Not Negotiable

"Alger, he's here now!" Brook said with a deep voice.

Hearing that, Alger was immediately dumbfounded and people around Alger also looked at him in shock one after another.

They had no idea why Alger would suddenly offend such a terrifying person, but Brook didn't seem to know Alger either.

So, Alger didn't say anything and people around Alger also dared not to make a sound.

Brook saw that no one was telling him Alger's whereabouts. He thought that the intel he got was probably wrong. He was also frustrated in his mind. This person didn't seem to be easy to find.

Bart looked at Alger, who dared not to make a sound, and felt complacent in his mind. He finally found an opportunity to teach Alger a fierce lesson. With what happened just then, Alger had become a real eyesore to Bart.

So, he directly pushed Alger to Brook instantly and said loudly, "Alger is here."