(Chapter nine.)

She had docked the small spacecraft close to the entrance just in case she needed to make a quick get away- sort of like now. It was a light, refurbished star cruiser, and low key enough to not draw attention with the added caveat that it might stop working at any given moment. She had got it in a ship junkyard, so chances were strong that it was a piece of shit.

Climbing aboard, she settled into the pilots seat and fired up the engine. The cruiser shook slightly as it lifted off the ground, and she couldn't help but be thankful that she was by herself. Not just because the ship might fall apart if there was extra weight, but also because nobody was around to razz her piloting abilities. The first time Skywalker had ever let her fly one of his transports had also been the last time, and that embarrassment was eitched in her memory forever.

Regardless of her lack of piloting skills, she survived the flight off Coruscsnt and set course to the smaller planet of Bespin. It was relatively close by, but it still took a good half an hour to reach her destination. By the time the cruiser entered Bespin's atmosphere, she had probably looked out the viewpoint a thousand times, checking to make sure she hadn't been followed. Though it didn't seem like anyone had followed her, being cautious never hurt.