said to us both and we nodded.

Xaoi then stuck his hand out and the spear appear. The robed man then backed away while saying "Begin!!" Me and Xaoi both stared at each other in the silent wind. "I still dont like you. I hope you know that." He bagan putting this cat mask on and this green aura started to envelope him.

"I thought we were becoming close but I guess not..." I stared at his awakening and smiled. He then disappeared and reappeared in front of me. He swung his spear down at me and I jumped away. He then hit the ground and broke it.

I landed a bit away and put my hands out. "Fire Magic..." He ran at me while zig zagging all around. "Fire Wall..." A huge wall of fire appeared which stopped him. Or it was supposed to as he planted his spear in the ground and propelled himself over the wall.

He then landed behind me and thrusted. It connected and came out my chest. "Wow..." I stared down at it while coughing up blood. "You got me.." I turned my head over my shoulder and he said "Enough with the tricks..."

He then turned around and stared at me. "Your the first to see through it. Good Job.." I started clapping while smiling at him. He quietly made a tsk noise and disappeared. I then ducked and his spear flew past my head.

He pulled his spear back and did it again but faster. I dodged them all while saying "A human is out classing You..." He got faster and faster but he still missed all of his attacks. He then jumped back and sighed out. "I guess...That this is the power of the Time Master..."

He slowly took his mask off and everyone gasped out. "Time Master!? No way in hell..." Almost everyone was in disbelief. "How did you know?" I tilted my head and him and he said "My attacks were going faster then any human can see. No matter who might the human they may be, dodging is impossible..."

So he assumed that I was the Time Master? "You also said 'How did you know?' which made my observation even more correct..." Thats on me I guess. "But it doesnt matter..." He put his mask back on and got into a stance.

The ground under me then started shaking and I flew up into the sky while a pillar of earth was under me. It soon shackled my feet down and I looked all around. I then felt a scratch on my shoulder. "What the hell?" I felt another scratch and it kept happening all over my body.

"Your a tricky one..." I felt another scratch and I immediately turned around. I grabbed his shirt and yanked my self out of the earth pillar. "But you cant escape these eyes..." I stared into his mask holes and he grunted a bit to try and get away. "Earth Spear.." He made another spear and attacked me with the both of them.

They both came at my sides and I said "Time Magic: Reversal..." I rewounded his earth spear out of existence and I put his other spear in a Time bubble. I quickly grabbed his arm and turned him around. I had his hand up his back while he had his free hand out.

"Get off of me You Weirdo." I ignored him and pulled his Mask off. His eyes widened for a bit and I cupped his face from behind. "I'm a guy Damn it." He looked over his shoulder at me while sweating. "Xaoi. Will you let me Teach and Help you? Your powers...Are something that I've never seen before as a Time Master..." I made an earth hut around us and let go of him.

He immediately made his spear again and I said "I've won already. There is no point..." He put it under my throat and stared at me. "I can end it right now if I wanted..." I sighed out a bit and said "If I was theire then maybe..." He fliched a bit as he heard my voice behind him.

"You said something about wanting to teach me...." He stared into one spot. "But I'll never allow a Human to teach me. All you do is plot. Thats why God made you like he did..." He then looked at another spot and said "And I'm a guy. You tried to come onto me which was very weird as I've never seen Male go for another Male."

Well...When your like me then you'll give almost anything a try. There was a time when I would be disgusted at myself but...That's in the past. "You have feminine features. Not my fault." I appeared in front of him and sat down. "What if I can teach you a way to use more power then you can right now? What if I can stop all of your suffering?..."

He stared at me then looked away. "I...Cant. I would be at risk of hurting your friends if I'm near them..." Then why the hell are you trying to join a magic knight group with people in them. "I'm doing all of this because...I was bored. I wanted to join a squad that did nothing so I wouldnt have to be with them all of the time."

I guess that's a reasonable excuse. "And You. Being around you made things a little bit more interesting. You won't die around me aswell so maybe I should...." He thought about it while looking away again. 'He is the Time Master. Surely he will have some knowledge on about everything'

I sighed out a bit and he turned around. "I'll do it. Ill become your student but I have one condition..." I nodded at him and he said "No weird stuff. You give me a look like I was the most valuable thing in the world to you..." I awkwardly laughed and nodded.

I undid the earth room around us and the pillar under us went back into the ground. Everyone stared at the both of us and Xaoi said "I lose. He is the victor." Everyone was silent but clapping soon sounded out. I was soon declared the winner and we both parted away.


"Contestant Number 756. Step up please." We were all told that if a captain raises their hands then we get to be in their squad. If multiple hands are raised then we get to pick.

I was also Contestant number 756. "Okay." I walked up in front of them and they all stared at me for a moment. All of their hands soon went up and everyone behind me became surprised. "Congratulations. You are the 20th person out of the 40 people that we will choose."

I then started looking at all of my options here and nodded. "I...Want to join the black bulls.." As I said that, the other captains snickered a bit and I also heard some talking behind me.

"He choose that lame squad?" I heard similar things and the masked man said "Step to the side please and wait." He seemed kind of sad about something but I didnt really care.

"Contestant Number 757. Step up Please." I then turned my head a bit and saw Xaoi walking up. I thought Nero would be next but I guess not. "I'm ready.." He kneeled down for some reason and we all stared.

After a while, All the Magic Knight Captains put their hands up which shocked everyone again. "I pick the Black Bulls aswell..." Everyone faces cringed and he looked over at me with a frown. 'You didnt have to chose the same squad' I eyed him and he 'said' 'You could have said that earlier...'

We eyed each other for a bit more then looked away. "O-Okay then. Please step to the side." He made a sad face again and Xaoi nodded. He soon came over to me and lined up beside me. We were standing in a line with the other people who were picked.

They then called out for the next person and Lidia walked up. The fiery man raised his hand immediately and so did the golden haired woman. Lidia then looked at me and I smiled.

She eventually chose to go with the fiery man and I smiled even more. 'If he is in this world then his sister should be too'

Learning from that fiery woman would literally make Lidia the strongest fire user in the world probably. Lidia soon came over to us and I congratulated her. She smiled at that and we looked back.

My little dragon walked up cutely to the captains and she waited. That sleeping woman raised her hand while sleeping and I smiled. She obviously joined her and they told her to come by us.

"Master!!" She walked up to me while smiling. "I'm like Master now!!" She put her hands together behind her back and tilted her head with a smile. "Good Job Kaida.." Lidia picked her up and smiled. "You'll be the best Magic Knignt Ever.." Kaida giggled at that and we turned back to the pink woman.

"I want You.." Scanty liked her lips while looking at the golden haired woman. She however just stared at her with a blank face. "Fine. I'll take you." She put her hand up and Scanty smiled. She then sexily walked over to us which caused people to drool.

"I heard this squad is Female Dominant..." She winked at me for some reasons and I said "I heard that they dont like men which means that squad isnt for you.." I turned back and looked at Kneesocks. She was waiting for someone to put their hand up and someone soon did.

It was the sleeping beauty again and Kneesocks nodded. The extras became surprised at how everyone was being chosen. Only 40 people out of 1000 can be chosen so I see why. "I hope asta gets in..." Kaida frowned a bit and I placed my hand on her head. "Dont worry. He'll get in..."

I think atleast. He...Did more then what he did in the anime kind of. Asta soon walked up to the people and waited. They all stared at him tho and Asta started sweating a bit. "As you can see, No one has raised their hands..." The mask man stared at him and Asta put his head down

"Next.." Those words made Asta eyes widened as he realized that he was going to be the only one in the group to not get accepted. "No..." The captains tilted their heads a bit. "NO!" Asta pulled his sword out and aimed it at me. "That man....That man is the person that I want to surpass..." He then lifted his face up. "So Please!...Give me the chance to do that!.."

He bawled his fist a bit and they stared at him. "What A Joke." That dark skin man got up and jumped down. He then started walking towards Asta while lighting his cigarette. "You...Have no Magic and yet your trying to get into a magic knights squad.." He got up to Asta and towered over him.

"Magic or not! I don't need it!" Asta made a serious face at the man and He puffed out some smoke. "Let's test that..." The dark skin man then started emitting this cold aura which made Asta flinch a bit. "You made the Time Master your rival. Why would you do something like that?"

He emitted more pressure and Asta said "S-So I can work harder and push myself even more..." He released more aura which made the people in the back fall down. "What will a magicless kid like you bring to my team? What will you bring to this country?" Asta gulped a bit and said "I will serve this city with my sword in my right hand like a true knight!"

Asta got serious again and the dark skin man stared at him. "Haha..." He slowly cackled out and spit his cigarette out. "You want to try the impossible and I like that! Join my squad and prove yourself worth to that stupid rival of yours!" He pointed at Asta with a smile on his face.

"Thank you sir! I promise to not let you down!" Asta smiled at him then smiled at me. I put my thumb up at him and smiled aswell. Asta soon came over to us and I placed my hand on his head. "You did good..." He closed his while smiling and said "Thanks!" I nodded at that and looked over.

"Now we wait for Nero..." I looked at her and saw her walking up. All the captains raised their hands at her as they saw her unique magic and was interested in it. She eventually chose the black bulls aswell and soon walked over to us. I congratulated her and she nodded.

"Guys.." They all stared at me. "We wont be seeing each other that much again but that's fine right? We knew that this would happen when we signed up for this..." They all put their head down a bit and slowly nodded. "Thats why well make tonight the best night of our lives..."

After orientation or whatever, I told them to go to a certain spot in the forest. "Bring it in guys..." They all nodded and we started hugging each other. I patted their backs a bit and smiled. "I know you want to join Xaoi.." I looked over my shoulder and he scoffed. "I will not associate myself with demons and humans.."

He folded his arms and looked away with a pissed face. I shrugged my shoulders at that and put my head down a bit. "Good luck guys. Be strong out there..." I heard some sniffles while saying that and I smiled a bit. It was time to split up and I guess...We all became a little too attached. That's fine tho..

"Alright..." We slowly undid our grips and I stared at their wet faces. Lidia was crying a bit which didnt surprise me. Shes slowly shown that she could work with us and now that we were leaving, It hurt her a bit. Asta was crying as we were the first group of people to accept him and now we had to depart. Kaida has been alone for a very long time.

She attacked cities for fun and when we met, She stopped as she knew that she found a place to have even more fun. With us that is. Nero, Scanty and Kneesocks werent crying but they had sad expressions on their faces.

"Its almost time..." That Wind hero was after Nero and he picked the masked man's group. A few more people were chosen after and the Magic Knights exam came to an end. We all said our final good byes to each other which took a while and left. Me, Asta, Nero and Xaoi soon walked out of the entrance gate together and saw the brown skinned man with his two lackeys.

"I got a lot this year huh?" He sighed out then put a cigarette in his mouth. "Those things kills you know." He blew smoke out into my face and said "Finral. Make a portal." We all stared at finral and he said.

"Y-Yami sir. A portal of that size will take time to-" He started sweating as Yami towered over him. "Quit complaining and make the damn portal."

Finral rapidly nodded and stuck his hands out. A huge portal appeared and he said "I cant hold it for that much longer..." We all ignored him and walked into it. We then arrived in front of this huge, rusted down building and stared.

"Well?.." He walked up to the door. "What do you think? Pretty classy rig-" The door exploded and I saw this blue streak of lighting come at me. I then put my hand out but I was too slow as I was hit into a tree. "Your...A fast one huh?.." I said while slowly getting up. "And your Strong!" His eyes were buck wide at me.

He then blitzed at me again but I was ready this time. He came a couple of feet away from me and I put my hand out. He then came at my hand and I caught his Neck. "Your more fun than Magna!!" He smiled at me and I smiled at him.

I then sat him down and he introduced himself. "My name is Luck! It's nice to meet you!" He put his hand out and I did the same aswell. We then shook hands with each other and I said "Kenji. Nice to meet you aswell.." We smiled at each other and I felt a shock. I then heated my hand up and we started laughing a bit.

"This is the black bulls huh?" Asta had a smile on his face while looking at the base. "Yep. Good luck." Yami then walked into the broken down door and disappeared.
