A Bizarre Thurible

"Clarence, are you free now?" Richard asked.

Clarence nodded and said, "I am. What's the matter?"

"I hope you can keep what I'm going to say next to yourself." 


Richard continued, "Clarence, I'm in trouble. I had a car accident on the way back. It took me much hardship before I managed to return to my company. Then, my secretary made a cup of coffee for me. Little did one know that the cup would actually explode and cut my hand.

"I decided that my company was currently unsafe. So, I prepared to go home. What came after was that my elevator actually broke down, and I ended up trapped in it for more than an hour...

"Now, I find things taking a bizarre turn around me. Clarence, could you please make a trip down to my company?"

"A-Alright." Clarence nodded and gave him his word.

After he hung up, Miranda asked, "Who was it?"