Chapter 1 Dumped

Xu Ke was at his girlfriend Siao Jia's home.

The prospective mother-in-law had called him over to talk about the wedding.

He hung his head low, not daring to meet the gaze of his prospective mother-in-law Chang Xiujuan.

"Speak up."

Chang Xiujuan clamored.

Siao Jia's brother, Siao Fan, spat out a sunflower seed shell that landed right in front of Xu Ke.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I really can't manage it."

Xu Ke clenched his teeth tightly, managing to squeeze out a few words.

Chang Xiujuan's face changed, "My Jia Jia is only asking for a dowry of 250,000, and you can't even afford that?"

"After buying the house, I really can't afford it." Xu Ke's smile was bitter, almost like he was about to cry.

"Get out."

Chang Xiujuan cursed angrily, "You can't even afford a dowry of 250,000, and you still want to marry my Jia Jia?"


At this point, Siao Fan spat the rest of the sunflower seed shells into the trash can, clapped his hands, and pointed at Xu Ke's nose, "How am I supposed to get married without the 250,000?"

Xu Ke looked to Siao Jia for help, "Jia Jia..."

The expression on Siao Jia's face was icy cold as she paid him no attention.

"Don't sound so affectionate. From now on, the two of you are broken up," Chang Xiujuan stepped forward and yanked Xu Ke to his feet.

Xu Ke still held onto hope, "Jia Jia, please speak up for me. I've already paid the down payment for our house."

Siao Jia shook her head, "It's not going to work. My brother is getting married too. If you don't have the money, then we should break up."

Xu Ke turned pale when he heard Siao Jia's heartless words, "But didn't we agree? After I supported you through your medical master's degree, we would get married."

Siao Jia became agitated as if he had touched a sore spot, and she shouted, "Xu Ke, what are you talking about?!"

"Now you want to use your financial support for my studies as moral blackmail to marry me?"

"Yes, I asked you for help with my tuition fees because my family opposed my graduate studies, but you agreed of your own accord, didn't you? It's not like I held a knife to your throat."

"Now my brother is getting married, and you can't help. I have no way to marry you."

"You have no money, no education, how can you be worthy of me? Emotion cannot be eaten as food. Xu Ke, we are all adults, have some self-awareness, okay?"

Siao Jia's words were pointed and ruthless, piercing deeply into Xu Ke's heart.

Xu Ke began to sway as if about to collapse.

He couldn't accept that his girlfriend of many years had turned into this.

The gentleness of past times now equaled the present day's pain.

Siao Fan sneered with contempt, "A toad lusting after swan meat. My sister is the campus beauty, with loads of people waiting to pursue her."

Chang Xiujuan was even more impatient, "Why are we still talking about this? In a bit, Li Jun will come to pick up our family in a Ferrari for dinner; don't let him see this."

Xu Ke was stunned, his eyes suddenly lifeless, "You're still in touch with Li Jun?"

Li Jun was Siao Jia's ex-boyfriend from college, very wealthy, but later he cheated, and Siao Jia was dumped, which is how Xu Ke ended up with her.

He had thought that the two had long since cut off contact, but now he realized that Siao Jia and Li Jun were still connected.

Siao Jia's gaze darted away, and now that she had broken up with Xu Ke, she said boldly, "What's that to you?"

"Fine, fine, it's none of my business."

Xu Ke's eyes welled up with a crimson red as he was filled with despair, "The tuition you wanted, I borrowed money to pay for you, the handbags you wanted, I worked delivering food to buy for you, the down payment you wanted, I worked overtime teaching private classes, getting my parents to borrow money to make up..."

"And now, for damn dowry money for your brother, you just dumped me."

"Still cozying up to that asshole Li Jun."

"Now I understand what they call the cruel heart of a woman, what it means to have a foot in two boats."

"Hahaha, Siao Jia, am I some trash that you can just use and throw away?"

Xu Ke was so provoked that he looked deranged.

Siao Jia's face changed color, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you know what I'm talking about?" Xu Ke roared, his eyes nearly splitting with rage.

He had always thought that as long as he endured his mother-in-law's nitpicking and bought a house, he could definitely look forward to a happy future, which is why he bit his tongue and suffered in silence.

But now he sadly discovered...

That what he thought was walking hand in hand was just his own wishful thinking.

Siao Jia felt guilty and didn't dare to meet his eyes.

Just then.

A sharp pain suddenly struck Xu Ke's back, and he fell face first, "Ah..."


Xu Ke was kicked to the ground by Siao Fan.

Siao Fan withdrew his foot, spitting out a glob of saliva, "Why the hell are you yelling? This is the Siao residence. Your poor ass whining here is annoying; get lost quickly."

"Well done." Chang Xiujuan even applauded.

Seeing Xu Ke in such a sorry state, Chang Xiujuan showed a satisfied expression.

A poor wretch dares to criticize them?

Courting death.

Enduring the severe pain, Xu Ke stood up, glaring at Siao Fan intently.

He was a fitness instructor, and if not for being so deeply hurt by Siao Jia, how could he have been successfully ambushed?

Siao Fan was taken aback.

The bloodshot-eyed Xu Ke was too terrifying.

Siao Jia hurried forward, blocking Siao Fan and glaring at Xu Ke, "What do you want to do? Want to hit my brother? Believe it or not, I will call the police? Xu Ke, I knew you were a bully. Sooner or later, you would have hit my family. Luckily, I broke up with you early. Otherwise, I'd regret it for the rest of my life."

Xu Ke was stunned; he couldn't believe Siao Jia would twist the truth so blatantly.

Her brother started it, so how did it become his fault?

Siao Fan was smug again, "Why don't you hit me, Xu Ke? Come on, I'm standing right here."

Xu Ke tuned him out, staring blankly at Siao Jia's cold demeanor. After a long time, Xu Ke finally showed a bitter smile, "Fine, fine... Siao Jia, consider us completely through after this kick."

After speaking, Xu Ke turned around and left the Siao residence.

"Go away, poor trash still talking so much, who do you think you are?"

Chang Xiujuan cursed and slammed the door shut fiercely.


A loud echo.


Looking at the closed door, Xu Ke's eyes turned blood-red, his fists clenched white.

He swore that he would make Siao Jia regret this!

But what Xu Ke didn't anticipate was that the day Siao Jia would kneel and beg for mercy would come much sooner than he imagined...