Dear, Listen to my Explanation!

Clarence did not even take the lift. He sprinted all the way to Miranda's room.

Five-star hotels were equipped with password-based door lock systems. Emmett had had the hackers crack the codes, so Clarence could open the room door effortlessly with just a push of the handle.

The moment Clarence opened the door of the hotel room, he saw William unbuttoning Miranda's top.

"Darn you! Don't touch her! Get the hell out of here!"

When Clarence was greeted by such a sight, his eyes instantly turned red. He dashed over to William and ruthlessly swung his fist at him like a mad man.

Clarence had been exercising regularly at home despite being a househusband.

As such, how could the strength of a wealthy young master like William be comparable to Clarence? 

Besides, he was caught completely off-guard.


Clarence delivered a kick right into William's belly. After that, he rushed over and gave several punches to William's face.