It was already night in Eastheim, the capital of the Duchy of Eastland. Among the narrow streets of the city, only magic lamps enchanted with the [Light] spell provided a dim source of light.
But maybe, just maybe, it would be better to stumble in the dark right now.
Among the narrow alleys of the city, a girl ran. Dressed in expensive, exotic, ruffled noble robes, yellow in color, with the face of a beautiful woman around the eighteenth winter of her. Her face would have been beautiful, her bright green eyes would have shown vivacity, if it weren't for the incomprehensible fear nailed to her face right now.
Her high-quality clothing from hers was worn, ripped, and stained with blood. Her bare chest from hers shown by her half-torn and lost corset. The street was littered with the corpses of the city guards, slowly rising like zombies. Gurgling sounds chased her at every step, steadily closing in.