Reaching Heaven in a Single Bound

Madam Lisa found a lot of information on her cell phone. She put it in front of Alger and said, "You said you're staying here at the moment. That's great."

"Our family has some businesses here right now. I'll let you take care of them."

Alger was a little shocked.

At first, Alger had only thought that Madam Lisa was just a wealthy person. He had never thought she would be such an impressive person.

Alger felt like he directly reached heaven in a single bound in just a few minutes.

"Youssie Corporation," Madam Lisa said.

Alger was even more surprised. He had heard Winne mention this corporation when she talked to Alina yesterday, and now, it actually became his own company!

No wonder Bode Villas would directly give him the most expensive villa for free that day.

After that, Madam Lisa took Alger to Youssie Corporation directly, called upon a board meeting, and appointed Alger as the CEO of the corporation.

When everything was dealt with, Madam Lisa told Alger about something before he left.

She still had something to deal with in Vancouver. Since she was mainly here to see her son, Alger, which she had, she was planning to go back.

Madam Lisa stood in front of the window in the office, looking at the cars down on the street, feeling very emotional in her heart.

Madam Lisa could finally give Winnie a better life!

When Winnie came to the company, she found that everyone was looking at her like she was an idiot.

Winnie was speechless. She knew why these people looked at her like that. It was because she exchanged Wells Corporation which she was originally responsible for with Bode Villas, the company that was the hardest to deal with.

However, Winnie didn't regret it, as she would rather go to Bode Villas to give it a try than to see Cyril again.

Winnie prepared some information in the office and was ready to go to Bode Villas.

Once she got out, she saw Aries. There were also a few other members of the family behind him. Winnie didn't want to talk to them and was about to leave directly, but Aries stopped her.


Winnie frowned slightly and said as she turned around to look at Aries, "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to Bode Villas? Do you need me to give you a lift?" Aries said arrogantly.

Next to Aries was his BMW. Winnie glanced at it indifferently and said, "I'll go there by myself."

"How are you going to get there? By taxi or by bus?" Aries burst into laughter without constraints after hearing that.

The others also gave a mocking expression. Suddenly, Aries stopped laughing and looked cold.

Aries then said, "Are you really going to Bode Villas? Just forget about it. Bode Villas is the most difficult to deal with!"

"You even prepared this information. It's useless. You should just go home directly!"

Winnie frowned tightly. She looked at Aries and said with a cold voice, "What if I could get it?"

Everyone froze, before bursting into laughter the next second, as if they heard a joke.

"Alright, if you succeed, I'll call you grandma!" Aries shook his head and said with a mocking tone, "But that's impossible!"

"You said that!" Winnie said to Aries coldly.

"Haha!" Seeing Winnie talk to him like this, Aries' face also darkened immediately. "But what if you can't do it?"

"What do you want?" Winnie frowned as she looked at Aries and said.

"My condition is very simple. If you can't do it, you'll have to kowtow and apologize to me. You must also sever your relationship with the family in front of everyone else. You'll not be a member of the Rolle family from then on!" Aries said to Winnie with a faint smile.

"Deal!" Winnie agreed without a doubt.

If Winnie cut off her relationship with the Rolle family, Aries and the others would be assigned more businesses by the family in the future. Evidently, the people behind Aries were thrilled by this.

After this conversation, Winnie left without hesitation.

Before she went far, Madam Bella called.

"Do you really have to piss me to death to be satisfied?" Madam Bella yelled on the other side of the phone, "Does your brain have a problem? I heard that you made a bet with Aries and that you'll leave the Rolle family if you lose?!"

"I think you don't want me to live anymore. These people have always disliked us. Don't you know how difficult it is for us to live here right now?"

Winnie was frustrated. She had no idea how she should explain it. She said, "No, let me explain."

"Forget about it. You don't need to explain anymore. Get back here right now. I'll be waiting for you at home!" Madam Bella said furiously.

Winnie remained silent. She then hung up the call immediately without hesitation and turned off her phone.

When Madam Bella realized Winnie had hung up, she called her again angrily, but Winnie's phone was already turned off. At that time, she felt really hopeless.

And yet, Winnie's father, Mr. Dunne, looked calm. He looked at Madam Bella and said, "Winnie did the right thing this time."

"You know nothing!" Madam Bella immediately shouted at Mr. Dunne after hearing what he said, "You're also responsible for what's happening now. If you were a bit more capable, I wouldn't have to live like this!"

Seeing Madam Bella scold him like this, Mr. Dunne shook his head in frustration and started to read his newspaper again.

Alger looked at Lisana, who was wearing a professional attire in front of him, and said. "Show me around the office."

This was the secretary Madam Lisa had arranged for Alger. She gave people a cold feeling. She definitely looked like a professional strong woman.

Lisana nodded. She then walked outside together with Alger.

Looking at Alger's back, Lisana felt frustrated in her mind. She felt like such a large corporation would probably be doomed if it was handed to Alger.

Lisana thought Alger was one of those good-for-nothing young men from a wealthy family, so she was still a bit dissatisfied with him in her heart.

However, this was still his company. And there was nothing Lisana could do about it.

Alger walked around everywhere. If Lisana didn't know Alger was the new CEO, she would have thought he was some random guy who came out of nowhere.

While Alger was hanging around, he suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

"Manager, I hope you can take a moment to consider this. We're very sincere."

"Alina, you know that quite a lot of people come to us and all of them say that they're sincere."


"Don't tell me this, okay? I can't just listen to you. You must show me your sincerity!"

Alina was wearing a light blue mini dress. The manager had been looking at Alina's fair legs since the beginning. Evidently, he was up to something bad.

Noticing the man's gaze, Alina felt disgusted. She immediately got up and said, "I'm sorry. Since you've said so, I won't bother you anymore."

After saying this, she walked outside anxiously, but the man stopped Alina.