Following his gaze, Sara wiped the blood of her forearm carelessly. I'm fine, Sara insisted. Sara wanted to go straight to her room, straight to the shower, and then straight to bed- regardless of her aching ribs or bleeding limbs or rumbling stomach. Sara was a slave to exhaustion, and sleep would always outweigh any other concern.
Sara's partner had other ideas. You're going to the med bay, Kylo Ren said decidedly, hand against her shoulder, guiding her in the opposite direction. Sara rolled her eyes. A part of her wanted to resist, but she also knew the argument was pointless.
They were the only ones there, aside from the nurse droids who were stitching the cut in her arm. The silence turned out to be stifling, likely because they were both feeling equally awkward. After what happened on Bespin, the last thing Sara had expected was for him to stick his neck out in front of Snoke. For her. Then again, their relationship was inherently confusing as hell, so she wasn't sure what she had been expecting.