Four Alliance Check

Clarence did not ask any more questions when he saw that Miranda was agitated.

The two made their way to First Pavilion's entrance.

First Pavilion was very famous in the antique market. It not only traded in jade items and jades, but also in raw jade stones.

It was called 'stone gambling' by the public.

You just needed to buy a raw stone and cut it open. You would make a profit if there were any jadeite or jade inside.

You would suffer great losses if there was nothing inside.

Many had gone bankrupt or become rich overnight because of this.

Clarence and Miranda entered First Pavilion. Sure enough, they saw Armstrong sitting in First Pavilion's lobby with a grim face.

A young woman in her early thirties was sitting at the head of the table, holding a cup of fragrant tea.

Several people were gathered around Armstrong as if to prevent him from escaping.