You Want Revenge?

"Call someone?"

Slap... "Go ahead! If the person you call can't kill me, I'll slap you several times again."

Clarence slapped the woman again. She grew dizzy, the rage in her eyes thickening.

She did not hesitate to take out her phone to make a call. "Hello, Honey? Boohoohoo, I've gotten slapped just after coming back.

"This is pissing me off. He said he would slap me several more times if I didn't call someone to come here."

After calling her boyfriend, the woman called her family. "Hello, Tony? Someone slapped me. I'm right next to the Chanel boutique on Walker Street.

"Yes! The man who slapped me was a young man looking to be around his twenties. He's dressed in crappy clothes from a roadside stall.

"You'd better call everyone in Uncle's family. They're in the real estate business. They must have some connections.

"The boy is just too arrogant. I want him crippled."

The woman glared at Clarence.