Just An Outsider

"Dear, what's wrong?" Clarence looked at Miranda in surprise.

Miranda snarled, "What's wrong?! You're doing something so disgusting, and I'm not allowed to be grossed out? Be her new brother? What the f*ck kind of deal are you guys making under the table?

"Clarence, this can't go on any longer. Let's get a divorce immediately!"

Clarence quickly explained, "Dear, that's not true. Cecilia and I..."

"Cecilia this! Cecilia that! Cecilia, Cecilia, Cecilia! Look at how affectionately you say her stupid name." Miranda was bursting with jealousy.

She did not like Clarence, but she could not stand her husband being so close to another woman.

"You're not allowed to see her from now on."

"Give her the Ferrari back, and we'll get a divorce immediately if I find out you're still in touch with her after today."

With that said, Miranda turned around, hailed a taxi, and left by herself.