(Chapter seven.)

So any sane ghost trying to avoid detection would do, Sara flung herself over the railing.

Sara landed, thanks to the Force capabilities, somewhat on her feet on the next platform below. This time she tore off down the staircase without a second to look back. And as it turned out, that too was an error.

Dex fired his blaster and while it was nowhere near her, it did hit one of the crumbly railings above her. A large chunk of the staircase landed in front of her, so suddenly that she didn't have any time to react. She tripped, vaulting over the debris and off the edge of the staircase.

She tucked her chin to her chest and fell the rest of the way to the ground. Pain coursed through her body as she landed on a pile of rubble. Coughing, she rolled onto her back and eyed the gap between the ledge and the group disdainfully. Sara didn't even want to entertain the thought of what might have been destroyed in the floor- aside from the bones she probably shattered, of course.