Rink and Mess were passionately arguing over an obscure point of theosophy, and the sheer belligerence of the younger man drove the older man to the brink of daze.
It was impossible to argue with him. There was no way to reason, there were only absolutes. The arguments were black or white. There was no room for the gray spaces of interpretation in between.
Normally, there was nothing Rink enjoyed more than a good discussion, but today's youth seemed to have abandoned the art of reasoning for passion. It was all a matter of passion.
Rink put aside the whale bone he had been carving, and rolled her head to exercise her neck as he stretched. Carving was a therapeutic activity for him, but his eyes were no longer what they had been just a few years before, and the small details demanded a headache-causing effort. He felt the weight of each of the years that he was.
Brother Gurman would be back soon. Perhaps he could bring young Mess to his senses.