Mess greeted the younger of the two men with a tired smile, and held out a hand for him to shake.
The Inquisitor ignored the hand and did not return the smile. There was something clearly cold about the man, but, given his trade, it was perhaps not surprising.
The older man nodded and they entered the interior of the temple. He, at least, had the decency to bow deeply before the statue of Radiantus, the god of light, and join hands in prayer, while the other simply continued walking, touching the seats with the tips of his shoes, and snapping. her tongue at the silver runes embedded in the windows. His footsteps echoed coldly.
Mess watched the man, fascinated by his confidence as he examined every nook and cranny of the old temple. He took a thin glass wedge from the front table next to the censer and tilted it so that it caught the light and reflected it in a rainbow on the wall.