(Chapter fifty one.)

Sara had never been the best at raw strength in the Force, as her partner had. Kylo Ren was powerful, undoubtedly, but there were parts of the Force that couldn't be manipulated by violence. They required a finer, more scrutinizing touch. And luckily, Sara had always been good at the delicate process of slipping her way into somebody's mind.

The pilots thoughts were a jumbled, nervous mess. But one thing was pretty certain, he had stuck the map, on some sort of device, into a droid. A BB unit, mostly white. It would stand out stark on Jakku, but Force only knew what direction it went. The pilot himself didn't seem to know that bit of crucial information.

He hid it in a droid, Sara informed Kylo Ren, as well as Phasma. It's likely somewhere in the desert, by now. Said Sara.

So we launch a search, Phasma said obviously. Which direction? Phasma asked her.

Every and all, Sara answered. He doesn't know which way it went. Said Sara.

That will take all night, Kylo Ren pointed out.

Then so be it, Sara shot back, just as irritated.

And what about the pilot? Asked Captain Phasma.

Kill him, Kylo Ren said as Sara cuffed him. They faced each other, masked but still undoubtedly incredulous.

You just said he didn't know where the droid was, Kylo Ren reminded Sara.