Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 22

"Were lucky they opened a way up for us huh?"

Lotus sat on the hood of his car with jewels and gold in his trunk. "You can thank yours truly as I used a spell to keep us hidden." He then thought back to himself in the Treasure room. He was behind a pile of gold while Mars was attacking.

"Well Anyways, Its great he didn't die." He looked over at the passed out Mars who was breathing heavily.

"AAAAAAH!!" Mars screamed out while holding someone in his arms. "WHY!? WHY DID I-" He was cut off as the person in his arms touched his face. His body was then engulfed in warm flames. 'Your...Healing My Wounds...' The person then fell back a bit.

"If I Didn't Attack You...Then You Wouldnt Have Fought Back.." Mars eyes widened as he stared at her. "You Were The Strongest...So You Were The Most Likely To Have Survived.." A tear fell down and hit her cheek.

"Go See The OutSide World For Me Mars..."

Fana smiled at him and static flashed in his mind. Mars then shot up and Lotus stared at him. "Oh? You awake Mars?" Mars stared out for a moment then slowly looked over at him. "Lotus?" Lotus nodded and smiled. "Good Job! Look at all the treasure you got us!" Mars stared for a moment then looked away.

He noticed that he was floating high up in the sky. 'I...Remember Everything Now...' A picture of Fana came back into his mind. 'Go See The Outside World For Me.' He saw her slight smile which made him touch his face a bit.

"Lotus.." They both then looked at each other. "You Saved Me. Thank You." The wind flapped around and Lotus stared blankly. "Well, Well. I Guess A Guy Like You Can Say Something Like That." Lotus smiled a bit and Mars Looked away.


Asta shot his eyes opened and sat up. "Where Is He!?" He shouted out and they stared at him. "A-Asta. Calm Down. You Need To Res-" He snickered out which made Noelle stop talking. "He's Fine. Well If He's A Time Master Then Yeah." Yuno dug in his ears and flicked whatever came out.

"I'm...Going to go back.." Asta sluggishly started walking away. "Stop Asta. I Won't Allow You To Go." Luck appeared in front of him and smiled. "Move Luck." Asta pushed him away and luck laughed. "Kenji! Stop Hiding Okay!!"

Luck stared at a piece of rubble and smiled. "Wow. I Even Hide My Magical Aura..." I popped out while rubbing the back of my head. "Kenji..." Asta slowly looked back with a smile forming. "Kenji!" "Time Master!" Those two jumped onto me and I fell onto the ground.

"Dont scare us like that.." Noelle clenched my shirt while crying. "I-I haven't repayed you yet, so you cant die yet!" Mimosa clenched onto my shirt aswell while crying. 'Repayed Me? Is She Talking About Me Giving Her My Magic?' I smiled a bit and leaned up against the rubble behind me.

I was about to place my hand on their backs but stopped. 'Not..Now..' I was forcing myself not to come onto to them. This...Is for the better probably. "O-Okay! I'm Done Now.." Noelle slowly got up and backed away. "Thank You.." Mimosa smiled and slowly got up aswell.

"I'm Such An Idiot." Asta came up to me and put his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up. "I Was About To Do Something As Harsh As Rushing In There, Putting My Own Life At Risk..." He frowned at himself and put his head down. "Its Fine.." I placed my hand on his head.

"I'm Glad You Worry For Me Asta. It Makes Me Happy." His eyes widened and he slowly smiled. "That...Means A Lot To Me.." He slightly blushed and I smiled. 'Oh Boy. I Knew Those Two Were Weird...' Yuno stared at us with a weird look plastered on his face.

"Asta. Your Quiet Tough.." Mimosa was amazed that he could walk around so easily. "Of Course! If I Want To Surpass Him Then This Much Wont Hold Me Back!" He smiled at her and she slowly smiled aswell. 'He's Actually Wants To Surpass A Time master..' Klaus pushed his glasses in and smiled. 'Good Luck...'

Noelle and Luck then came up around us and we talked a bit. 'There So Close...' Yuno stared at us in envy. He then frowned a bit and turned away. 'It Kind Of Angers Me That He Made Friends So Easily While I'm Here..' Yuno then made his cow dragon again.

"I'm Leaving. Are You Guys Coming?" Klaus and Mimosa stared for a moment then slowly nodded. We then waved them off as they got on the cow dragon and left. "W-Why Are You So Close To Me Idiot!?" She backed away and stepped closer.

"Uhm.." I scratched my face a bit with blush marks over my mask. "Your breast are hanging out...." She stared blankly at me then slowly looked down. Her face then became red and she hugged me. "W-Wait! Dont Take This The Wrong Way!.." She then looked up and saw my blushing face.

"Okay.." I laughed awkwardly and turned around. She held onto me as I did. "Let's go guys.." Luck and Asta nodded and we soon left.

....(AN: Fun Fact About Studio Periot: They always make the female lead hit the mc in the anime even though they don't in the manga.

This fact actually pissed me off to be honest. Like why bro. It makes the character seem more annoying then they actually are.)

"WHOOOOAH!!" Asta cheered out as we stared at the huge castle. "WHOOOOAH!!" He cheered out again and I covered my ears a bit. "Hey! Would You Stop Being So Noisy! Its Embarrassing!" She yelled in his ear and he whimpered.

"Sorry.." He whined out as he continued looking around. "Its Been A While Since I've Seen Buildings These Huge That's All.." We continued walking down the road while looking around. 'Kenji Is So Close...' She looked at me out of the corner of her eyes with a small blush.

I then looked at over at a small bakery which reminded me of the conversation that went down that led to this point.

"Hey, Kid! You Finnaly Woke Up Huh?" Yami smoked while starring at Asta, Who was chowing down on some food. "Great Job Anyways. You Always Seem To Get Beat Up Though..." Asta continued chomping on the food with sparkles in his eyes.

"Keep Eating Up Rasta!" Magna yelled at Asta and he rapidly nodded. "You can walk by the way? The Magic Knights Headquarters Need You And Kenji To Make A Report." I continued rubbing Vanessa hair, as she laid in my lap asleep.

"The Magic Knight Headquarters?" Luck walked over with a smile. 'I Bet Their Are A Lot Of Tough Guys There! Maybe I Can Fight 'Em!' He licked his lips while in thought. "You'd Start Trouble Luck So You Ain't Goin." Luck stared blankly at Yami with a smile.

"I Got A Fighting Mission For You Instead So Go On That With Magna." Luck then looked over at Magna. "Let's Team Up And Do Our Beat Magna!" He put his thumb up at Magna. "Tch! Why Dont You Go With Kenji? You Two Seem Close Now." He looked away with his arms crossed.

"Well, Kenji and I Are Close But...Your Still My Friend!" Luck cheered out at him which made Magna blush in embarrassment.

"Me! Me! I'll Escort Them!" Charmy raised her hand but was denied. "Hell No. How Can You go When All You Do Is Eat?" This shocked her and she floated away with a sad expression.

I sighed out and looked ahead. I then saw those 3 in front of us. "Well, Well. Is That The Golden Dawn?" They stopped walking and turned around at us. "Oh, Its Them." He said blankly and continued walking. "Hey Asta!" Klaus ran up to him.

"You've been out for a week right!? Hows your wounds!?" He shook Asta and Asta pushed off. "Listen Glasses. I uh...I dont really like you that much so stop touching me." Asta backed away from him which made Klaus freeze. "Mimosa." I waved at her and she slowly came up to me.

"I...dont think I gave you a proper thank you for healing Asta. Here." I placed my palm out and she stared at it. "Thank You.." She took the bracelet and put it on. "Its a shield. It should acti-" She then ran away from me which surprised me.

"Why'd she run away?.." I stared at her back and Noelle walked over to her. "What's wrong Mimosa?" Noelle stared blankly at her. "W-What should I do?.." Mimosa turned around while holding her face. She had a bright blush which surprised Noelle. "E-Everytime I'm around him, My heart beats faster and...And...He gave me a braclet.."

She squealed out a bit and Noelle stared. "Whaaat!?" Noelle screamed out. "And then I just ran off like that...He probably hates me now.." She whined out and Noelle said "Why that guy!? He's too tall, Arrogant And Stupid!" Noelle was actually confused.

"Thats...What I like. That and his mysterious charm.." Noelle face became redder at that. "No! No! No! He's Just Too...." She then made a surprised face at herself. 'W-Why am I so worried about this!? That guy means nothing to me!!' She agreed with her face fully red.

"And He wants to marry me.." Mimosa sighed out and Noelle stared. "Marry!?" Mimosa chuckled a bit at that. "Yes! I read in a book that giving someone a braclet is the same as proposing!" Mimosa squealed out and Noelle stared blankly.

"No.." Noelle then thought back to me giving Xaoi a bracket. "He..Proposed To Xaoi!?" They both squealed out and we stared at them. "Why are moaning out like that?" I shrugged at Asta and Turned away. We then started walking away and got to these stairs.

'Jonesy?' I saw a blond haired man in a suit. He had his hands together while tilting his head. He was also smiling with his eyes closed. "Hello There. Come On In." We all stared at the man. "Hey Julius. Long Time No See." I walked up to him we did a handshake.


They all had their mouths open. I then placed my arm around his neck and smiled. "How...Do you know him?" Klaus stared at me and I looked at Julius. "Well, When I was training in a cave, He found me. Things happened and we became friends."

Julius smiled out and nodded. "I even got him back on track.." I sofly planted my elbow in his side and walked away. I..Convinced him to start a new family. Took ages but I eventually did. "NO WAAAY!!" Asta cheered out with a smile. "My Two Heros Are Best Friends!!" He smiled out and and Julius laughed.

"Come On. Let's speak over here." He motioned them to follow him and he started walking away. The rest nodded and slowly started following him. We all then arrived in this small, open tower. "Sir! I never imagined that you would meet us directly!"

Klaus kneeled and julius laughed. "Why Not? I've been planning on meeting some of you in person anyways." He smiled and they all stared at him. "That's Amazing! The Mayor Wanted To Meet us!!" Asta had sparkles in his eyes again.

"Yes. You And Him Actually. I Heard That You Both Came From Another World So I Wanted To Hear More About That." Asta And Yuno became a bit surprised at that. "S-Sure! We'll Tell You All About It!" Asta cheered out and Yuno Nodded.

"Now.." He turned towards me. "You..Have something to show us all right?" He stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders. "No, Not Really..." I started sweating a bit so I looked away. "Don't You Guys Find It Weird That He Stayed Back In The-" I covered his mouth and laughed.

"Kenji? Did You.." I teleported us all into an open field. "W-Woah. It's been a while since you've done that to me.." He laughed a bit and I smirked. 'Yeah, If I remember correctly, I used this to get you out of my cave as you kept asking me to help you with some war.'

"Anyways.." I coughed a bit and held my hand out. "I...Get to keep the items. You take the gold." He nodded and I nodded as well. All the treasure then appeared in the huge field which surprised everyone. "Y-You risked your life for all of that!?" Noelle stared at me and I nodded.

"Well, On the Way here, I saw a lot of homeless children on the street. I healed them, yes, but I can't always be there.." I smiled a bit and julius patted my shoulder. "Your the same as back then.." He smiled at me and the others slowly did aswell.

'I urged him to help me back then. He denied me a million times but I kept trying. He still ignored me however and eventually teleported me back to the earth nation. When I got back, I saw that all of my people were healed. I...Will Always Be Grateful to your for that..' Julius continued patting my shoulder for a while but stopped as he saw my annoyed face.

"So, You want me to give all of this to the homeless." I nodded at him and he nodded aswell. "Now.." He slowly turned around. "Can You Show Me Your Magic!?" He ran up to Asta and Yuno which Surprised them. "Okay." Yuno held his hand out and a fairy like child with green hair and pointed ears appeared. "Amazing! Kenji, Its the wind spirit!"

The small child then yawned and looked around. She then layed it's small eyes on me. 'Dont...Say anthin-' Its face lit up and It said "Time Master!.." I flew at me and hugged my face. "Hey! What the hell man!" Yuno screamed out at me and I rubbed her back with a single finger.

'She only appeared as the wind. I never seen her like this..' She continued hugging my face which continued to piss him off. "Look!!" Asta pulled his sword out and showed him. "I-I found it in the dungeon!!" He then handed it to julius and he accepted it. 'Its slowly draining my magic?' Julius then tossed it to me and I caught it.

'Its...Barely draining my magic..' The sword then glowed blue which Surprised everyone. "Pretty cool sword Asta.." I tossed it back to him and he caught it. "Yeah! I can use magic now!!" He then slashed at me and I dodged it. It hit the mountain of gold behind me and it all disappeared.


Asta awkwardly laughed then ran away. "Its fine. I'll just..." I snapped my fingers and it all appeared again. "Oh, Time Magic. I wish I had it.." Julius sighed out and put his head down. 'You probably would be good with it..' Maybe he does have it in another time line.

"Well Julius, See Ya Later." He then placed his hand on my shoulder. "Were holding a ceremony for the magic knights who've shown Amazing results. I hoped that you all could join us." He smiled at us all and we slowly nodded. "Maybe I'll finnaly teach you my earth magic while your here. You always wanted to learn it right?"

He let go of my shoulder and laughed. A telephone booth made out of earth then appeared. It said "Testing Field" at the top. He then got in it and said "I'll have someone show you where it is. See ya." The location at the top then changed to "Royal Palace" and sunk into the ground.

"Yeah, I kind of did huh?"


We opened the door and saw them all. There were some captains with their subordinates. We then walked down the aisle and they stared at us. "Is that Noelle?" A woman with the same hair as her said. "It is! It's our little disappointment. .." A man with the same hair as her said. They both then laughed at that which made noelle look down a bit.

We then lined up at the end and looked over at the mayor. "Now then, The distinguish service ceremony may now begin!" Everyone then lined up horizontally on each side of the red carpet. After we did that, he soon began.

"Leopold Vermillion Of The Crimson Lions. You earned 7 starts so you will be appointed with the title of Intermidiate Knight 2nd Class."

The orange/red hair boy with a fang nodded. "You use the same flames as your elder brother. I heard that your squad got a new member though and she has better flames. Be careful not to get left behind..." Leopold gritted his teeth a bit and nodded.

"Sol Marron Of The Blue Rose Knights. You earned 6 stars which Grant's you the title of intermediate Magic Knight 3rd class." Julius smiled at her and she nodded. "Your Earth Is As Dynamic As Mine. I can see your potential." He winked at her and she nodded.

He then rewearded some more people and soon came to an end. "Well Done All Of You." He smiled at them and they smiled back. "Alright. We got a small reception for you all so please, Enjoy yourselves." He then started walking away but stopped.

He looked back at us and said "I almost forgot that we have special guest with us today. Make sure to get along okay?" He smiled and walked away. They all then looked at us and we smiled back.


"Something came up so I gotta go." Julius smiled and left the reception room. "I feel like we're being tested." Klaus looked all around like he was being watched. I then went up to a table and stared at the food. "Noelle. Why..Are you sweating?"

She seemed nervous about something. "I-Its nothing..." She looked away and I stared. "What the hell is this!? It's so good!!" Asta was throwing food into his mouth with sparkles in his eyes. "Just Look At The Confidence! As expected from Asta!" Klaus smiled at Asta which Made Asta frown.

"Kenji..." I turned around at the voice. "May...I join you?" Mimosa blushed while wiggling around. "Sure, Why Not." I smiled at her and she smiled aswell. "That Wretched Person Is A Hero?" I heard say which as mimosa fed me.

"Why Would The Mayor Invite Someone Like That?"

"I can't even feel any magic from him. I guess he was a failed summoned."

"And I heard people say he conquered that dungeon. Must have been luck."

"Look at the way he's eating. No manners at all."

"It seems almost unnatural for him to be here..."

Everyone stared at Asta. "Man, They sure are tearing into me huh? Whelp, I'm used to it.." Asta shrugged and continued eating. "Your speaking like your group isn't being carried by that wind Hero over there." They all then looked over at Leopold.

"Ever Since He Joined Your Squad, You Guys Have Been On This High Horse Or Something." Yuno laughed a bit at that. "Hell, I Bet I Could've Conquered That Dungeon MySelf." He Smirked at the Golden Dawn Member.

"Impressive Self-Confident Crimson Brat. You Act like We Expect Much Less From A Hero When That's What They Do. They Help Us And We Take Pride In That."

Yuno spat our food out. "Take Pride In Getting Help? And Here I thought I Joined The Golden Dawn, Not Some Group That Relies On Others." The Golden Dawn member started sweating a bit. He then looked over towards me and saw that Mimosa was whipping my face.

"Mimosa! I Heard That You Were Wounded first On The BattleField, Which Caused You To Leave The Front lines." Mimosa twitched a bit and slowly put her head down. "A Vermillion Royal... ...Ridiculous." He sneered at her and she quietly apologized.

"Now, Hang On. Are We Actually Forgetting About The Most Usless Person On That Mission?" The guy with the same hair as Noelle looked over at us. "Its You Isn't It!? Its Noelle Right!?!?" Noelle shivered a bit at her brother's words.

"An Embarrassment Who Cant Even Control Her Magic!" He yelled out at her and Noelle put her head down. "You Were Practically Expelled From Our Family. I'm Surprised You Had The Guts To Show Up." Her sister spoke out.

"Getting Excited Over Your Single Success?" I looked over and saw the leader of the silver eagles. "You Dont Belong Here. Leave This Place, You Failure Of A Royal." Noelles eyes started to widened and she slowly walked away.

"First Asta, Now Noelle? I Should Have Stepped In Sooner.."

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in close to me. "Noelle...Isn't that great at using her magic.." She stared at me and slowly started crying. "But That Doesnt Matter. What Matters Is Her Heart And What She Believes." Her Brother And Sister laughed at that but soon stopped as the eldest put his hand out.

"Noelle Is an Amazing Person. She Crys and Gets emotional about things when others don't. She expresses herself aswell which puts her apart from the rest of you. She trains and trains everyday and night which puts her above you."

I paused a bit and smiled at her. "To me, Noelle is perfect the way she is. She, Beautiful, Kind, Trustworth and most of all, She isn't a failure. You all are just blinded by the fact that she doesn't progress as fast as yourself..." Asta then walked up and said "Yeah! If your talking about failures then you should be speaking about yourself. What kind of family treats their own blood like that? You guys...Are failures as brothers and sister."

Asta stared at them all and they stared back. Noelle stared blankly at us with tears pouring out even more. "Thank...You.." She sniffled and put her head down. 'My Failure Of A Sister.' 'Your An Embarrassment To Royals.' 'You Should Give Up And Disappeared Noelle.'

The words of her 3 siblings ring around in her head. 'To me, Noelle Is Perfect In Every Way.' My words then entered her mind which made the others leave. 'She isn't a failure.' She cried out even louder and I placed my hand on her head. "Don't Be Sad Anymore Noelle. We All Believe And Care About You. Dont Forget Okay?"

I moved my hand a bit and let go. "Shut Up! Y-You dont know anything! She is anything but better then us!" Her brother shot out a water needle at me. Asta then stood in front of me and hit it back at him. He made a shield of water and the water needle connected.

"With My Authority, I Can Kill You On The Spot." I whispered in his ear and he froze. "Don't Let Me Hear You Speak Down On Her Again." I grabbed his neck and held him up. "Noelle. I've Been Putting It Off But I Promise..." The fog cleared up and everyone stared at us.

"I promise You That I'll Help. Your Already an Amazing Magic Knight. You Just Need A Little Push." I smiled at her while this solid guy was moving all around. "P-Please put him down.." Noelle stared at me and I stared back. She seemed relieved that I would go this far but she still cares about there well being. 'They treated her like trash and yet, She still cares for them...' I threw him and he flew into a table.

"Time Master. I Don't Appreciate You Hurting My Family." Nozel stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders. "Your Treating Your Sister Like Shit. Why Is That?" I slowly walked up to him with a smile. "Or Can You Not Speak About It?" I laughed out and he slowly started sweating.

"Go On. Tell Us.." I Towered over him and he looked away. "I'm...Going To Report This To Old Man Julius. You Know How He Is About Justic And That." Julius hates things like this. Julius thinks everyone should be treated equally so Noelle being treated like this would probably set him off.

"No. We understand so Please don't tell Lord Julius About This." He bowed down at me and I stared at him. "What we do to our sister isn't right and we understand that." Yeah, I know you do but your brother and Sister over there probably dont. "I'll Talk To My Brother And Sister About This Aswell."

I looked over and saw that his little brother and sister were scowling at me. "Sure.." I disappeared and reappeared in front of Noelle. She whipped her to face then clenched her shirt. "Kenji...You Dont Know How Much Your Words Mean To Me..." She gave me a genuine smile and I blushed a bit.

"Y-Your Welcome." She continued smiling at me then said her thanks to Asta. He said "No Problem. Were Friends Afterall." Which made her smile even more. "Aren't You Embarrassed Silvias?" A tall man with Vermillion hair stood over Nozel.

(AN: Vermillion....Is a color apparently. You learn something new everyday I guess.)

"Shut Up." Nozel stared up at the man. "Hey, Time Master!" I looked over and saw Leopold pointing at me. "You Stand Up For Your Squad Members And I Respect That!" I nodded and looked away. Noelle was holding the bottom of my shirt like a child but she didn't seem to know that she was even doing it.

The room then shook and I looked over at them. Both captains were emitting an aura at each other. Noelle clenched my shirt even tighter as she stared at it.

My eyes slowly widened and I turned around. Everything slowed down for a moment then sped up. "Where are you going!?" Asta screamed at my back as he saw me near the door. "The Kingdom. It's being Attacked!"

He heard the desperation in my voice which made his eyes slowly widened.

I ran out the door and went to Julius room. He wasn't there which made me grit my teeth. 'Where the hell are you!?' I hit the wall next to me which destroyed it. I then disappeared and reappeared outside. I saw all the fire and destruction and my head moved all around like it was malfunctioning.

"Your...Too Slow."

I heard the first speak to me.

"You Can't Keep Doing This. Your Becoming Slower Which Is Killing People."

The words of my mentor made my head move around even more.

"Go! Go Now Boy!"

The first yelled at me and I nodded with a blank face.
