Beggars in childhood

That was a quite nice day. As usual, sun rise from west. I woke up. I was getting late. I got ready in hurry. Then I left home. I was in Lahore for outing. I went to zoo. It was at the distance of almost 2 hours. During whole journey, I just observed one thing and that was ''little beggars''.

They were children. They were begging everyone.

Then I thought that who is responsible for this everything happening. At a time I thought that this is because of their parents, who are not doing any work or job and just begging, teaching their children that how to beg. But at the same time, a thought came into my mind that this all is not only their fault, our society is included too.

Our country does not have enough jobs. The people are with degrees but don't have job, can't do anything else except begging and stealing. But some people consider begging as their national job because of their laziness. But some are forced by circumstances.

Government can stop all this happening by providing enough jobs to public. This all is possible by public taxes. Due to shortage of taxes, government does not have enough money to provide more jobs.

At the same time, when I was thinking about this, I saw two little brothers of almost same age as beggars, selling the balloons. I walked near to them, I talked to them. They told that their father was poor, that's why they were doing this. When I tried to give them some money, their reply was;

''Our father had told us to do work and earn money.''

Just sit in complete meditation and think about this serious issue….