Little Show

With movements fluid like water and light as wind, Nyos unsheathed his rapier and immediately proceeded to take a strange starting posture.

Nyos slowly changed his posture. He bent his knees and rests his left hand on the floor of the amphitheater, at the same time that he positioned his weapon in such a way that the point was ready to perform a lunge.

Nyos' stance resembled a sprinter's starting position, but he was still standing, so it was slightly similar to the starting stance used in football so it was a bit strange to see him in a match.

Nyos stared at his opponent as every muscle in his body tensed.

Discerning Nyos's strategy, Frey opted for a more defensive stance, drew his imposing sword of almost two meters, brought it close to his body while keeping the point in the direction of Nyos.

He anchored his feet firmly to the ground, tightened his grip on the hilt of his weapon and mentally prepared himself for the dressing of his friend.





When the countdown intoned by Zark finished, the duel began.

As expected, the agile swordsman Nyos was the first to act, his speed was blistering, from a normal person's point of view he would just be a blurred figure in motion.

"Fulgur" Nyos whispered and with it there was a great amount of lightning that screeched violently from his sword, the sound was similar to a thousand birds singing in a discordant way.

The creation of lightning was one of the enchantments of the rapier of Nyos, combining a piercing weapon capable of producing a small electrical storm was elegantly lethal.

But even if Nyos was incredibly fast, Frey had prepared his defenses for his opponent's attack, counting on the range advantage provided by his great sword, he would make a pre-emptive attack, thereby stopping Nyos's offense.

The transverse cut made by Frey hit Nyos directly, or so it seemed, since the sword simply pierced an intangible image of Nyos himself as a result of having dodged the attack.

The dodging of Frey's attack happened so quickly that Frey's own eyes were unable to process the movement.

Given the difference in stature between the two combatants, Nyos performed an upward thrust directly to the shoulder, he knew that he practically needed a critical hit to overcome Frey's massive armor, for that reason he directly attacked a vulnerable point, the union of two joints.

Attacking the small openings in the joints of a plate armor would be difficult with a cutting weapon and practically impossible with a blunt weapon, for this reason the Rapier of Nyos being a piercing weapon was perfect for this.

Upon critical hit, Nyos's electrically charged weapon produced a small thunder-like boom that echoed through the amphitheater.

"Eeerrr" the electricity that ran through Frey's body numbed his body and made it difficult for him to move, although from his point of view the damage caused by Nyos was bearable, if he continued to receive damage constantly he would surely lose.

Releasing his left hand from the grip of his great sword, he performed a backhand against Nyos with all his strength, he had to free himself from the mosquito to crush him.

Before Frey's backhand hit, Nyos took advantage of the superiority of his mobility and using his acrobatic abilities, he performed a jump using Frey's own fist as a platform that was directed against his person.

With the same movement used in the jump, he took out the pinned point of his weapon, to then position himself on the back of his opponent.

Unable to react, Frey watched as Nyos flew over his carrycot and positioned himself in his blind spot.

Slamming a lunge directly into his neck, he directly pierced the junction of two cervical vertebrae at the same time as another sonic boom rumbled and the electrical discharge raced through every sensory nerve in Frey's body.

A normal person would have died with that impact, for anyone who was low level, it would have meant an Instakill, that was Nyos' lethal blow.

But… even if his spine was punctured and his nerves atrophied, Frey wouldn't die so fast.

He returning his hand to the sword's grip and made a horizontal slash against Nyos.

Nyos would not remain motionless waiting for the counterattack, he removed his sword and by means of an elusive jump the sword that was directed against him, performing a pirouette in the air, turning around in the air and being headfirst, his gaze met directly with Frey's eyes inside his helmet.

One of Frey's eyes released a red flash, that gave Nyos a bad feeling.

The bad feeling came true.

Suddenly stopping the momentum produced by his weapon's movement, Frey changed the trajectory, now arcing up against Nyos.

Unable to do anything, Nyos received the attack directly.

And although the great sword had struck, the attack had not finished; Taking advantage of the massive size of his weapon, he used it to directly slam Nyos into the ground and knock him down in the process.

Frey's combat maneuver produced results, slamming Nyos to the ground, kicking up a light cloud of dust in the process.

The impact contained such a level of force that a series of cracks occurred in the ground and some bones of Nyos were heard breaking.

Although Nyos' ribs were totally fractured, it doesn't mean that he was out of action.

"[Skill: stand up]" Using one of his class abilities, Nyos rested his hands on the ground and pushed himself against Frey.

Using momentum, he directed a double kick against Frey's helmet, although the damage was totally nullified due to Frey's defensive capabilities, Nyos seized the moment to take another action.

He team the rapier of him that was on the ground, and as if it were a screw, he turned his body to drive the weapon directly against one of Frey's eyes; he did all of this while he was still hovering in the air.

Although Nyos's movement was impressive, it was not enough, having suffered a great amount of damage in a single attack and his ribs were fractured, his movements had been slowed down.

Using his left hand, Frey stopped Nyos's attack preventing him from being able to move an inch.

"Oh no" knowing what would happen, Nyos braced himself for the impact.

Maintaining his grip on Nyos' hand, Frey held him tightly, and like a child with a doll, slammed him directly into the ground.

Nyos' body bounced against the ground and rolled a few meters.

Nyos spat a large amount of red liquid on the ground.

Although Nyos is deadly and capable of dealing a considerable amount of damage with a single attack, his low defense makes him fragile; As a general tactic, Nyos relies on his acrobatic abilities to avoid attacks and create openings in the opponent's guard, but although his agility is exceptional, at any moment he can miss and take all the damage from a player. attacks.

Nyos could easily be described as a crystal cannon.

Frey charged directly at Nyos, raised his sword above his head and directed his final attack on his opponent.

With a shaking hand and the sight of him blackening, Nyos grasped his rapier and positioned it in the direction of the approaching attack, although he knew it was useless for Frey's attack, he still had to try.

When Frey's attack came down ...

... it stopped before impacting.

Frey's abrupt stop caused the centrifugal force produced by his movement to shake Nyos's horse.

Frey dug the tip of his sword into the ground and reached out to help his partner.

The combat was over.

♦ ♦ ♦

Result of combat


HP: 58/104


HP: 3/42

♦ ♦ ♦

Zark was surprised at the combat that happened before his eyes.

Although the combat was relatively short, it was full of action.

Watching as Frey extended one of his hands to Nyos, they both approached walking; From Zark's point of view, it was surprising that Nyos was able to stand up, though without much thought, he attributed all of this to his new reality.

"In a world of magic and fantasy everything is possible" was his thought.

As he watched as Nyos stumbled closer, another thought arose in his mind.

"What should I do now?"

He should gather clues, although it was not clear to him how this world worked, for the moment Zark was simply an ignorant traveler. He had to exercise caution and gather information very carefully.

"But how should I do it… ..?"

Zark's lonely words echoed through the air.

When Frey and Nyos were far enough apart, Zark uttered "truly exciting… the two of them… did really well."

Hearing Zark's admiring words, the two combatants grinned from ear to ear, though it was impossible to discern Frey's expression due to his helmet.

"Thank you for your praise from him Lord Zark. It's been a long time since he took such a great beating! " was Nyos ironic response before wiping the sweat (and blood) on his face, however by doing so they sweated even more, it seemed that he was trying very hard to resist the pain of his broken ribs.

Without saying anything, Zark approached, extended one of his hands and activated "[Heal Critical Wounds]" was a level 4 healing spell.

From Zark's hand emerged a golden colored magic circle that he possessed in front of other smaller magic circles, the light that emanated from Zark strengthened Nyos's body and in a short time he healed all his wounds.

Nyos looked at his hand as he opened and closed it, then checked his chest to confirm his broken bones; as he expected, he was no longer in pain and his bones had healed.

Lowering his head from him, he thanked his lord "thank you very much"

Zark waved his hand to downplay his action "No problem, I think it is the duty of the Lord to help his subordinates" after thinking for a few moments, he addressed him to Frey "do you require healing?"

"I'd appreciate it," Frey said as he touched the back of the neck.

Performing the same procedure, he also cured Frey; but he wasn't done yet.

As a Dungeon Master, he knew that the mechanics of hunger, thirst and sleep existed, given the opportunity, he decided to try another spell.

"[Conjure: Wanderer's Flask]" Made of a transparent glass-like material, the summoned flask was filled with fresh water. Due to the ice water, innumerable drops of water gathered on the surface of the jar, that with one hand, with the other "[Creation: glass cups]" emerging from nowhere, two beautiful glass cups emerged.

He took two beautiful cups, filled them with water, and offered them "For you," Zark said as he handed over the crystal cups.

"Huh? It is very kind of you…."

"It is unexpected ..."

In an attempt to clear the doubts, Zark decided not to give them importance "don't worry, one of my skills is to create common magic items for a short period of time" Seeing Nyos waving his hands constantly and Frey shaking his head continuously, Zark smiled .

"This is nothing. You have done very well and this is my way of thanking you. "

"Keil won't hit us?" asked Nyos

"No way"

"... and won't he give us a lecture on good manners either?" was Frey's restlessness

"do not worry"

Nyos without refusing more, took the cup with one hand and drank it in one go. Spilling drops of water that slid down his throat and continued until they disappeared on his chest.

On the other hand Frey did not drink the water, mainly because he was lazy to take off his helmet, he looked at the glass cup with the water and simply threw it on his head, when the water came into contact with his body, it produced a slight hiss of water evaporating.

As he watched them drink the water, Zark's hand touched his own neck.

His body so far did not feel thirsty and did not even feel sleepy. Although it was obvious that an undead does not feel those things, the realization that he was no longer human made him reflect on his current situation.

The sense of touch felt duller compared to that of a human. It seemed that he was touching something with a cloth placed in the middle. On the other hand, whether it was his auditory or visual senses, it seemed that they had become sharper.

And even despite being so different from how he was in his home world, he had a strange feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. It seemed to him that this was how his body should be. Maybe this was why he didn't panic when his body changed.

"They want more?" Zark held up the Drifter's Flask and asked if they wanted to drink more.

"Uh- Thanks! I've had enough!"

"Is that so? So how about your Frey? "

"I'm fine, I'm not thirsty."

Nodding in response, Zark picked up the two cups and dispelled the magic that had created them.

Suddenly a voice was heard.

"They seem to be having fun, could I join in?"

The one who spoke was a young girl, and the way she spoke was quite mature and polite.

"My lord, my only ruler, whom I love, who saved me when I was just a little baby, my dear father"