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Among the Dead, Part 2

Erich led Viktor off the street and led him for a hundred yards, then into the maze of back streets around the carpenters and woodworkers guild. As they moved quickly, they were talking.

"Erich, where are we going?"

"I can not ... I can tell you."

"Why not? Are we going to the docks? "

Erich took a moment to reply.

"Y… yes. T… that is... it. "

"But I thought you couldn't tell me."

Logic seemed to have abandoned Erich along with good sense.

"I… I can not! B... Because you ho… you would be h... horrified. "

Viktor's blood ran cold. What could it be that Erich was so desperate to show him and yet he was unable to mention?

Suddenly, all of Viktor's suppressed doubts and worries returned in a moment of panic that made his heart race. Erich was walking away, several steps ahead of him, turning down a narrow alley between tall, neglected apartment buildings with red Xs beginning to peel at the doors.