What Happened Eight Years Ago

With everyone watching, Ginny, who had just been dead, resurrected.

She had resurrected in public.

Greyson and the other doctors felt like they had been slapped across the face. Their cheeks burned!

The person they had pronounced dead had now resurrected?

What the hell was going on?

They had checked earlier. Ginny had already been dead. She was not breathing, she had no pulse, and her heart had stopped beating.

'How come she…'


Jackson and Helena stood stiffly on the spot, unable to react.

"Dad, Mom! What are you still standing there for?

"Ginny's awake!" shouted Jeremy.


Jackson and Helena instantly came back to their senses and rushed over to Ginny. They were excited, joyful tears in their eyes.

This feeling of great joy intermingled with great sadness could only be felt if you were a parent who had just lost and then recovered your child's life.

"Master Howard, thank you!