Chapter 48 Xu Ke is Captured (6th Update)

"Has the Ye Family's brat become so arrogant?" Ouyang Shuang coldly sneered. "This old body has already saved your lives, if you continue to be so greedy, do not blame me for being merciless."

As the words fell.

Another surge of formidable aura rose.

Song Zhong and Ye Chen looked ghastly, as they had been losing ground repeatedly from the beginning until now.

A three-way standoff ensued.

Ye Chen was desperately thinking, trying to figure out a way to get a share of the spoils.

Wang Wu's brows furrowed slightly.

Something about the situation was off.

At the moment Ouyang Shuang appeared, he had already sent out a message for help, but whether help would arrive in time was entirely down to fate!

At that moment.

Xu Ke, trembling, stood up and said softly, "Uncle Wu, you go first."

On hearing this, Wang Wu's face changed, "What did you say?"

"I can't run anymore."

Xu Ke said, holding his belly with a wry smile.