Chapter 32 The Ring

Xu Ke was taken aback.

The look on Wong Qifu's face was far from friendly.

And her sudden words carried an undertone of picking a quarrel.

No sooner had he opened the door than Wong Qifu confronted him with a sharp remark.

But this only made Xu Ke even more confused, so he simply stepped aside, "Excuse me, Sister Wang, please come in."

Wong Qifu walked straight in, passing by Xu Ke, he could still smell the fragrance lingering on her.

This was the first time Xu Ke had seen Wong Qifu since he left the Wang Family Corporation.

The woman was still breathtakingly beautiful.

Wong Qifu walked to the table, then turned to look at Xu Ke, still expressionless.

The room was very quiet.

Xu Ke closed the door and approached Wong Qifu.

The wind blowing in through the window was somewhat chilly.

"Sister Wang..."

Xu Ke attempted to initiate conversation.

"Don't talk."

Wong Qifu cut off Xu Ke in a terse manner.

Xu Ke shut his mouth.