Burning The Bridge Upon Crossing It

"What ways?"

Armstrong looked at Miranda.

Miranda frowned and shot Clarence a hesitant look. "Didn't Clarence just save Jackson's life? If Clarence talked to Jackson about it, perhaps Kaysen could avoid jail time using the Hayes family's influence!"

The Murphy family's eyes all lit up.


If Clarence talked to Jackson, Kaysen would be fine as long as the Hayes family was willing to help him.

After all, the Hayes family's influence in Mediterranean City was not to be underestimated.

"That could work. Clarence, tell Jackson right now!" Armstrong was instantly delighted. Why had he not thought of Clarence's connection to the Hayes family?

Clarence shrugged helplessly. "Dad, Jackson owes me a favor, doesn't he?

"You know that these kinds of favors hold less power every time you call upon them!

"Shouldn't I save Jackson's favor for my future?"

Clarence was not actually thinking about his own future.