Chapter 9: Fury

At that moment,

the doctor walked out of the room and looked at Nie Yuncong, "If you have matters to discuss, go outside. Don't make a scene here."

Then he said to Xu Ke, "Come back for your consultation after you've sorted out your private affairs."

Upon hearing this, Xu Ke's face changed color.

However, the doctor walked past the two of them and shouted to the patients waiting behind, "Next."

The emotionless electronic announcement rang out, "Number fifty-seven, Wong Ming."

The doctor turned and went back inside.

Nie Yuncong sneered, "Now there's no need to see the doctor, right? Hurry up and pay back the money, bastard."

Xu Ke took a deep breath, "Let's talk somewhere else."


Nie Yuncong arched his brow, agreeing very easily.

He turned and headed towards the emergency exit.

As he turned his back, an imperceptible sneer flickered in Nie Yuncong's eyes.

If someone really wanted the money, they wouldn't corner a debtor like this in a hospital.

In fact, he had been sent by Li Jun to deliberately make things difficult for Xu Ke.

As long as he made it impossible for Xu Ke to even see a doctor, his mission would be complete.


In the silent emergency staircase,

the atmosphere was tense.

"Pay back the money."

Nie Yuncong crossed his arms.

Xu Ke looked at Nie Yuncong, "Brother Cong, what about our brotherhood before, and the favor of introducing you to President Zhou? Can't you even wait for a while?"

"I just want to see the money."

Nie Yuncong pressed forward step by step.

Although his task was just to interfere with Xu Ke's hospital visit, if he could take the opportunity to get back ten thousand, Nie Yuncong wouldn't mind.

Their faces were both torn, it was definitely better to get the money back sooner rather than later.

Xu Ke, clenching his teeth, said, "Brother Cong, I don't have money now, but I will definitely pay you back, I can assure you that."

"Haha, how do I know you won't run away?" Nie Yuncong sneered, "What do you have now that can act as assurance?"

"I still have a house."

Xu Ke gritted his teeth and said.

Nie Yuncong scoffed, "Isn't that Siao Jia's?"

As he spoke,

Xu Ke's head felt like it was going to explode.

All he could think of was the despair and helplessness in front of the house that morning, along with Siao Jia and Li Jun's arrogance at noon...

This sentence became the final trigger that ignited Xu Ke's rage.

"Who the fuck said the house is hers?"

He suddenly erupted in a fury, roaring at Nie Yuncong, "Nie Yuncong, that house is mine, it's mine, fucking mine, do you hear me?"

Xu Ke's roaring echoed throughout the empty stairwell.

Xu Ke's sudden outburst left Nie Yuncong stunned.

Seeing Xu Ke's bloodshot eyes and the veins on his forehead throbbing, Nie Yuncong got scared. Despite his fat and big frame, it was all flab.

If Xu Ke gave him a couple of punches in his rage, he couldn't take them.

He could only mutter softly, "If it's yours, then it's yours, but you should give me the money…"

"No money, I fucking said I have no money, don't you understand? Can't you understand? Eh?!"

Xu Ke slammed his fist against the wall with force.

Seeing the dent that appeared on the wall, Nie Yuncong's face turned pale, stuttering, "You you you, don't get excited, just remember to pay me back later."

"Get lost."

Nie Yuncong scrambled away, running down the staircase opposite the direction of Xu Ke.

He tripped and fell flat on his face.


A scream rang out, but Nie Yuncong didn't dare to look back.

As he flailed away, he kept muttering, "When you owe money, you're the boss, just my bad luck."

"Damn it."

Xu Ke watched Nie Yuncong's retreating figure, pain flashing in his eyes.

Human relationships are cold.

And society is realistic.

No money, and you have nothing.

Just then,

the phone rang.

It was mom.

Xu Ke's eyes widened. Why would mom call at this time?

He frantically tried to calm his emotions and answered, "Mom, what's up?"

Xu Ke's voice was hoarse.

This was due to yelling too loudly just now.

"Why did you take so long to answer the phone? Mom's worried about you. Also, what happened to your voice?" his mother asked with concern.

Xu Ke quickly made up an excuse, "There was a client training, I was just busy, and, I might have gone to entertain the boss yesterday, got a little overheated."

"Then you remember to drink more herbal tea and don't overwork yourself," mom advised.

"I know, mom, by the way, why did you call me?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you, Siao Jia being a city girl, might be a bit delicate, so look after her and don't lose your temper. If you're out of money, just ask mom for it."

On hearing this, Xu Ke felt a bad premonition and his face changed color, "What did Siao Jia tell you?"

"She told me you've been tight on money for loan repayments lately, a bit irritable, and took it out on her. She felt a bit aggrieved, under a lot of stress, but mom has transferred a few thousand to her, so don't worry," mom explained.

Xu Ke's nails dug into his palms, his chest filled with stifling anger...

Damn it!

Siao Jia had actually called his mother.

Xu Ke ruffled his hair, deciding to come clean, "Mom, don't transfer money to her. She and I have broken up."

He knew for certain.

If he kept the secret, continuing to avoid worrying his mother by not revealing the truth, it would definitely bring unrest to the Xu family.

But upon hearing this, Xu Ke's mother scolded him, "Stop talking nonsense, you are about to get married. Don't say such inauspicious things, husband and wife should live harmoniously."

"Just apologize to her, a couple's quarrel is supposed to end on the bed."

"Alright, mom won't talk anymore, I have to get busy."

"That's it."

To prevent Xu Ke from saying anything rash, his mother hung up the phone immediately.

This only made Xu Ke even more infuriated.

He opened his contacts and dialed Siao Jia's number.

He had to have a clear talk with her!